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Tuesday, June 20. 2023, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

The death of Neda Agha-Soltan, an Iranian student shot during a protest, is captured on what soon becomes a viral video that helps to turn Neda into an international symbol of the civil unrest following the presidential election.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The government of Dubai announces that it has purchased the RMS "Queen Elizabeth 2" from Cunard Line for US$100-million. It intends to turn her into a floating hotel at the Palm Jumeirah when she leaves service in late 2008. //news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070618/bs_afp/uaebritaintourismqe2_070618114642 (AFP via Yahoo! News)

Thursday, June 20, 2002

Technology – Toshiba clones Apple Computer's iPod.

Wednesday, June 20, 2001

Andrea Yates drowns her five children in a bathtub and confesses to her crimes.

Thursday, June 20, 1996

The Nintendo 64 video game system is released in Japan.
Thousands of Megawati Sukarnoputri supporters clash with police in Jakarta.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu is given an official farewell at his retirement service.

Tuesday, June 20, 1995

Oil multinational Royal Dutch Shell caves in to international pressure and abandons plans to dump the Brent Spar oil rig at sea.

Monday, June 20, 1994

Dean Mellberg, an ex-U.S. Air Force member, entered the hospital at Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, shot and killed five people, and wounded nineteen.//www.nytimes.com/1994/06/21/us/gunman-kills-2-and-hurts-19-on-air-force-base.html Note: headline not updated to four killedsee body of article.

Saturday, June 20, 1992

In Estonia, the kroon replaces the Soviet ruble.

Thursday, June 20, 1991

Mesut Yılmaz, of ANAP forms the new government of Turkey (48th government)
In Germany, the Bundestag votes to move the capital from Bonn to Berlin.

Wednesday, June 20, 1984

The official name of the Turkish city Urfa is changed into Şanlıurfa.
Virgin Atlantic Airways makes its inaugural flight.
The biggest exam shake-up in the British education system in over 10 years is announced, with O-level and CSE exams to be replaced by a new exam, the GCSE.

Friday, June 20, 1980

Augusta AVA becomes the first federally recognized American Viticultural Area.

Wednesday, June 20, 1979

A Nicaraguan National Guard soldier kills ABC TV news correspondent Bill Stewart and his interpreter Juan Espinosa. Other members of the news crew capture the killing on tape.

Tuesday, June 20, 1978

A shootout between Provisional IRA members and the British Army leaves 1 civilian and 3 IRA men dead.
A magnitude 6.5 earthquake hits Thessaloniki, Greece's second largest city, killing 45 people, injuring hundreds and damaging some of the city's Byzantine landmarks.
1978 Iranian Chinook shootdown: Iranian helicopters stray into Soviet airspace and are shot down.
Charon, a satellite of Pluto, is discovered.
São Tomé and Príncipe recognizes the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).

Wednesday, June 20, 1973

The Ezeiza massacre occurs in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Snipers shoot on left-wing Peronists, killing at least 13 and injuring more than 300.

Sunday, June 20, 1971

Britain announces that Soviet space scientist Anatoli Fedoseyev has been granted asylum.

Friday, June 20, 1969

The Cuyahoga River fire helps spur an avalanche of water pollution control activities resulting in the Clean Water Act, Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement and the creation of the federal Environmental Protection Agency
Georges Pompidou is elected President of France.
Judy Garland dies of drug overdose in her London home

Thursday, June 20, 1968

Austin Currie, Member of Parliament (MP) at Stormont in Northern Ireland, along with others, squats a house in Caledon to protest discrimination in housing allocations.

Monday, June 20, 1966

French President Charles De Gaulle starts his visit to the Soviet Union.

Sunday, June 20, 1965

Police in Algiersbreak up demonstrations by people who have taken to the streets chanting slogans in support of deposed President Ben Bella.

Monday, June 20, 1960

The short-lived Mali Federation, consisting of the Sudanese Republic (now the Republic of Mali) and Senegal, gains independence from France.

Friday, June 20, 1958

The iron barque "Omega" of Callao, Peru (built in Scotland, 1887), sinks on passage carrying guano from the Pachacamac Islands for Huacho, the world’s last full rigged ship trading under sail alone.

Sunday, June 20, 1948

The U.S. Congress recesses for the remainder of 1948, after an overtime session closes at 7:00 a.m. D.C. time (to be shortly interrupted by Truman's recall from Congressional recess for July 20, 1948).

Wednesday, June 20, 1928

Puniša Račić shoots 3 opposition representatives in the Yugoslavian Parliament, and injures 3 others.

Wednesday, June 20, 1900

Boxer Rebellion: Boxers gather about 20,000 people near Peking and kill hundreds of European citizens, including the German ambassador.

