Unix Timestamp: 1251849600
Wednesday, September 2. 2009, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

2008 Thai political crisis:
Prime MinisterYousaf Raza Gillani of Pakistan survives an assassination attempt near Islamabad, while on his way to meet British Leader of the OppositionDavid Cameron.
Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej declares a state of emergency in Bangkok after clashes between groups of pro- and anti-government protesters resulted in one death and 43 injuries. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7592942.stm (BBC News)
President's Dimitris Christofias and Mehmet Ali Talat hold peace talks in Nicosia, aimed at reunifying Cyprus.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Friday, September 2, 2005

Protesters and Israeli forces clash in Bil'in.

Monday, September 2, 2002

Monday, September 2, 1996

A permanent peace agreement is signed at the Malacañan Palace between the Government of the Philippines and the Moro National Liberation Front.

Wednesday, September 2, 1992

President of TajikistanRahmon Nabiyev is forced to resign following weeks of clan and religious warfare that left nearly 2,000 people dead.
An earthquake in Nicaragua kills at least 116 people.
In Ciskei, members of the Ciskei Defence Force loyal to dictator Oupa Gqozo open into a crowd of anti-Gqozo protestors organized by the African National Congress, killing at least 28 people and wounding nearly 200.

Monday, September 2, 1991

The United States recognizes the independence of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

Sunday, September 2, 1990

Cold War: Transnistria declares its independence from the Moldavian SSR however, the declaration is not recognized by any government.

Wednesday, September 2, 1987

In Moscow, the trial begins for 19-year-old pilot Mathias Rust, who flew his Cessna airplane into Red Square in May.

Sunday, September 2, 1984

The Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, led by Brian Mulroney, wins 211 seats in the House of Commons, forming the largest majority government in Canadian history.
"STS-41-D": The Space Shuttle "Discovery" lands after its maiden voyage.
Seven people are shot and killed and 12 wounded in the Milperra massacre, a shootout between the rival motorcycle gangs Bandidos and Comancheros in Sydney.
The Sandinista Front wins the Nicaraguan general elections.
Western Australia becomes the last Australian state to abolish capital punishment.

Tuesday, September 2, 1980

Ford Europe launches the Escort MK3, a new front-wheel drive hatchback.

Thursday, September 2, 1965

Pakistani troops enter the Indian sector of Kashmir, while Indian troops try to invade Lahore.

Wednesday, September 2, 1964

Indian Hungry generation poets are arrested on charges of conspiracy against the State and obscenity in literature.

Sunday, September 2, 1962

The Soviet Union agrees to send arms to Cuba.

Friday, September 2, 1960

The Congolese president, Joseph Kasavubu, fires Patrice Lumumba's entire government, and also places Lumumba under house arrest.
The first elections of the Parliament of the Central Tibetan Administration are held. The Tibetan community observes this date as Democracy Day.
1960 Summer Olympic Games: Cassius Clay wins the gold medal in light-heavyweight boxing.

Friday, September 2, 1955

Under the guidance of Dr Humphry Osmond, Christopher Mayhew ingests 400 mg of mescaline hydrochloride and allows himself to be filmed as part of a "Panorama" special for BBC TV that was never broadcast.

Tuesday, September 2, 1952

Dr. C. Walton Lillehei and Dr. F. John Lewis perform the first open-heart surgery at the University of Minnesota.

Monday, September 2, 1946

Interim Government of India takes charge with Jawaharlal Nehru as Vice President.

Monday, September 2, 1940

WWII: An agreement between America and Great Britain is announced to the effect that 50 U.S. destroyers needed for escort work will be transferred to Great Britain. In return, America gains 99-year leases on British bases in the North Atlantic, West Indies and Bermuda.

Saturday, September 2, 1939

Spain and Ireland declare their neutrality.
Following the invasion of Poland, Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland) is annexed to Nazi Germany.

Friday, September 2, 1938

Soviet Ambassador to Britain Ivan Maisky calls on Winston Churchill, to tell him that Soviet Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvinov has expressed to the French chargé d'affaires in Moscow that the Soviet Union is willing to fight over the territorial integrity of Czechoslovakia.

Thursday, September 2, 1937

The Great Hong Kong Typhoon kills an estimated 11,000 persons.

Monday, September 2, 1935

Labor Day Hurricane of 1935: The strongest hurricane ever to strike the United States landfalls in the Upper Florida Keys as a Category 5 storm with 185 mph winds, killing 423.

Saturday, September 2, 1916

British pilot William Leefe-Robinson becomes the first to shoot down a German airship over Britain.

Wednesday, September 2, 1914

World War I ndash First Battle of the Marne: Northeast of Paris, the French 6th Army under General Maunoury attacks German forces nearing Paris. Over 2 million fight (500,000 killed/wounded) in the Allied victory.
London Agreement: No member of the Triple Entente (Britain, France, or Russia) may seek a separate peace with the Central Powers.
William, Prince of Albania leaves the country after just 6 months due to opposition to his rule.
Moronvilliers is occupied by the Germans.
Pope Benedict XV (Giacomo della Chiesa) succeeds Pope Pius X as the 258th pope.

Friday, September 2, 1898

Battle of Omdurman: British and Egyptian troops led by Horatio Kitchener defeat Sudanese tribesmen led by Khalifa Abdullah al-Taashi, thus establishing British dominance in the Sudan.

Wednesday, September 2, 1885

The Rock Springs Massacre occurs in Rock Springs, Wyoming 150 white miners attack their Chinese coworkers, killing 28, wounding 15, and forcing several hundred more out of town.

