Unix Timestamp: 1242432000
Saturday, May 16. 2009, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Monday, May 16, 2011

International Monetary Fund head Dominique Strauss-Kahn is ordered to be held without bail on sexual assault charges in New York City. //www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13408002 (BBC), //www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-05-16/imf-chief-strauss-kahn-ordered-held-without-bail-on-sex-assault-accusation.html (Bloomberg)
The International Monetary Fund approves another US$2 billion loan to Ireland. //www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/16/imf-ireland-idUSN1630342720110516 (Reuters)
The European Union agree to €78 billion rescue deal for Portugal. The bailout loan will be equally split between the European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism, the European Financial Stability Facility, and the International Monetary Fund.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Thailand's Prime Minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, warns of escalating violence, and is considering a curfew after clashes with protesters kill 25 over the last 3 days. //www.jpost.com/Headlines/Article.aspx?id=175672 ("The Jerusalem Post") //www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/thailand-to-step-up-security-after-16-die-in-clashes/story-e6frg6so-1225867113534 ("The Australian") //www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/sns-ap-as-thailand-politics,0,2855333.story ("Chicago Tribune")

Friday, May 16, 2008

A pipeline explosion near Lagos, Nigeria, kills up to 100 people. //www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/africa/article3949781.ece (Times Online)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

A flare dropped from a New Jersey National Guard F-16 Fighting Falcon is believed to be the cause of a wildfire that has burned at the edge of Pinelands National Reserve, New Jersey, burning three homes and causing the evacuation of 2,500 other homes. //www.cnn.com/2007/US/05/16/wildfires/index.html (CNN)
The United NationsGeneral Assembly, recognizing that genuine multilingualism promotes unity in diversity and international understanding, proclaims 2008 the International Year of Languages.
Alex Salmond, the leader of the Scottish National Party, is elected as the first non-Labour First Minister of Scotland. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/6659531.stm (BBC)

Monday, May 16, 2005

George Galloway appears before a United States Senate committee, to answer allegations of making money from the Iraqi Oil-for-Food Programme.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Massachusetts legalizes same-sex marriage, in compliance with a ruling from the state's Supreme Judicial Court ("Goodridge v. Department of Public Health").
Ezzedine Salim, holder of the rotating leadership of the Iraq Interim Governing Council, is killed in a bomb blast in Baghdad.
A coup d'état in Chad against PresidentIdriss Déby fails.

Friday, May 16, 2003

Astronomy: A total lunar eclipse is visible from Europe, the Americas and most of Africa from 01:46 to 05:34 GMT //science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2003/12may_lunareclipse.htm Nasa 1, //sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/extra/TLE2003May15.html Nasa 2.
Terrorist incidents: A series of explosions occurs in Casablanca. At least 41 people are believed to be dead including 12 suicide bombers, and 100 are reported injured. See: Casablanca Attacks.
In Casablanca, Morocco, 33 civilians are killed and more than 100 injured in the Casablanca terrorist attacks.
Three time defending NBA chions Los Angeles Lakers get eliminated from the 2002–2003 playoffs, losing 110–82 to the San Antonio Spurs in Los Angeles in Game 6 of their series.

Tuesday, May 16, 2000

The Grand National Assembly of Turkey elects Ahmet Necdet Sezer as the tenth President of Turkey.

Tuesday, May 16, 1995

Japanese police besiege the headquarters of Aum Shinrikyo near Mount Fuji and arrest cult leader Shoko Asahara.

Saturday, May 16, 1992

"STS-49": Space Shuttle "Endeavour" lands safely after a successful maiden voyage.
May 17 ndash Bosnian War: U.N. peacekeepers withdraw from Sarajevo.

Tuesday, May 16, 1989

Ethiopia Coup Attempt: Senior military officers staged a coup attempt in Ethiopia hours after President Mengistu Haile Mariam left on a visit to East Germany.

Friday, May 16, 1986

"Hands Across America": At least 5,000,000 people form a human chain from New York City to Long Beach, California, to raise money to fight hunger and homelessness.
The Bangladeshi double decked ferry "Shamia" capsizes in the Meghna River, southern Barisal, Bangladesh, killing at least 600.
The Seville Statement on Violence is adopted by an international meeting of scientists, convened by the Spanish National Commission for UNESCO, in Seville, Spain.

Thursday, May 16, 1985

Scientists of the British Antarctic Survey announce discovery of the ozone hole.

Monday, May 16, 1983

NSW Premier Neville Wran steps down, in response to allegations raised by the ABC program "Four Corners", that he attempted to influence the NSW Magistracy.

Tuesday, May 16, 1972

The first financial derivatives exchange, the International Monetary Market (IMM), opens on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Sunday, May 16, 1971

A coup attempt is exposed and foiled in Egypt.

Friday, May 16, 1969

Venera program: "Venera 5", a Soviet spaceprobe, lands on Venus.

Tuesday, May 16, 1961

Park Chung Hee takes over in a military coup in South Korea.

Thursday, May 16, 1957

Sunday, May 16, 1948

Chaim Weizmann is elected as the first President of Israel.

