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Tuesday, April 29. 2025, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Friday, April 29, 2011

An estimated two billion people watch the wedding of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey in London.
The wedding of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine Middleton takes place in Westminster Abbey Middleton becomes HRH The Duchess of Cambridge. Police make at least 18 arrests along the wedding route in London. //artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/28/get-your-royal-wedding-fix-on-tv/?smid=tw-artsbeatseid=auto ("The New York Times") //english.aljazeera.net/news/europe/2011/04/20114297035414865.html (Al Jazeera) //www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2011/04/28/royal-wedding-schedule-minute-by-minute-timetable-115875-23090994/ ("Daily Mirror") //www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-13132410 (BBC) //news.sky.com/skynews/Article/201009115981730 (Sky News)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Amidst Russia's effort to improve relations with NATO and with the West in general, NATO expels two Russian diplomats from NATO headquarters in Brussels over a spy scandal in Estonia. Russia's Foreign Ministry criticises the expulsions.
Following more than a quarter-century of fighting, the Sri Lankan Civil War ends with the total military defeat of the LTTE.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

An explosion in the Nangarhar Province of Afghanistan kills at least 15 Afghans with another 25 injured. //www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/04/29/AR2008042900241.html (Reuters via "The Washington Post")
The Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon establishes a task force to tackle the 2007–2008 world food price crisis. //ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jtFqRVL1zLJZWOfQuDRQ-ihVYBOgD90BFCQ01 (AP via Google News)

Thursday, April 29, 2004

The last Oldsmobile in the GM marque's 107-year history rolls off of the assembly line.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

The United States announces that it will be reducing its military presence in Saudi Arabia to a handful of advisors.
The United States announces the withdrawal of troops stationed in Saudi Arabia, and the redeployment of some at the Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar.

Friday, April 29, 1994

Commodore International declares bankruptcy.

Wednesday, April 29, 1992

Los Angeles riots: Acquittal of four police officers in the Rodney King beating criminal trial triggers massive rioting in Los Angeles. The riots will last for six days resulting in 53 deaths and over a $1 billion in damages before order is restored.

Monday, April 29, 1991

30 ndash In Lesotho, a bloodless coup ousts military ruler Justin Lekhanya. On May 2, he is replaced as Chairman of the Military Council by Elias Phisoana Ramaema.

Tuesday, April 29, 1986

Saturday, April 29, 1972

The fourth anniversary of the Broadway musical "Hair" is celebrated with a free concert at a Central Park bandshell, followed by dinner at the Four Seasons. There, 13 Black Panther protesters and the show's co-author, Jim Rado, are arrested for disturbing the peace and for using marijuana.
The Burundian Genocide against the Hutu begins more than 500,000 Hutus die.

Thursday, April 29, 1971

Bolivia nationalizes the American-owned Matilde zinc mine.

Wednesday, April 29, 1970

The U.S. invades Cambodia to hunt out the Viet Cong widespread, large antiwar protests occur in the U.S.

Monday, April 29, 1968

The musical "Hair" officially opens on Broadway.

Saturday, April 29, 1967

Fidel Castro announces that all intellectual property belongs to the people and that Cuba intends to translate and publish technical literature without compensation.

Friday, April 29, 1966

The Church of Satan is formed by Anton Szandor LaVey in San Francisco
U.S. troops in Vietnam total 250,000.
Regular hovercraft service begins over the English Channel (discontinued in 2000 due to the Channel Tunnel).

Thursday, April 29, 1965

Liverpool wins the FA Cup Final, beating Leeds Utd 2–1.
Bob Askin replaces Jack Renshaw as Premier of New South Wales.
Australia announces that it is sending an infantry battalion to support the South Vietnam government.
The Battle of Dong-Yin occurs as a conflict between Taiwan and the People's Republic of China.

Monday, April 29, 1963

Buddy Rogers becomes the first WWF Chion.

Tuesday, April 29, 1952

Lever House officially opens at 390 Park Avenue in New York City, heralding a new age of commercial architecture in the United States. Designed by Gordon Bunshaft of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, it is the first International Style skyscraper.

Sunday, April 29, 1951

RKO releases the Howard Hawks sci-fi film, The Thing (From Another World).

