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Thursday, June 15. 2023, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Islamic militants seize parts of the southern city of Houta in Lahij province in a surprise dawn raid. //www.usatoday.com/news/world/2011-06-15-yemen-militants-attack_n.htm (AP via "USA Today")

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Japanese rescue squads resume the search for missing people after the 2008 Iwate earthquake including seven people feared buried by a mudslide at a hot springs hotel in mountains outside the town of Kurihara, Miyagi. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7455202.stm (BBC News)
Six members of the Kuratong baleleng Philippines crime gang, as well as a police officer are killed in a shootout with police officers in Manila. //afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5itc4iC6nA_5kJ-k2U04mZZV5iKjQ (AFP via Google News)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hundreds are wounded in fighting between rival factions of the Movement of the Democratic Forces of Casamance led by Salif Sadio, who supports the continuation of the Casamance Conflict, and Magne Dieme, who supports reconciliation with the Government of Senegal. The fighting has spread to The Gambia and Guinea-Bissau may intervene. //allafrica.com/stories/200606150864.html (allAfrica.com)

Saturday, June 15, 2002

Accountancy scandals – Accountants Arthur Andersen convicted of obstruction of justice for shredding documents related to the Enron inquiry.
Near Earth Asteroid 2002 MN misses the planet by , about 1/3 the distance to the moon.

Saturday, June 15, 1996

In Manchester, UK, a massive IRA bomb injures over 200 people and devastates a large part of the city centre.

Thursday, June 15, 1995

A powerful earthquake, registering a moment magnitude of 6.2, hits the city of Aigio, Greece, resulting in several deaths and significant damage to many buildings.

Wednesday, June 15, 1994

Israel and the Vatican establish full diplomatic relations.

Thursday, June 15, 1989

In the Irish general election, the Fianna Fáil party, led by Taoiseach Charles Haughey, fails to win a majority.

Thursday, June 15, 1978

"Garfield", which eventually becomes the world's most widely syndicated comic strip, makes its debut.
King Hussein of Jordan marries 26-year-old Lisa Halaby, who takes the name Queen Noor.
Cricketer Ian Botham becomes the first man in the history of the game to score a century and take 8 wickets in 1 inning of a Test match.

Wednesday, June 15, 1977

Spain has its first democratic elections, after 41 years under the Franco regime.

Thursday, June 15, 1972

June 18 – The first U.S. Libertarian Party National Convention is held in Denver, Colorado.
Ulrike Meinhof and Gerhard Müller of the Red Army Faction are arrested in a teacher's apartment in Langenhagen, West Germany.

Friday, June 15, 1962

Brazil beats Czechoslovakia 3–1 to win the 1962 FIFA World Cup.
The OAS signs a truce with the FLN in Algeria, but a day later announces that it will continue the fight on behalf of French Algerians.

Saturday, June 15, 1957

Oklahoma celebrates its semi-centennial statehood. A brand new 1957 Plymouth Belvedere is buried in a time capsule (to be opened 50 years later on June 15, 2007).

Friday, June 15, 1956

Eindhoven University of Technology is founded in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Tuesday, June 15, 1954

The UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) is formed in Basel, Switzerland.

Sunday, June 15, 1952

"The Diary of a Young Girl" is published.

Friday, June 15, 1951

July 1- In New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, thousands of acres of forests are destroyed in fires.
Colombo Plan operations commence.
Judy Garland opens the first of 14 concerts in Dublin, Ireland at the Theatre Royal.

Sunday, June 15, 1947

The Canadian Parliament votes unanimously to pass several laws regarding displaced foreign refugees.
The Portuguese government orders 11 military officers and 19 university professors who were accused of revolutionary activity to resign.
Seaman Harold Dahl claims to have seen six UFOs near Maury Island in Puget Sound, Washington. On the next morning, Dahl reports the first modern so-called Men in Black encounter.

Thursday, June 15, 1944

Battle of Saipan: The United States invades Saipan.

Saturday, June 15, 1940

WWII: Verdun falls to German forces.

