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Monday, January 20. 2025, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Rwandan Defense Forces and Congolese Armed Forces jointly search the Democratic Republic of the Congo for Hutu leaders who participated in the 1994 Rwandan genocide. //www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/20/AR2009012001045.html ("Washington Post")

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Thursday, January 20, 2005

George W. Bush is inaugurated in Washington, D.C. for his second term as the 43rd President of the United States.

Saturday, January 20, 2001

Wednesday, January 20, 1999

The China News Service announces new government restrictions on Internet use aimed especially at Internet cafes.

Tuesday, January 20, 1998

Nepalese police intercept a shipment of 272 human skulls in Kathmandu.

Monday, January 20, 1997

U.S. President Bill Clinton is inaugurated for his second term.

Saturday, January 20, 1996

Yasser Arafat is re-elected president of the Palestinian Authority.

Thursday, January 20, 1994

In South Carolina, Shannon Faulkner becomes the first female cadet to attend The Citadel, but soon drops out.

Wednesday, January 20, 1993

Bill Clinton succeeds George Bush as the 42nd President of the United States.

Monday, January 20, 1992

Cuba executes Eduardo Diaz Betancourt, who was found guilty of sabotage and terrorism.

Friday, January 20, 1989

George H. W. Bush succeeds Ronald Reagan as the 41st President of the United States of America.

Tuesday, January 20, 1987

Terry Waite, the special envoy of the Archbishop of Canterbury in Lebanon, is kidnapped in Beirut (released November 1991).

Monday, January 20, 1986

The United Kingdom and France announce plans to construct the Channel Tunnel.

Sunday, January 20, 1985

U.S. PresidentRonald Reagan is privately sworn in for a second term in office (publicly sworn in, January 21).

Tuesday, January 20, 1981

Iran releases the 52 Americans held for 444 days within minutes of Ronald Reagan succeeding Jimmy Carter as the President of the United States, ending the Iran hostage crisis.

Sunday, January 20, 1980

Cuba recognizes the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).
The MS Athina B is beached at Brighton, becoming a temporary tourist attraction.
The London Gold Fixing hits its highest price ever (adjusted for inflation), at US$850 a troy ounce.
At least 200 people were killed when the Corralejas Bullring collapsed at Sincelejo, Colombia.

Thursday, January 20, 1977

Saturday, January 20, 1973

U.S. President Richard Nixon is inaugurated for his second term.

Tuesday, January 20, 1970

Pan American Airways offers the first commercially scheduled 747 service from John F. Kennedy International Airport to London Heathrow Airport.
Five lifeboatmen are killed when a Fraserburgh, Scotland vessel, "The Duchess of Kent", capsizes.
The Greater London Council announces its plans for the Thames Barrier at Woolwich to prevent flooding (the barrier opens in 1981).

Thursday, January 20, 1966

Demonstrations occur against high food prices in Hungary.

Wednesday, January 20, 1965

Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in for his own full term as U.S. President.

Monday, January 20, 1964

"Meet the Beatles!", the first The Beatles album from Capitol Records in the United States, is released ten days after Chicago's Vee-Jay Records releases "Introducing... The Beatles". The two record companies battle it out in court for months, eventually coming to a settlement.

Friday, January 20, 1961

John F. Kennedy succeeds Dwight Eisenhower as the 35th President of the United States of America.

Monday, January 20, 1958

Anne de Vries releases the fourth and final volume of "Journey Through the Night".

Wednesday, January 20, 1954

The U.S.-based National Negro Network is established with forty-six member radio stations.

Tuesday, January 20, 1953

Dwight D. Eisenhower succeeds Harry S. Truman as the 34th President of the United States.

Saturday, January 20, 1951

Avalanches in the Alps kill 240 and bury 45,000 for a time in Switzerland, Austria and Italy.

Thursday, January 20, 1949

The first Emmy Awards are presented at the Hollywood Athletic Club.
In the first Israeli election, David Ben-Gurion becomes Prime Minister.
U.S. PresidentHarry S. Truman begins his full term.
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA or COMECON) established by Soviet Union and other communist nations.

Sunday, January 20, 1946

Thursday, January 20, 1944

The Royal Air Force drops 2,300 tons of bombs on Berlin.
The U.S. Army 36th Infantry Division, in Italy, attempts to cross the Rapido River.

Tuesday, January 20, 1942

Holocaust: Nazis at the Wannsee conference in Berlin decide that the final solution to the Jewish problem is relocation, and later extermination.

Monday, January 20, 1941

Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes swears in U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt for his third term.

Thursday, January 20, 1938

King Farouk of Egypt marries Queen Farida Zulficar in Cairo.