Friday, April 29, 1949

The "News Review" reveals neither Selhurst College nor its headmaster H. Rochester Sneath exist.!This is newsworthy why, exactly?

Monday, April 29, 1946

Trial against war criminals begin in Tokyo the accused include Hideki Tōjō, Shigenori Tōgō and Hiroshi Ōshima.

Wednesday, April 29, 1942

May ndash Operation Pluto: The plan to construct oil pipelines under the English Channel between England and France is tested in the River Medway.
WWII: An explosion at a chemical factory in Tessenderlo, Belgium leaves 200 dead and 1,000 injured.

Monday, April 29, 1935

The first edition of the Vuelta a España is raced and goes on to become one of the 3 Grand Tours of road bicycle racing.

Wednesday, April 29, 1903

A 30-million-msup3/sup landslide kills 70 in Frank, Alberta.

Friday, April 29, 1892

Wednesday, April 29, 1868

General William Tecumseh Sherman brokers the Treaty of Fort Laramie between the United States the Plains Indians.

Friday, April 29, 1859

Austrian troops begin to cross the Ticino River to Piedmont.

Saturday, April 29, 1848

Pope Pius IX publishes an allocution announcing his refusal to support Piedmont-Sardinia in its war with Austria and dispelling hopes that he might serve as ruler of a pan-Italian republic. The allocution, by which Pius is seen to withdraw his moral support for the Italian unification movement, is a key first step in the soon-to-be crushing reaction against the revolutions of 1848.

Tuesday, April 29, 1817

The Rush-Bagot Treaty is signed.
May ndash The General Convention of the Episcopal Church founds the General Theological Seminary while meeting in New York City.

Monday, April 29, 1805

Tuesday, April 29, 1794

May 1 ndash Battle of Boulou: The French defeat the Spanish and Portuguese forces.

Sunday, April 29, 1770

James Cook drops anchor in a wide bay about 16 km (10 mi) south of the present city of Sydney, Australia. Because the young botanist on board the ship, Joseph Banks, discovers 30,000 specimens of plant life in the area, 1,600 of them unknown to European science, Cook calls the place Botany Bay.

Saturday, April 29, 1769

James Watt is granted a patent for improvements to the steam engine, an invention which helps inaugurate the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.

Saturday, April 29, 1758

Battle of Cuddalore: A British fleet under Sir George Pocock engages the French fleet of Anne Antoine d'Aché indecisively near Madras.
Battle of Cuddalore: A British fleet under Sir George Pocock engages the French fleet of Anne Antoine d'Aché indecisively near Madras.

Thursday, April 29, 1688

Death of Friedrich Wilhelm, the Great Elector of Brandenburg-Prussia. Friedrich III becomes Elector of Brandenburg-Prussia until 1701, when he becomes the first King of Prussia as Friedrich I.

Tuesday, April 29, 1670

Pope Clement X succeeds Pope Clement IX as the 239th pope.

Monday, April 29, 1624

Louis XIII of France appoints Cardinal Richelieu chief minister of the Royal Council.

Saturday, April 29, 1623

A fleet of 11 Dutch ships depart for the coast of Peru, seeking to seize Spanish treasure.

Sunday, April 20, 1483 (Julianian calendar)

Gran Canaria, the main of the Canary Islands is conquered by the Kingdom of Castile, very important step in the expansion of Spain.

Wednesday, April 20, 1429 (Julianian calendar)

Joan of Arc arrives to relieve the Siege of Orléans.

Wednesday, April 23, 1091 (Julianian calendar)

February With the taking of Noto, the Normans complete the 30 year long conquest of Sicily from the Islamic rulers.
The Islamic Abbadid dynasty ruling in Spain falls when the Almoravids storm Seville. Confronted with this new threat, the king of Badajoz, al-Mutawakkil ibn al-Aftas, obtains the support of Castile in exchange for the Muslim positions on the Tagus river — Sintra, Santarém and Lisbon.ref name=picard2000
Athanasius VI bar Khamoro becomes Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch.
Battle of Levounion: The Pechenegs besiege Constantinople, but are defeated so decisively by Emperor Alexius I that they fade into oblivion.
Source: Wikipedia