Wednesday, June 15, 1938

László Bíró patents the ballpoint pen in Britain.

Monday, June 15, 1936

An army laboratory explodes in Estonia, killing 60.

Tuesday, June 15, 1920

A new border treaty between Germany and Denmark gives northern Schleswig to Denmark.

Sunday, June 15, 1919

Pancho Villa attacks Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. When the bullets begin to fly to the American side of the border, two units of the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the U.S. Army crossed the border to repulse Villa's forces away from American territory.

Friday, June 15, 1917

Russian General Brusilov begins a major offensive in Galicia, initially advancing towards Lemberg.
WWI: A conscription crisis in Canada leads to passage of the Military Service Act.
A labor dispute ignites a race riot in East St. Louis, Illinois, which leaves 250 dead.
July ndash Panama Canal Department.
The United States enacts the Espionage Act.
WWI: Arabian troops led by T. E. Lawrence capture Aqaba from the Turks.

Thursday, June 15, 1916

Sunday, June 15, 1913

Bud Bagsak Massacre: U.S. troops under General John 'Black Jack' Pershing kill at least 2,000 civilians in Bud Bagsak, the Philippines.

Saturday, June 15, 1907

Thursday, June 15, 1905

Wednesday, June 15, 1904

James Joyce walks to Ringsend with Nora Barnacle he later uses this date (Bloomsday) as the setting for his novel "Ulysses".
A fire aboard the steamboat "General Slocum" in New York City's East River kills 1,021.

Sunday, June 15, 1902

The New York Central railroad inaugurates the "20th Century Limited" passenger train between Chicago and New York City, New York.

Monday, June 15, 1896

An earthquake and tsunami in Sanriku, Japan, kills 27,000.

Friday, June 15, 1888

Saturday, June 15, 1878

Sallie Gardner at a Gallop, the first motion picture ever made was recorded on this day.

Friday, June 15, 1877

Henry Ossian Flipper becomes the first African American cadet to graduate from the United States Military Academy.

Tuesday, June 15, 1869

John Wesley Hyatt patents celluloid, in Albany, New York.

Saturday, June 15, 1867

The Atlantic Cable Quartz Lode gold mine is named in Montana.

Wednesday, June 15, 1864

Arlington National Cemetery is established when of the grounds of Robert E. Lee's home Arlington House are officially set-aside as a military cemetery by U.S. Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton.

Saturday, June 15, 1861

Benito Juárez is formally elected President of Mexico he temporarily stops the payments of foreign debt.

Wednesday, June 15, 1859

The so-called Pig War border dispute between the Americans and the British on the San Juan Islands begins by the death of the namesake pig.

Saturday, June 15, 1844

Charles Goodyear receives a patent for vulcanization, a process to strengthen rubber.

Wednesday, June 15, 1836

Arkansas is the 25th state admitted into the United States of America.

Friday, June 15, 1804

The Twelfth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified by New Hshire, and arguably becomes effective (subsequently vetoed by the Governor of New Hshire).

Monday, June 15, 1801

A bull breaks through barriers at a bullfight in Madrid, killing two people (including the mayor of Torrejón de Ardoz)//www.nationalgalleries.org/index.php/collection/online_az/4:322/results/0/34098/ Dreadful events in the front rows of the ring at Madrid and the death of the mayor of Torrejón, Plate 21 of La Tauromaquia. National Galleries of Scotland. Retrieved on 25 February 2010. and injuring a number of other spectators.

Wednesday, June 15, 1785

After several attempts, Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier and his companion, Pierre Romain, set off in a balloon from Boulogne-sur-Mer, but the balloon suddenly deflates (without the envelope catching fire) and crashes near Wimereux in the Pas-de-Calais, killing both men, making it the first fatal aviation disaster.

Saturday, June 15, 1776

American Revolution: Delaware Separation Day: The Delaware General Assembly votes to suspend government under the British Crown.

Thursday, June 15, 1752

Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning is electricity, using a kite and a key.