Tuesday, June 20, 1893

The Wengernalpbahn railway in Wengen, Switzerland (Canton of Bern) is opened.
Lizzie Borden acquitted of murdering her parents.

Friday, June 20, 1890

"The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde published by Philadelphia-based "Lippincott's Monthly Magazine".

Monday, June 20, 1881

The current Cincinnati Reds baseball team plays its first game.

Thursday, June 20, 1878

U.S. Coastal Survey renamed U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.

Saturday, June 20, 1868

Fort Fred Steele is established to protect what is at this time the western terminus of the Union Pacific Railway, near the present-day Sinclair, Wyoming .

Wednesday, June 20, 1866

The Kingdom of Italy declares war on Austria.

Saturday, June 20, 1863

West Virginia is admitted as the 35th U.S. state.

Sunday, June 20, 1858

The last rebels of the Indian Mutiny surrender in Gwalior.

Monday, June 20, 1842

Anselmo de Andrade, Portuguese economist and politician, is born in Vila Real de Santo António.
June ndash James Nasmyth patents the steam hammer in the United Kingdom.

Tuesday, June 20, 1837

July ndash Charles W. King sets sail on the American merchant ship "Morrison". In the Morrison Incident, he is turned away from Japanese ports with cannon fire.
18-year-old Queen Victoria accedes to the throne of the United Kingdom on the death of her uncle William IV without legitimate heirs. She will reign for more than 63 years. Under Salic law, the Kingdom of Hanover passes to William's brother, Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, ending the personal union of Britain and Hanover which has persisted since 1714.

Monday, June 20, 1791

Sunday, June 20, 1790

Compromise of 1790: Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton come to an agreement: Madison agrees to not be strenuous in opposition for the assumption of state debts by the federal government Hamilton agrees to support the capital site being above the Potomac.

Saturday, June 20, 1789

Tennis Court Oath is made in Versailles.

Wednesday, June 20, 1787

Oliver Ellsworth moves at the Federal Convention that the government be called the United States.

Thursday, June 20, 1782

July ndash Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, receives a visit from Pope Pius VI.
The bald eagle is chosen as the emblem of the United States of America.

Tuesday, June 20, 1719

Austrians are defeated in the Battle of Francavilla.

Wednesday, June 20, 1685

Monmouth Rebellion: James, Duke of Monmouth declares himself at Taunton to be King and heir to his father's Kingdoms as James II of England and Ireland and James VII of Scotland.ref name=ODNB Monmouth/

Monday, June 20, 1667

Pope Clement IX succeeds Pope Alexander VII, becoming the 238th pope.

Sunday, June 20, 1638

Spanish troops under Ferdinand of Austria defeat a much larger Dutch force near Antwerp at the Battle of Kallo during the Eighty Years War.

Sunday, June 20, 1632

Charles I of England issues a charter for the colony of Maryland (named in honor of Henrietta Maria), under the control of Lord Baltimore.

Friday, June 20, 1631

Monday, June 20, 1605

Pretender Dmitri and his supporters march to Moscow he is crowned the next month.

Sunday, June 20, 1599

The Synod of Dier is convened.

Wednesday, June 11, 1483 (Julianian calendar)

The powerful Fernando II, Duke of Braganza is executed in Portugal, followed by more than 80 other noblemen, for his plot against the Royal crown.

Tuesday, June 11, 1448 (Julianian calendar)

The Regency period of Sweden ends with the election of Karl Knutsson Bonde as King Charles VIII of Sweden.

Sunday, June 11, 1419 (Julianian calendar)

Monday, June 12, 1346 (Julianian calendar)

English win small victory at La Roche-Derrien in Brittanny.ref name = crecy/

Monday, June 13, 1295 (Julianian calendar)

The Pope proposes the Treaty of Anagni seeks to bring peace to between the house of Anjou and Sicily, in vain.

Friday, June 13, 1214 (Julianian calendar)

The University of Oxford receives its charter.

Thursday, June 13, 1101 (Julianian calendar)

Robert Curthose, duke of Normandy, lands in Portsmouth to try to take the throne from his brother, Henry. Later that year (July), he signs the Treaty of Alton, giving up his claim to the Anglo-Norman throne and establishing Henry I as King of England.

Tuesday, June 19, 451 (Julianian calendar)

Battle of Châlons: Attila avoids a pitched battle near Orléans and withdraws to the Catalaunian Plains (Chagne-Ardenne). The Roman coalition defeat the Huns, but Theodoric I is killed in the encounter. This is the last military victory of the Western Roman Empire.
Thorismund succeeds his father Theodoric I as king of the Visigoths. He is crowned in the capital at Toulouse and extends the Visigothic Kingdom in Hispania.
Source: Wikipedia