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Sunday, June 21, 2009

As a step toward total independence from the Kingdom of Denmark, Greenland assumes control over its law enforcement, judicial affairs, and natural resources. Greenlandic becomes the official language.
Self-rule is introduced in Greenland following a 2008 referendum. //news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8111292.stm (BBC)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Militants in Delta State, Nigeria, blow up a Chevron oil pipeline leading to a cessation of production by Chevron in Nigeria. //www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087sid=aQlz1X9kMya4refer=home (Bloomberg)
The death toll in the Philippines from Typhoon Fengshen rises to at least 20 from flooding and landslides. Ten people drown after the Rifao River overflows its banks and sweeps away three houses in South Upi, Maguindanao. //news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-06/21/content_8414202.htm (Xinhua)
2008 Pacific typhoon season: Typhoon Fengshen in the Philippines
France and Algeria sign an agreement that could lead to French nuclear power technology being employed in Algerian reactors. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7467438.stm (BBC News)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

NASA postpones the landing of "Atlantis" at Kennedy Space Center due to inclement weather, prolonging STS-117 for another day. NASA states that it can extend the mission until June 24 if necessary. //www.beta.cnn.com/2007/TECH/space/06/21/space.shuttle.ap/index.html (CNN)

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

A Volna booster rocket carrying the first light sail spacecraft (a joint Russian-United States project) fails 83 seconds after its launch, destroying the spacecraft.
Elizabeth II conducts the International Fleet Review of 167 international warships in the Solent, as part of the Trafalgar 200 celebrations.
Three U.S. Navy SEALs, 16 American Special Operations Forces soldiers, and an unknown number of Taliban insurgents are killed during Operation Red Wings, a failed counter-insurgent mission in Kunar province, Afghanistan.

Monday, June 21, 2004

In Mojave, California, SpaceShipOne becomes the first privately funded spaceplane to achieve spaceflight.

Thursday, June 21, 2001

The world's longest train is set up by BHP Iron Ore and is recorded going between Newman and Port Hedland in Western Australia (a distance of 275 km, or 170 miles) and the train consists of 682 loaded iron ore wagons and 8 GE AC6000CW locomotives, giving a gross weight of almost 100,000 tonnes and moves 82,262 tonnes of ore the train is long.

Wednesday, June 21, 2000

Section 28, a law preventing the promotion of homosexuality, is repealed by the Scottish Parliament.

Sunday, June 21, 1992

Nelson Mandela announces that the African National Congress will halt negotiations with the government of South Africa following the Boipatong massacre of June 17.

Thursday, June 21, 1990

An earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter Scale kills thousands in the Iranian city of Manjil.

Wednesday, June 21, 1989

British police arrest 250 people for celebrating the summer solstice at Stonehenge.

Monday, June 21, 1982

Prince William is born at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, West London.

Tuesday, June 21, 1977

Some 200,000 protesters march through the streets of San Francisco, protesting Anita Bryant's antigay remarks and the murder of Robert Hillsborough.
The Women Marines are disbanded, and the women are integrated into regular Marine Corps.
CKO (a now-defunct Canadian all news radio network) begins broadcasting.
The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization is permanently disbanded.
Bülent Ecevit, of CHP forms the new government of Turkey (40th government since the founding of the Turkish republic, but fails to receive the vote of confidence)
EAC dissolved.
American Roy Sullivan is struck by lightning for the seventh time.
16-year-old shop assistant Jayne Macdonald is murdered by the Yorkshire Ripper in Leeds, England.
Elvis Presley holds his last concert at Market Square Arena in Indianapolis.
The 1977 Rugby League World Cup culminates in Australia's 13 – 12 victory over Great Britain at the Sydney Cricket Ground before about 24,450 spectators.

Monday, June 21, 1971

Britain begins new negotiations for EEC membership in Luxembourg.

Tuesday, June 21, 1966

Opposition leader Arthur Calwell is shot after attending a political meeting in Mosman, Sydney, Australia.

Friday, June 21, 1963

Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) succeeds Pope John XXIII as the 262nd pope.

Friday, June 21, 1957

John Diefenbaker becomes Canada's 13th prime minister.

Saturday, June 21, 1952

The Philippine School of Commerce, through a government act, is converted to the Philippine College of Commerce (later the Polytechnic University of the Philippines).

Monday, June 21, 1948

The Deutsche Mark becomes official currency of the future Federal Republic of Germany.

Thursday, June 21, 1945

WWII: The Battle of Okinawa ends.

Friday, June 21, 1940

WWII: Vichy France and Germany sign an armistice at Compiegne, in the same wagon-lit railroad car used by Marshal Ferdinand Foch to accept the surrender of Germany in 1918.

Monday, June 21, 1937

The coalition government of Léon Blum resigns in France.

Wednesday, June 21, 1933

All non-Nazi parties are forbidden in Germany.

Saturday, June 21, 1930

One-year conscription comes into force in France.