Wednesday, June 15, 1667

The first human blood transfusion is administered by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys. He transfuses the blood of a sheep to a 15-year old boy (though this operation is a success, a later patient dies from the procedure and Denys is accused of murder).

Tuesday, June 15, 1632

SirFrancis Windebank is made chief Secretary of State in England.

Monday, June 15, 1626

King Charles I of England dissolves the English Parliament.

Friday, June 15, 1607

Jamestown: The triangular fort is completed and armed: The fifteenth of June we had built and finished our Fort, which was triangle wise, having three Bulwarkes, at every corner, like a halfe Moone, and foure or five pieces of Artillerie mounted in them. We had made our selves sufficiently strong for these Savages. We had also sowne most of our Corne on two Mountaines. George Percy (Tyler 1952:19)

Thursday, June 5, 1567 (Julianian calendar)

24 July ndash Mary, Queen of Scots, is forced to abdicate and replaced by her 1-year-old son James VI.
Mary, Queen of Scots, is defeated at Carberry Hill by the Scottish nobles, and imprisoned in Lochleven Castle.

Tuesday, June 5, 1520 (Julianian calendar)

Pope Leo X issues the bull "Exsurge Domine" (Arise O Lord), threatening Martin Luther with excommunication if he does not recant his position on indulgences and other Catholic doctrines.

Saturday, June 6, 1444 (Julianian calendar)

Friday, June 7, 1381 (Julianian calendar)

In Ming DynastyChina, the "lijia" census registration system begun in 1371 is now universally imposed during the reign of the Hongwu Emperor. The census counts 59,873,305 people living in China in this year. This depicts a drastic drop in population since the Song Dynasty, which counted 100 million people at its height in the early 12th century. The historian Timothy Brook, in his "The Confusions of Pleasure: Commerce and Culture in Ming China", states that the Ming census was inaccurate, as China in the late 14th century had at least 65,000,000 inhabitants, if not 75,000,000.ref name=brook 28Brook, Timothy (1998). "The Confusions of Pleasure: Commerce and Culture in Ming China". Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-22154-3
Timur conquers east Persia, ending the rule of the Sarbadar Dynasty.
August ndash Kęstutis overthrows his nephew, Jogaila, as Grand Duke of Lithuania. Jogaila is allowed to remain as governor of eastern Lithuania. This marks the beginning of the Lithuanian Civil War (1381–1384).
Hajji I succeeds Alah-ad-Din Ali as Mamluk Sultan of Egypt. The Egyptian government continues to be controlled by rebel leader Berkuk.
The Ming Dynasty of China annexes the areas of the old Kingdom of Dali, in what is now modern-day Yunnan and Guizhou provinces, inhabited by the Miao and Yao people. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese (including military colonists) will migrate there from the rest of China.
Peasants\\\\' Revolt: During further negotiations, Wat Tyler is murdered by the King's entourage. Noble forces subsequently overpower the rebel army. The rebel leaders are eventually captured and executed and Richard II revokes his concessions. The revolt is discussed in John Gower's "Vox Clamantis" and "Froissart's Chronicles".
Sonam Drakpa deposes Drakpa Changchub as ruler of Tibet.
Due to Joan I of Naples' support for Antipope Clement VII, Pope Urban VI bestows Naples upon Charles of Durazzo. With the help of the Hungarians, Charles advances on Naples and captures Joan.
After a naval battle, Venice wins the three year War of Chioggia against Genoa. The Genoans are permanently weakened by the conflict.
James of Baux, the ruler of Taranto and the Latin Empire, claims the Principality of Achaea after the imprisonment of Joan I of Naples.

Wednesday, June 7, 1312 (Julianian calendar)

Tuesday, June 7, 1300 (Julianian calendar)

The city of Bilbao receives a royal foundation charter.
Jacob ben Machir is appointed dean of the medical school at Montpellier.
Amsterdam is officially declared a city.
Aztec culture starts in Mesoamerica (approximate date).
Philip IV of France begins his attempt to annex Flanders.
The Tuareg establish a state centered on Agadez.
A census in ImperialChina finds that it has roughly 60 million inhabitants (having lost 20 million after nearly a century of Mongolian conquests).
Money from Florence, Italy becomes the first international currency.

