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Wednesday, June 10. 2009, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Friday, June 10, 2011

Vietnam said that a Chinese fishing boat had purposefully torn away a seismic research cable laid by Vietnam's Petrovietnam oil company inside Vietnam’s 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone. //en.rian.ru/news/20110610/164551029.html (RIA Novosti) //www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-13723443 (BBC)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fire engulfs Sudan Airways Flight 109 after it lands in Khartoum, killing 44.
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper apologizes to Canada's First Nations for the Canadian residential school system.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Same-sex marriage in Canada: The Ontario Appeals Court rules that the law restricting marriage to heterosexual couples contravenes the equality provisions in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The court does not permit the province any grace time to bring its law in conformity with the ruling. This appears to mean that Ontario has become the first jurisdiction in North America to recognize same-sex marriages. Toronto announces that its city clerk will begin to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples, and two same-sex couples who filed suit have their marriages retroactively recognized. //www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/TPStory/LAC/20030611/UGAYYN//?query=gay

Monday, June 10, 2002

Kashmir crisis: Pakistan and India appear to have stepped down their rhetoric over the Kashmir crisis, reducing the threat of nuclear war in the subcontinent slightly.
Technology - The first direct electronic communication experiment between the nervous systems of two humans is carried out by Kevin Warwick in the United Kingdom.
Recent celebrity deaths: Former mob boss John Teflon Don Gotti dies of cancer.

Tuesday, June 10, 1997

Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot orders the killing of his defense chief, Son Sen, and 11 of Sen's family members, before Pol Pot flees his northern stronghold (the news does not reach outside Cambodia for 3 days).

Monday, June 10, 1996

An explosion in a São Paulo suburban shopping centre kills 44 and injures more than 100.
Peace talks begin in Northern Ireland without Sinn Féin.
A peace convoy carrying Chechen separatist leaders and international diplomats is targeted by a series of remotely controlled land mines 8 are killed.

Friday, June 10, 1988

Spontaneous 100,000 strong mass night-singing demonstrations in Estonia, that eventually give name to the Singing Revolution.
Wembley Stadium hosts a concert featuring stars from the fields of music, comedy and film, in celebration of the 70th birthday of imprisoned ANC leader Nelson Mandela.
The name of the General Public License (GPL) is mentioned for the first time.

Friday, June 10, 1977

James Earl Ray escapes from the Brushy Mountain State Prison in Petros, Tennessee, but he will be recaptured on June 13.

Tuesday, June 10, 1975

In Washington, DC, the Rockefeller Commission issues its report on CIA abuses, recommending a joint congressional oversight committee on intelligence.

Sunday, June 10, 1973

The grandson of J. Paul Getty is kidnapped in Rome.

Monday, June 10, 1968

Football: Italy beats Yugoslavia 2–0 in a replay to win the 1968 European Chionship. The original final on June 8 ended 1–1.

Thursday, June 10, 1965

Vietnam War ndash Battle of Dong Xoai: About 1,500 Vietcong mount a mortar attack on Dong Xoai, overrunning its military headquarters and the adjoining militia compound.

Wednesday, June 10, 1964

Nelson Mandela and 7 others are sentenced to life imprisonment in South Africa, and sent to the Robben Island prison.
The U.S. Senate votes cloture of the Civil Rights Bill after a 75-day filibuster.
Greece rejects direct talks with Turkey over Cyprus.
Pennsylvania Governor William Scranton announces his candidacy for the Republican Presidential nomination, as part of a 'stop-Goldwater' movement.
In Cologne, Germany, Walter Seifert attacks students and teachers in an elementary school with a flamethrower, killing 10 and injuring 21.

Monday, June 10, 1963

Release of the film "Cleopatra".
Alabama Governor George C. Wallace stands in the door of the University of Alabama to protest against integration, before stepping aside and allowing African Americans James Hood and Vivian Malone to enroll.
In Saigon, Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Ðức commits self-immolation to protest the oppression of Buddhists by the Ngo Dinh Diem administration.
Medgar Evers is murdered in Jackson, Mississippi (his killer is convicted in 1994).
resident John F. Kennedy delivers his Peace Speech at American University.
President John F. Kennedy delivered a historic Civil Rights Address, in which he promises a Civil Rights Bill, and asks for the kind of equality of treatment that we would want for ourselves.
The University of Central Florida is established by the Florida legislature.

Sunday, June 10, 1956

1956 Summer Olympics: Equestrian events open in Stockholm, Sweden (all other events are held in November in Melbourne, Australia).

Thursday, June 10, 1948

Hasan Saka forms the new government of Turkey. (17th government Hasan Saka had served twice as a prime minister)

Tuesday, June 10, 1947

SAAB produces its first automobile.

Monday, June 10, 1946

Italy is declared a republic.

Saturday, June 10, 1944

WWII: 642 men, women and children are killed in the Oradour-sur-Glane Massacre in France.

Wednesday, June 10, 1942

WWII: The Gestapo massacres 173 male residents of Lidice, Czechoslovakia in retaliation for the killing of Reinhard Heydrich.

Monday, June 10, 1935

Sunday, June 10, 1934

Italy beats Czechoslovakia 2–1 after extra time to win the 1934 World Cup.