Friday, June 21, 1929

An agreement brokered by U.S. Ambassador Dwight Whitney Morrow ends the Cristero War in Mexico.

Tuesday, June 21, 1898

Sunday, June 21, 1891

First long-distance transmission of alternating current by the Ames power plant near Telluride, Colorado, by Lucien and Paul Nunn.

Tuesday, June 21, 1887

The British Empire celebrates Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee, marking the 50th year of her reign.//www.royal.gov.uk/output/page929.asp Royal.gov.uk

Thursday, June 21, 1877

The Molly Maguires are hanged at Carbon County Prison in Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania.

Tuesday, June 21, 1864

American Civil War: Battle of Kennesaw Mountain near Kennesaw, Georgia.
On this date, the first condom was made by the International Condom Company (ICC).

Wednesday, June 21, 1854

Said Pasha succeeds his nephew Abbas as the Pasha of Egypt.
Battle of Bomarsund in the Åland Islands (which later became part of Finland - in 1920:) The Royal Navy seaman's mate Charles D. Lucas throws a live Russian artillery shell overboard by hand before it explodes, for which he was awarded the first Victoria Cross in 1857.
In Jackson, Michigan, the first convention of the U.S. Republican Party is held.

Saturday, June 21, 1851

The Colony of Victoria separates from New South Wales.
Serial poisoner Hélène Jégado is arrested in Rennes, France.

Monday, June 21, 1813

Peninsular War ndash Battle of Vitoria: A British, Spanish, and Portuguese force of 78,000 with 96 guns under Wellington defeats a French force of 58,000 with 153 guns under Joseph Bonaparte.

Saturday, June 21, 1788

New Hshire ratifies the United States Constitution and becomes the ninth U.S. state, enabling the Constitution to go into effect. (The latter happens on March 4, 1789, when the first Congress elected under the new Constitution assembles.)

Friday, June 21, 1765

The Isle of Man is brought under British control, the Isle of Man Purchase Act (coming into force 10 May) confirming HM Treasury's purchase of the feudal rights of the Dukes of Atholl as Lord of Mann over the island and revesting them into the British Crown..

Thursday, June 21, 1764

The English-language "Quebec Gazette" is established in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. As of 2008, it is the oldest surviving newspaper in North America.

Friday, June 21, 1737

In Britain the Theatrical Licensing Act requires plays to be submitted to the Lord Chamberlain for censorship.

Monday, June 21, 1734

In Montreal, New France, a black slave known by the French name of Marie-Joseph Angélique is tortured then hanged by the French authorities for allegedly setting a fire that destroyed part of the city.

Monday, June 21, 1621

Thirty Years\\' War: Twenty-seven Czech lords are executed on the Old Town Square in Prague as a consequence of the Battle of White Mountain.
Thirty Years' War: Twenty-seven Czech lords are executed on the Old Town Square in Prague as a consequence of the Battle of White Mountain.

Monday, June 11, 1582 (Julianian calendar)

The Incident at Honnō-ji occurs in Kyoto, Japan.

Friday, June 11, 1529 (Julianian calendar)

War of the League of Cognac: Battle of Landriano: French forces in northern Italy are decisively defeated by Spain.

Tuesday, June 12, 1481 (Julianian calendar)

The papal bull "Aeterni regis" grants all land south of the Canary Islands to Portugal.

Wednesday, June 13, 1380 (Julianian calendar)

Battle of Chioggia: the Venetian fleet defeats Genoeses.

Thursday, June 13, 1359 (Julianian calendar)

Upon the death of Erik Magnusson, his claims to the Swedish throne die with him and power is restored undivided to his father, king Magnus.

Saturday, June 14, 1208 (Julianian calendar)

Philip of Swabia, King of Germany and rival to Holy Roman EmperorOtto IV, is assassinated in Bamberg by German Count Otto of Wittelsbach, because Philip had refused to give him his daughter in marriage.
With the help of the newly converted local tribes of Livs and Letts, the Crusaders initiate raids into part of what is present-day Estonia the resulting ancient fight for independence lasts until 1227.
Robert of Courçon writes his "Suma".

Sunday, June 19, 533 (Julianian calendar)

September ndash Belisarius arrives at Sicily, which he uses as a staging area, with the permission of the Ostrogoth queen Amalasuntha, daughter of Theodoric the Great and regent of Italy. The Ostrogoths help him with supplies and the fleet is prepared for the final attack.
A Byzantine expeditionary fleet under Belisarius sails in 500 transports escorted by 92 war vessels (dromons) manned by 20,000 seamen from Constantinople to attack the Vandals in Africa, via Greece and Sicily. The fleet carries 10,000 infantry, about half Byzantine and half "foederati", and 5,000 cavalry, consisting of 3,000 Byzantine horseman, 1,000 foreign allies (Huns and Heruli) and 1,500 of Belisarius' retainers ("bucellarii").Procopius, "BV", Vol. I, XI. 7–16 On the flagship Belisarius is accompanied by his military secretary Procopius and his wife Antonina.
Source: Wikipedia