Wednesday, January 20, 1937

Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes swears in Franklin D. Roosevelt for a second term. This is the first time Inauguration Day in the United States occurs on that date, on which it has occurred ever since the change is due to the ratification in 1933 of the 20th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Monday, January 20, 1936

King George V of the United Kingdom dies. His eldest son succeeds to the throne, becoming Edward VIII. The title Prince of Wales is not used for another 22 years.

Saturday, January 20, 1934

The Japanese company Fuji Photo Film is established.
The new Constitution of Estonia enters into force.
The "Apollo Theater" opens in Harlem, New York City.
The Republic of Austria abolishes the jury trial by decree.
Einstein visits the White House.

Wednesday, January 20, 1892

At the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts, the first official basketball game is played.

Tuesday, January 20, 1891

Jim Hogg becomes the first native Texan to be governor of that state.

Thursday, January 20, 1887

The United States Senate allows the Navy to lease Pearl Harbor as a naval base.
Brisbane receives a daily rainfall of 465 millimetres ndash a record for any Australian capital city.
The Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) is formed.

Tuesday, January 20, 1885

Saturday, January 20, 1877

The Conference of Constantinople ends with Ottoman Turkey rejecting proposals of internal reform and Balkan provisions.

Thursday, January 20, 1870

SS City of Boston vanishes at sea with all 177 aboard.

Wednesday, January 20, 1869

Elizabeth Cady Stanton is the first woman to testify before the United States Congress.

Friday, January 20, 1860

Count di Cavour is recalled as Prime Minister of Piedmont-Sardinia.

Sunday, January 20, 1850

The ships of the McClure Arctic Expedition set sail from Plymouth.

Wednesday, January 20, 1841

Sunday, January 20, 1839

Battle of Yungay: Chile defeats the Peruvian-Bolivian confedration.

Thursday, January 20, 1820

Indiana University Bloomington is founded as the Indiana State Seminary (renamed Indiana College, 1846).

Monday, January 20, 1817

Rammohun Roy and David Hare found Hindu College in Kolkata, offering instructions in Western languages and subjects.

Tuesday, January 20, 1795

French troops enter Amsterdam.

Saturday, January 20, 1776

American Revolution: South Carolina Loyalists led by Robert Cunningham sign a petition from prison agreeing to all demands for peace by the formed state government of South Carolina.

Thursday, January 20, 1667

February ndash The first theatre in Scandinavia, opens in "Lejonkulan" and "Bollhuset" in Stockholm, Sweden.
Russo-Polish War (1654–1667): Poland cedes Kiev, Smolensk, and eastern Ukraine to Russia in the Treaty of Andrusovo, which puts a final end to Poland's status as a Central Europeanpower.

Sunday, January 20, 1613

King James I of England successfully mediates the Treaty of Knäred between Denmark and Sweden.

Friday, January 20, 1612

November 4 ndash An uprising in Moscow expels Polish troops.
Matthias becomes Holy Roman Emperor upon the death of Rudolf II.ref name=Cassell's Chronology

Saturday, January 20, 1607

A massive wave sweeps along the Bristol Channel, possibly a tsunami, killing 2,000 people.

Monday, January 10, 1513 (Julianian calendar)

Christian II becomes King of Denmark and Norway.

Tuesday, January 10, 1503 (Julianian calendar)

Seville in Castile is awarded exclusive right to trade with the New World.

Monday, January 11, 1479 (Julianian calendar)

Ferdinand II ascends the throne of Aragon and rules together with his wife Isabella I, Queen of Castile over most of the Iberian peninsula.

Tuesday, January 12, 1356 (Julianian calendar)

Edward Balliol surrenders his title as King of Scotland to Edward III of England.

Monday, January 12, 1327 (Julianian calendar)

Edward II is deposed by his wife Isabella

Saturday, January 12, 1320 (Julianian calendar)

Duke Wladyslaw Lokietek becomes king of Poland.

Tuesday, January 13, 1288 (Julianian calendar)

Newcastle Emlyn Castle in Wales is recaptured by English forces, bringing Rhys ap Maredudd's revolt to an end.

Tuesday, January 13, 1265 (Julianian calendar)

In Westminster, the first electedEnglishparliament (De Montfort's Parliament) conducts its first meeting in the Palace of Westminster, now also known as the Houses of Parliament.

Friday, January 13, 1156 (Julianian calendar)

According to legend, freeholder Lalli slays English crusader Bishop Henry with an axe on the ice of lake Köyliönjärvi in Finland.

Monday, January 14, 1045 (Julianian calendar)

Pope Sylvester III becomes the 146th pope, succeeding former pope Benedict IX, who abdicated the previous year.
April ndash Pope Sylvester III is deposed (election deemed invalid) Pope Benedict IX is elected once more, becoming the 147th pope.
Source: Wikipedia