Thursday, May 16, 1940

President of the United StatesFranklin D. Roosevelt, addressing a joint session of the U.S. Congress, asks for an extraordinary credit of approximately $900 million to finance construction of at least 50,000 airplanes per year.

Friday, May 16, 1930

Rafael Leónidas Trujillo is elected president of the Dominican Republic.

Thursday, May 16, 1929

Thursday, May 16, 1918

The Sedition Act of 1918 is approved by the U.S. Congress.

Tuesday, May 16, 1916

Britain and France conclude the secret Sykes-Picot Agreement, which is to divide Arab areas of the Ottoman Empire, following the conclusion of WWI, into French and British spheres of influence.

Sunday, May 16, 1897

Twenty-two years after the start of construction, Teatro Massimo opens in Palermo, the largest opera theatre in Italy and the third largest in Europe.

Friday, May 16, 1884

Angelo Moriondo of Turin is granted a patent for an espresso machine.#33/256. "Bollettino delle privative industriali del Regno d’Italia" 2nd Series "'15"' (1884) pp. 635–655.

Wednesday, May 16, 1877

The May 16, 1877 political crisis occurs in France.

Tuesday, May 16, 1876

British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli rejects the Berlin Memorandum.

Saturday, May 16, 1868

President Andrew Johnson is acquitted during his impeachment trial, by one vote in the United States Senate.

Wednesday, May 16, 1866

The U.S. Congress approves the minting of a nickel 5-cent coin (nickel), eliminating its predecessor, the half dime.

Saturday, May 16, 1812

Russian Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov signs the Treaty of Bucharest, ending the Russo-Turkish War, 1806-1812. Bessarabia is illegitimately annexed by Imperial Russia.

Thursday, May 16, 1811

Friday, May 16, 1777

Lachlan McIntosh and Button Gwinnett shoot each other during a duel near Savannah, Georgia. Gwinnett, a signer of the United States Declaration of Independence, dies 3 days later.

Thursday, May 16, 1771

War of the Regulation: The Battle of Alamance commences after Regulators reject an appeal by Governor Tryon to peacefully disperse. Governor Tryon's forces crush the rebellion, causing many Regulators to move to frontier areas outside of North Carolina.

Wednesday, May 16, 1770

Marie Antoinette marries Louis-Auguste (who later becomes King Louis XVI of France).
Fireworks lit by Eric Engelbrecht, at the wedding of the crown prince of France in Paris, cause a fire, killing 132 people.
June ndash The Spanish governor of Buenos Aires sends five frigates to Port Egmont, landing some 1600 marines. The small British force present promptly surrenders.

Wednesday, May 16, 1691

Jacob Leisler is hanged for treason.
June ndash Ahmed II (1691–1695) succeeds Suleiman II (1687–1691) as emperor of the Ottoman Empire.
Battle of Aughrim: Williamite troops defeat the Jacobites in Ireland.
Pope Innocent XII becomes the 242nd pope, succeeding Pope Alexander VIII.

Tuesday, May 16, 1662

The Hearth Tax is introduced in England, Wales and Scotland.

Monday, May 16, 1605

Pope Paul V succeeds Pope Leo XI as the 233rd pope, making 1605 the last Year of Three Popes until 1978.

Thursday, May 6, 1568 (Julianian calendar)

Monday, May 6, 1532 (Julianian calendar)

Sir Thomas More resigns as Lord Chancellor of England.

Monday, May 6, 1527 (Julianian calendar)

In Florence, the Piagnon, a group devoted to the memory of Girolamo Savonarola, drive out the Medici for a second time, re-establishing the Republic of Florence until 1530.

Sunday, May 9, 1204 (Julianian calendar)

Theodore I Lascaris flees to Nicaea after the capture of Constantinople, and establishes the Empire of NicaeaByzantine successor states are also established in Epirus and Trebizond.
The district of Cham becomes subject to Bavaria.
Valdemar II, King of Denmark, is recognized as king in Norway.
The writings of French theologian Amalric of Bena are condemned by the University of Paris and Pope Innocent III.
Hermann I of Thuringia submits to Philip of Swabia.
The Cistercianconvent of Port-Royal-des-Chs is established.
Guernsey and Jersey decide, after a plebiscite of wealthy land owners, to remain with the English crown after Normandy was recaptured by Philip II of France.
Beaulieu Abbey is founded.
Baldwin, Count of Flanders is crowned emperor of the Latin Empire a week after his election by the members of the Fourth Crusade.
Tsar Kaloyan is recognized as king of Bulgaria by Pope Innocent III after the creation of the Bulgarian Uniate church.
Boniface of Montferrat, a leader of the Fourth Crusade, founds the Kingdom of Thessalonica.
Angers and Normandy are captured by Philip II of France.

Monday, May 10, 1003 (Julianian calendar)

Pope John XVII succeeds Pope Silvester II as the 140th pope.

Saturday, May 16, 218

Julia Maesa, an aunt of the assassinated Caracalla, is banished to her home in Syria by the self-proclaimed emperor Macrinus and declares her grandson Elagabalus, age 14, emperor of Rome.
Source: Wikipedia