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Tuesday, March 11. 2025, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Friday, March 11, 2011

A 9.1-magnituderef name=staradvertiser
The Governor of Oklahoma, Mary Fallin, declares a state of emergency in all 77 counties due to wildfires burning out of control in that state and Colorado. //www.cnn.com/2011/US/03/11/wildfires/index.html (CNN)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration delays the Space Shuttle "Discovery"'s mission to the International Space Station due to a hydrogen gas leak. //www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5ijDA5bgxiHlTvS_r-SSjskS1Tq1wD96S0ERO2 (AP via Google News)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The launches from Kennedy Space Center carrying the crew of STS-123, the Japanese Experiment Module, and Dextre. The ship will rendezvous with the International Space Station. //www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/main/index.html (NASA)

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Terrorists execute simultaneous attacks, with bombs in 4 rush-hour trains in Madrid, killing 191 people.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes at 7524, a five month low.

Wednesday, March 11, 1998

Monday, March 11, 1996

John Howard is sworn in as the new Prime Minister of Australia.

Thursday, March 11, 1993

Janet Reno is confirmed by the United States Senate and sworn in the next day, becoming the first female Attorney General of the United States.
North Korea nuclear weapons program: North Korea announces that it plans to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and refuses to allow inspectors access to nuclear sites.
1993 Bombay bombings: Several bombs explode in Bombay, India, killing 257 and injuring hundreds more.

Wednesday, March 11, 1992

Manuel de Dios Unanue, former editor of "El Diario La Prensa", is slain in a restaurant in Queens after having received death threats from the Colombiandrug cartels.

Monday, March 11, 1991

A curfew is imposed on black townships in South Africa, after fighting between rival political gangs kills 49.

Friday, March 11, 1983

Australia's First Hawke Ministry is sworn in Andrew Peacock becomes Federal Opposition leader.

Wednesday, March 11, 1981

Chilean military dictator Augusto Pinochet is sworn in as President of Chile for another 8-year term.

Saturday, March 11, 1978

Thursday, March 11, 1976

Angola and Benin recognize the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).

Tuesday, March 11, 1975

The leftist military government in Portugal defeats a rightist coup attempt.

Monday, March 11, 1968

U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson mandates that all computers purchased by the federal government support the ASCII character encoding.Lyndon B. Johnson (March 11, 1968). //www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=28724 Memorandum Approving the Adoption by the Federal Government of a Standard Code for Information Interchange. "The American Presidency Project". Accessed 2008-04-14.
U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson edges out antiwar candidate Eugene J. McCarthy in the New Hshire Democratic primary, a vote which highlights the deep divisions in the country, and the party, over Vietnam.
Mauritius achieves independence from British rule.

Thursday, March 11, 1965

White Unitarian Universalist minister James J. Reeb, beaten by White supremacists in Selma, Alabama on March 9 following the second march from Selma, dies in a hospital in Birmingham, Alabama.

Tuesday, March 11, 1958

A U.S. B-47 bomber accidentally drops an atom bomb on Mars Bluff, South Carolina. Without a fissile warhead, its conventional explosives destroy a house and injure several people.

Sunday, March 11, 1956

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 500 for the first time rising 2.40 points, or 0.48%, to 500.24.
After having opened in London the previous year, Laurence Olivier's film, "Richard III", adapted from Shakespeare's play, has its U.S. premiere in theatres and on NBC Television on the same day. On TV it is not shown in prime time, but as an afternoon matinée, in a slightly cut version. It is one of the first such experiments of its kind. Olivier is later nominated for an Oscar for his performance.
96 U.S. Congressmen sign the Southern Manifesto, a protest against the 1954 Supreme Court ruling ("Brown v. Board of Education") that desegregated public education.

Saturday, March 11, 1944

Dutch resistance fighter Joop Westerweel.

Tuesday, March 11, 1941

WWII: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act into law.