Tuesday, June 10, 1924

Fascists kidnap and kill Italian socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti in Rome.

Monday, June 10, 1918

WWI: The Austro-HungariandreadnoughtbattleshipSMS \\'\\'Szent István\\'\\' is sunk by two Italian MAS motor torpedo boats off the Dalmatian coast.
WWI: The Austro-Hungarian dreadnought battleship SMS "Szent István" is sunk by two Italian MAS motor torpedo boats off the Dalmatian coast.

Friday, June 10, 1904

Irish author James Joyce meets his future wife Nora Barnacle.

Thursday, June 10, 1886

The Mount Tarawera volcano erupts in New Zealand, resulting in the deaths of over 150 people and the destruction of the famous Pink and White Terraces.

Monday, June 10, 1878

The League of Prizren is established.

Saturday, June 10, 1871

United States expedition to Korea: Captain McLane Tilton leads 109 members of the United States Marine Corps in a naval attack on the Han River forts on Ganghwa Island in Korea.

Saturday, June 10, 1854

The first class of the United States Naval Academy graduated at Annapolis, Maryland.

Wednesday, June 10, 1846

Mexican-American War: The California Republic declares independence from Mexico.

Sunday, June 10, 1838

Tuesday, June 10, 1834

Thomas Carlyle moves to Cheyne Row (Carlyle's House) in London.

Wednesday, June 10, 1829

The Oxford University Boat Club wins the first inter-university Boat Race,ref name=Pocket On This Day/ rowed at Henley-on-Thames.

Monday, June 10, 1793

The Jardin des Plantes and the Muséum national d\'histoire naturelle are created by the National Convention. The museum opens in Paris the following year and the garden houses one of the first public zoos.

Saturday, June 10, 1786

An earthquake-caused landslide dam on the Dadu River gives way, killing 100,000 in the Sichuan province of China.

Saturday, June 10, 1719

Battle of Glen Shiel: British forces defeat the Jacobites and their Spanish allies.

Tuesday, June 10, 1692

Salem witch trial investigations and convictions lead to several months of hangings. By the end of September, 14 women including Bridget Bishop and 5 men had been hanged. Another man, Giles Corey was tortured to death in an attempt to coerce a guilty plea from him by crushing him with rocks.

Thursday, June 10, 1688

The birth of King James' heir, James Francis Edward Stuart (1688–1766 later to become known as the Old Pretender) increases public disquiet about a Catholic dynasty. The fears are confirmed when the baby is baptised into the Catholic faith.

Saturday, June 10, 1645

English Civil War: Oliver Cromwell is confirmed as the Lieutenant-General of the Cavalry.

Monday, June 10, 1624

July or August ndash Portuguese Jesuit priest António de Andrade becomes the first European to enter Tibet.
August ndash The Siege of Breda begins, and will continue for 10 months.
Treaty of Compiègne, signed between France and the Netherlands

Monday, June 10, 1619

Thirty Years' War ndash Battle of Záblatí: Protestant forces are defeated.

Thursday, June 10, 1610

Jamestown: The convoy of temporary Governor Gates and the ships of Governor Lord De La Warr land at Jamestown.

Sunday, June 10, 1607

Jamestown: Captain John Smith is released from arrest and sworn in as a member of the colony Council.

Tuesday, June 10, 1597

Tycho is removed from his job working at Epiphany Chapel in Roskilde.

Monday, June 10, 1596

Barents and Jacob van Heemskerk discover Bear Island.

Monday, May 31, 1574 (Julianian calendar)

Manila gains cityhood.

Wednesday, May 31, 1570 (Julianian calendar)

The Kingdom of Livonia is established.

Tuesday, May 31, 1569 (Julianian calendar)

German Protestant troops reinforce Coligny near Limoges.

Thursday, May 31, 1520 (Julianian calendar)

Friday, June 2, 1329 (Julianian calendar)

Braganstown massacre, County Louth, Ireland: over 160 killed.

Friday, June 3, 1194 (Julianian calendar)

A fire at Chartres Cathedral leads to the start of its rebuilding.

Sunday, June 3, 1190 (Julianian calendar)

Third Crusade: Frederick I Barbarossa drowns in the Saleph River while leading an army to Jerusalem.
The Teutonic Knights are founded to defend the Latin states in the Levant.

Friday, June 5, 901 (Julianian calendar)

the Aghlabids sack Reggio Calabria.Giovanni Fiore //books.google.fr/books?id=OEfiHj0umRYCpg=PA536 "Della Calabria illustrata, Volume 3 " Rubbettino Editore srl, 1999 ISBN 978-88-498-0196-5

Saturday, June 7, 671 (Julianian calendar)

Silla seizes control of the former Baekje capital of Sabi from the TangProtectorate General to Pacify the East.
A clepsydra is placed in the capital of Japan.ref name=Seiko
ChineseBuddhist pilgrim I-Ching visits the capital of the partly Buddhist kingdom of Srivijaya, Palembang, Indonesia, and stays for 6 months to study Sanskritgrammar. He reports over 1,000 buddhist monks in residence.
Source: Wikipedia