Tuesday, June 8, 1232 (Julianian calendar)

The northern French city of Troyes issues its first recorded life annuities, confirming the trend of consolidation of local public debts initiated in 1218 by the neighboring city of Reims.
Spain: Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Ibn Nasr rebels against the independent ruler of al-Andalus, Ibn Hud al-Yadami and takes control of the city of Arjona. This is the foundation of the Nasrid dynasty.ref name=linehan1999
Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II promulgates the Statutum in favorem principum.
Battle of Agridi: Henry I of Cyprus defeats the armies of Frederick II.
Italy: Pope Gregory IX, driven from Rome by a revolt, takes refuge at Anagni.
Anthony of Padua, patron saint of lost items, is canonized.

Saturday, June 8, 1219 (Julianian calendar)

The windmill is first introduced to China with the travels of Yelü Chucai to Transoxiana.
Twenty-four Lithuanian dukes and nobles purportedly sign a peace treaty with Halych-Volhynia, stating common cause against invading Christian Crusaders.
The East Frisian island of Burchana is broken up in a North Sea flood.
Battle of Lyndanisse: Danish crusaders led by King Waldemar II conquer Tallinn. The Flag of Denmark allegedly falls from the sky during that battle.
Upon the death of Aymeric of Saint Maur, Alan Marcell becomes master of the Temple in England.

Monday, June 8, 1215 (Julianian calendar)

King John of England is forced to put his seal on the Magna Carta, outlining the rights of landowning men (nobles and knights) and restricting the king's power.
August ndash King John of England rejects the Magna Carta, leading to the First Barons' War.

Friday, June 8, 1184 (Julianian calendar)

A great fire at Glastonbury Abbey destroys several buildings.
The Papal bull "Ad Aboldendam" is issued against several European heretical groups: the Cathars, the Waldensians, the Patarines and the Humiliati. It is created after a landmark meeting in Verona between the Holy Roman Empire under Frederick Barbarossa and the Roman Church under Pope Lucius III.
The city of Abbeville receives its commercial charter.
The Almohads reconquer the Alentejo (except Évora) and besiege Lisbon on land and blockade the port with their navy. A Portuguese soldier manages to swim to the largest ship of the fleet and to sink it. This ship was so tall, it would have allowed the Muslims to easily reach the walls of the city. The next day, the Almohads have to retreat, taking with them a number of civilian captives.ref name=Picard1997/ The Almohad army continues its caign by the siege of Santarém, where the caliph, Abu Yaqub Yusuf is killed.
The streets of Paris are paved by order of Philip Augustus.
Archbishop Absalon of Lund wins a naval victory over Bogislav, duke of Pomerania.
In England, first royal ordinance demanding that the knights Templar and Hospitaller assist in the collection of taxes.
Battle of Fimreite: King Sverre of Norway defeats and kills his rival, Magnus Erlingsson, to take the throne.

Tuesday, June 10, 923 (Julianian calendar)

Battle of Soissons: King Robert I of France is killed, and King Charles the Simple is arrested by the supporters of Duke Rudolph of Burgundy.
The Later Liang Dynasty falls to the Later Tang Dynasty (founded by Li Cunxu) in China.
Topiltzin Ce Acatl Quetzalcoatl becomes ruler of the Toltecs (approximate date).

Wednesday, June 11, 844 (Julianian calendar)

January ndash Pope Sergius II succeeds Pope Gregory IV as the 102nd pope.
According to the Annales Bertiniani, Nominoe makes war on the Vikings.
Nominoe, Count of Vannes, raids into Maine and plunders the territory.
Louis II is crowned King of Lombardy by Pope Sergius II.
First Viking attacks on the Muslim possessions of the Iberian peninsula. The Scandinavian raiders sack Sevilla, Niebla, Beja and Lisbon.ref name=rucquoi1993
Dorestad is raided by the Vikings.
Source: Wikipedia