Monday, March 11, 1940

Ed Ricketts, John Steinbeck and six others leave Monterey, California for The Sea of Cortez on a collecting expedition.

Wednesday, March 11, 1931

The "Ready for Labour and Defence of the USSR" programme, abbreviated as GTO, is introduced in the Soviet Union.

Saturday, March 11, 1922

Mohandas Gandhi is arrested in Bombay for sedition.

Sunday, March 11, 1917

Mexican Revolution: Venustiano Carranza is elected president of Mexico the United States gives "de jure" recognition of his government.

Monday, March 11, 1889

The North Carolina Legislature issues a charter for the creation of Elon College.

Sunday, March 11, 1888

The Great Blizzard of '88 begins along the eastern seaboard of the United States, shutting down commerce and killing more than 400.

Monday, March 11, 1872

Work begins erecting the Seven Sisters Colliery, South Wales, located on one of the richest coal sources in Britain.

Friday, March 11, 1864

A reservoir near Sheffield, England bursts 250 die.

Monday, March 11, 1861

American Civil War: The Constitution of the Confederate States of America is adopted.

Saturday, March 11, 1854

Tuesday, March 11, 1851

Giuseppe Verdi's opera "Rigoletto" is first performed at "La Fenice" in Venice.

Tuesday, March 11, 1845

Flagstaff War: Chiefs Kawiti and Hone Heke lead 700 Māoris in the burning of the British colonial settlement of Kororareka (now known as Russell, New Zealand).

Tuesday, March 11, 1834

U.S. Survey of the Coast transferred to the Department of the Navy.

Wednesday, March 11, 1829

Felix Mendelssohn performs St Matthew Passion. The success of this performance sparks a revival of interest in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach.

Thursday, March 11, 1824

Sunday, March 11, 1810

Friday, March 11, 1808

Russian troops occupy Tere.

Tuesday, March 11, 1794

Canonsburg Academy (now Washington Jefferson College) is chartered by the General Assembly.

Monday, March 11, 1748

In battle near Manupur (15 km northwest of Sirhind), Mughal forces under Prince Ahmad Shah Bahadur are victorious against Ahmad Shah Durrani.

Sunday, March 11, 1708

Queen Anne withholds Royal Assent from the Scottish Militia Bill, the last time a Britishmonarch vetoes legislation.

Saturday, March 11, 1702

O.S.) ndash The first regular English-language newspaper, "The Daily Courant". is published for the first time.
May ndash Warsaw is conquered by Charles XII of Sweden.

Wednesday, March 11, 1682

The Royal Chelsea Hospital for Soldiers is founded in England.

Monday, March 11, 1669

Mount Etna erupts, destroying the town of Nicolosi and killing 20,000 people.

Thursday, March 11, 1649

The rebel "Frondeurs" and the French government sign the Peace of Rueil.

Tuesday, March 11, 1597

Amiens is taken by Spanish forces, but retaken by France on September 25.

Sunday, March 3, 1387 (Julianian calendar)

Battle of Castagnaro between the Italian cities of Verona and Padua: Padua, led by John Hawkwood, is victorious over Giovanni Ordelaffi of Verona.

Monday, March 11, 222

The silver content of the Roman denarius falls to 35 percent under emperor Alexander Severus, down from 43 percent under Elagabalus.
Three Kingdoms: Eastern Wu is established in China. Emperor Liu Bei invades with an army (100,000 men) the border of Eastern Wu in the Battle of Yiling to retake the Jing province. However, because of a tactical mistake, Liu Bei's military cs are destroyed by forces of Sun Quan.
Alexander Severus succeeds Elagabalus. He is only 13 years old, his mother, Julia Avita Mamaea, governs the Roman Empire with the help of Domitius Ulpianus and a council composed of 16 senators.
Emperor Elagabalus is assassinated, along with his mother, Julia Soaemias, by the Praetorian Guard during a revolt. Their mutilated bodies are dragged through the streets of Rome before being thrown into the Tiber.
Source: Wikipedia