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Wednesday, April 16. 2025, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Around 44 people, mostly children, die after a bus plunges into the Narmada River in the western Indian state of Gujarat. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/7349795.stm (BBC News)

Monday, April 16, 2007

"Virginia Tech massacre": Seung-Hui Cho, a South Korean expatriate student, shoots and kills 32 people at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, before committing suicide, resulting in the deadliest shooting incident by a single gunman in United States history.

Sunday, April 16, 2000

Tuanku Syed Putra ibni Almarhum Syed Hassan Jamalullail, Raja of Perlis dies after a reign of 55 years. He was the longest reigning monarch in the world since the death of Hirohito, Emperor of Japan.

Wednesday, April 16, 1997

Houston, Texas, socialite Doris Angleton is murdered in her River Oaks home. Roger Angleton later admits to the crime in his suicide note. Despite being found innocent of the crime by a Texas jury, he is later arrested by the United States Department of Justice on similar charges.

Saturday, April 16, 1994

Voters in Finland decide to join the European Union in a referendum.

Friday, April 16, 1993

Bosnian War: the enclave of Srebrenica is declared a UN-protected safe area.

Thursday, April 16, 1992

The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert, held at Wembley Stadium, is televised live to over 1 billion people and raises millions of dollars for AIDS research.
President of AfghanistanMohammad Najibullah is ousted and detained by Muslim rebels moving towards Kabul, setting the stage for the civil war in Afghanistan (1992–1996).
Seville, Spain's 6-month Universal Exhibition, called Seville Expo '92, opens.

Friday, April 16, 1976

As a measure to curb population growth, the minimum age for marriage in India is raised to 21 years for men and 18 years for women.

Tuesday, April 16, 1963

Martin Luther King, Jr. issues his "Letter from Birmingham Jail".

Saturday, April 16, 1960

The gunman David Pratt shoots South African Prime MinisterHenrik Verwoerd in Johannesburg, wounding him seriously.

Saturday, April 16, 1955

Burma-Japanese peace treaty, signed in Rangoon on November 5, 1954, comes into effect, formally ending a state of war between the two countries that had not existed for a long time.

Friday, April 16, 1954

Vice President Richard Nixon announces that the United States may be “putting our own boys in Indochina regardless of Allied support.”

Friday, April 16, 1948

Wednesday, April 16, 1947

Texas City Disaster: the ammonium nitrate cargo of former Liberty ship SS "Grandc" explodes in Texas City, Texas, killing 552, injuring 3,000, causing 200 lost, and destroying 20 city blocks.

Monday, April 16, 1945

April 16 ndash WWII: The Canadians take Harlingen, and occupies Leeuwarden and Groningen
April 16 ndash WWII: Battle of Berlin begins.
WWII: The "Goya" is sunk by the "Soviet submarine L-3".

Friday, April 16, 1943

Albert Hofmann self administers the drug LSD for the first time in history, and records the details of his experience.

Saturday, April 16, 1938

London and Rome sign an agreement that sees Britain recognise Italian control of Ethiopia in return for an Italian pledge to withdraw all its troops from Spain at the conclusion of the civil war there.

Tuesday, April 16, 1935

"Fibber McGee and Molly" debuts on NBC Radio.

Friday, April 16, 1926

A train crash in San José, Costa Rica kills 178 people.

Thursday, April 16, 1925

The Communist St. Nedelya Church assault claims the lives of 150 and injures 500 in the Bulgarian capital, Sofia.

Wednesday, April 16, 1924

American media company "Metro Goldwyn Mayer" ("MGM") is founded in Los Angeles, California.

Sunday, April 16, 1922

The Treaty of Rapallo marks a rapprochement between the Weimar Republic and Bolshevik Russia.

Tuesday, April 16, 1912

Harriet Quimby becomes the first woman to fly across the English Channel.

Tuesday, April 16, 1895

The town of Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, is incorporated.

Monday, April 16, 1894

Sunday, April 16, 1876

The Settle-Carlisle Railway in England is opened to passenger traffic.
Queen Victoria takes the title "Empress of India".
May ndash Batak massacre refers to the massacre of Bulgarians in Batak by Ottoman troops in 1876 at the beginning of the April Uprising. The number of victims ranges from 3,000 to 5,000, depending on the source.

Friday, April 16, 1858

The Wernerian Natural History Society, a former Scottish learned society, is wound up.

Wednesday, April 16, 1856

Paris Declaration Respecting Maritime Law abolishes privateering and regulates the relationship between neutral and belligerent and shipping on the high seas.

