Unix Timestamp: 922924800
Thursday, April 1. 1999, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Thursday, April 1, 1999

In Laramie, Wyoming, Russell Henderson pleads guilty to kidnapping and felony murder, in order to avoid a possible death penalty conviction for the apparent hate crime killing of Matthew Shepard.
Nunavut, an Inuit homeland, is created from the eastern portion of the Northwest Territories to become Canada's third territory.
Two Libyans suspected of bringing down Pan Am flight 103 in 1988 are handed over to Scottish authorities for eventual trial in the Netherlands. The United Nations suspends sanctions against Libya.
A bomb explodes at the Valley of the Fallen Church in SpainGRAPO claims responsibility.
Kosovo War: Kosovo's main border crossings are closed by Serbian forces to prevent ethnic Albanians from leaving.
Source: Wikipedia