Friday, September 2, 1870

Franco-Prussian War ndash Battle of Sedan: Prussian forces defeat the French armies and take emperor Napoleon III and 100,000 of his soldiers prisoner at Sedan.

Monday, September 2, 1867

Emperor Meiji of Japan marries Empress Shōken (née Masako Ichijō). The Empress consort is thereafter known as "Lady Haruko".

Friday, September 2, 1864

American Civil War: Union forces under General Sherman enter Atlanta a day after the Confederate defenders fled the city.

Tuesday, September 2, 1862

American Civil War: President Abraham Lincoln reluctantly restores Union General George B. McClellan to full command after General John Pope's disastrous defeat at the Second Battle of Bull Run.

Tuesday, September 2, 1856

Taiping Rebellion: Wei Changhui and Qin Rigang assassinate Yang Xiuqing.

Wednesday, September 2, 1807

September 7 ndash Battle of Copenhagen: The Royal Navy bombards Copenhagen with fire bombs and phosphorus rockets to prevent Denmark from surrendering its fleet to Napoleon 30% of the city is destroyed and 2,000 citizens are killed.

Sunday, September 2, 1792

During what becomes known as the September Massacres of the French Revolution, raging mobs slaughter 3 Roman Catholic Church bishops and more than 200 priests.

Wednesday, September 2, 1789

Saturday, September 2, 1786

A hurricane strikes Barbados.

Saturday, September 2, 1752

Adam Smith transfers to professor of moral philosophy at the University of Glasgow.
Great Britain and the British Empire adopts the Gregorian calendar, meaning the Julian date of Wednesday, September 2 was followed by the Gregorian date of Thursday, September 14.
English scientist Lord John Davies first observes what is later recognised as respiratory collapse//www.reference.com/browse/wiki/1752

Monday, September 2, 1686

A group of conspirators meet at Charborough House in Dorset to plan the overthrow of King James and replace him with the Protestant Dutch Stadtholder, William III of Orange-Nassau.
The Dominion of New England is formed.
The League of Augsburg is founded in response to claims made by Louis XIV of France on the Electorate of the Palatinate in western Germany. It comprises the Holy Roman Empire, the Netherlands, Sweden, Spain and the electors of Bavaria, Saxony and the Electorate of the Palatinate.
The historian and naturalist, Robert Plot, publishes his "Natural history of Staffordshire", a collection of illustrations and texts detailing the history of the county. It was the first document known to mention crop circles and the double sunset over the Cheshire Plain.
James VII of Scotland and James II of England tries to persuade Parliament to repeal the Test Acts, which bar Catholics from public office. Having failed, he issues a Declaration of Indulgence, which suspends penal laws against both Catholics and Protestant dissenters. Suspicions about James' intentions grow as he systematically places Catholics in key positions.
The forces of the Holy League of 1684 liberate Buda from Ottoman Turkish rule (leading to the end of Turkish rule in Hungary during the subsequent years).
In Greece, Ottoman-occupied Morea (i.e., the Peloponnese) falls to the Venetians.
Russia, Saxony, Brandenburg and Bavaria join the Holy League against the Ottoman Turkish Empire. Imperial forces under Austrian leadership invade Ottoman-occupied Hungary and advance on Budapest.
A hurricane saves Charleston, South Carolina, from attack by Spanish vessels.

Thursday, September 2, 1666

Great Fire of London: A large fire breaks out in London in the house of Charles II's baker on Pudding Lane near London Bridge. The fire burns for 3 days, destroying 10,000 buildings including St. Paul's Cathedral, but only 6 people are known to have died.

Thursday, September 2, 1649

The Italian city of Castro is completely destroyed by the forces of Pope Innocent X, ending the Wars of Castro.

Friday, September 2, 1644

English Civil War ndash Second Battle of Lostwithiel: Charles I and the Royalists gain their last major victory.

Tuesday, September 2, 1642

Parliament orders the theatres of London closed, effectively ending the era of English Renaissance theatre.

Saturday, September 2, 1628

Wednesday, September 2, 1609

Henry Hudson enters New York Bay aboard the "Halve Maen".

Wednesday, August 24, 1457 (Julianian calendar)

The oldest printed book to carry a date, the Mainz Psalter, is published.
After years of captivity and absence from the Ming throne, the Zhengtong Emperor of China is reinstated as the Tianshun Emperor.
Battle of Ujëbardha: One of Skanderbeg's most important victories against the Ottoman army in the open field.
Ştefan cel Mare secures the throne of Moldavia, which he retains for the next 47 years.
Edo Castle is built by Ōta Dōkan in what is now Tokyo.

Thursday, September 1, 421 (Julianian calendar)

Roman–Sassanid War: Theodosius II starts a war against the Sassanids. He send an expeditionary force under command of Ardaburius, and invades Mesopotamia.
Constantius III dies suddenly of an illness, his wife Galla Placidia becomes for the second time a widow. She departs with her children Grata Honoria and Valentinian to the court of Constantinople.
Rugila, chieftain of the Huns, attacks the dioceses of Dacia and Thrace (Balkans). Theodosius II allows PannonianOstrogoths to settle in Thrace, to defend the Danube frontier.
Autumn ndash Ardaburius devastates Arzanene (Armenia) and forced the Persians to retreat to Nisibis (Syria). King Bahram V allies himself with the Lakhmids Arabs of Hirah.
The Franks conquer new territories in their kingdom and sack the old Roman capital "Augusta Treverorum" (modern Trier).
Source: Wikipedia