Sunday, April 16, 1854

The United States packet ship Powhattan is wrecked off the New Jersey shore with more than 200 + victims.

Saturday, April 16, 1808

Troops under colonel Carl von Döbeln clash with Russian troops in Pyhäjoki, Finland.

Sunday, April 16, 1797

Sunday, April 16, 1780

The University of Münster in Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany is founded.

Saturday, April 16, 1746

The Battle of Culloden, the final pitched battle fought on British soil, brings an end to the Jacobite Rising.
June ndash Samuel Johnson is contracted to write his "A Dictionary of the English Language".

Saturday, April 16, 1735

"Alcina", George Frideric Handel's Italian opera, premieres at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, London.

Thursday, April 16, 1705

Friday, April 16, 1677

The Statute of Frauds is passed into English law.

Saturday, April 16, 1605

In England, John Winthrop, later governor of the future Massachusetts Bay Colony, marries his first wife (of 4), Mary Forth, daughter of John Forth, of Great Stambridge, Essex.

Saturday, April 16, 1594

Ferdinando Stanley, 5th Earl of Derby is found poisoned. At the time of his death, he was, after his mother, second in line to the throne of England.

Friday, April 6, 1582 (Julianian calendar)

Spanish conquistador Hernando de Lerma founds the settlement of Salta, Argentina.
MayndashAugust ndash Robert Browne and his Brownist congregationalist companions are obliged to leave England and go to Middelburg in the Netherlands.

Wednesday, April 6, 1552 (Julianian calendar)

July ndash In Hungary, Drégely Castle is attacked by the Turks.
September ndash In Hungary, Eger is defended against the Turks the captain of the castle was István Dobó.
May ndash Maurice of Saxony captures Augsburg and almost seizes Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor at Innsbruck.
The Peace of Passau revokes the Augsburg Interim of 1548 and promises religious freedom to the Protestant princes.
Pedro de Valdivia founds the city of La Imperial, Chile.
John Frederick, Elector of Saxony and Philipp I of Hesse, taken prisoner by Charles V in 1546, are released.

Thursday, April 6, 1531 (Julianian calendar)

The city of Puebla, Mexico is founded.

Saturday, April 6, 1521 (Julianian calendar)

April 18 ndash Martin Luther is examined before Emperor Charles V and the GermanDiet of Worms.

Friday, April 6, 1520 (Julianian calendar)

June ndash Moctezuma II, Aztec ruler of Tenochtitlan, is declared deposed due to his captivity by conquistador Hernán Cortés. His brother Cuitláhuac rises to the throne.
Revolt of the Comuneros: Citizens of Toledo, Castile opposed to the rule of the Flemish-born Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, rise up when the royal government attempts to unseat radical city councilors.

Tuesday, April 7, 1444 (Julianian calendar)

The Truce of Tours is signed between England and France (it lasts 5 years).

Saturday, April 8, 1346 (Julianian calendar)

MayndashJune ndash An English invasion fleet assembles at Portsmouth.ref name = crecy/
The Serbian Empire is proclaimed in Skopje by Dusan Silni, occupying much of South-Eastern Europe.ref name = dusanEvans, Arthur. Ancient Illyria. London: I. B. Tauris, 2007. ISBN 1-84511-167-2 pg. iv

Wednesday, April 9, 1203 (Julianian calendar)

August 1 ndash The Fourth Crusade elevates Alexius IV as Byzantine Emperor, after the citizens of Constantinople proclaim as emperor Isaac II Angelus (Alexius IV's father).
July 17 ndash The armies of the Fourth Crusade capture Constantinople by assau the Byzantine emperor Alexius III flees from his capital into exile.
Battle of Basiani: The Georgians defeat a Muslim coalition.
First evidence that the Temple in London is extending loans to the king of England. The sums remained relatively small but were often used for critical operations such as the ransoming of the king’s soldiers captured by the French.
June 23 ndash The Fleet of the crusaders enters the Bosphorus.
The Almohads begin the conquest of the Balearic Islands.
Philip II of France enters Rouen, leading to the eventual unification of Normandy and France.
William de Braose, Fourth Lord of Bramber becomes the guardian of Arthur I, Duke of Brittany, and is possibly responsible for his death.
The troops of the Fourth Crusade reach the Byzantine heartland:

Friday, April 14, 556 (Julianian calendar)

Pope Pelagius I succeeds Pope Vigilius as the 60th pope.
Source: Wikipedia