Unix Timestamp: 1746835200
Saturday, May 10. 2025, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Stock markets rise significantly and bond prices fall around the world after investors are reassured by the European Union and International Monetary Fund’s nearly $1 trillion plan to avoid a European debt crisis. //www.usatoday.com/money/markets/2010-05-10-stocks-euro_N.htm ("USA Today") //www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article7122352.ece ("The Times")

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Voters in Burma go to the polls for the Burmese constitutional referendum, 2008 despite the widespread devastation caused by Cyclone Nargis with widespread concerns about the legitimacy of the process. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7393058.stm (BBC News)
2008 attack on Omdurman and Khartoum: Hundreds of Darfur rebels from the Justice and Equality Movement reach the outskirts of Khartoum and engage in clashes with the Sudanese military. //ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5g72XI4pMTIS_8vNapA9PDgI4wEoAD90ISVDO0 (AP via Google News)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

President Bashar al-Assad states that Syria will not cooperate with a United Nations tribunal to try suspects in the suspected assassination of former Prime Minister of Lebanon Rafiq al-Hariri. //www.guardian.co.uk/syria/story/0,,2077000,00.html (The Guardian)

Monday, May 10, 2004

Philippine general election, 2004: Incumbent president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is elected for a 6-year term.

Friday, May 10, 2002

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter arrives in Cuba for a 5-day visit with Fidel Castro, becoming the first U.S. President, in or out of office, to visit the island since Castro's 1959 revolution.
FBI agent Robert Hanssen is sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for selling American secrets to Moscow for $1.4 million in cash and diamonds.
The Russian Shuttle ''Buran'' is destroyed in the Buran hangar collapse, killing 8 workers.

Saturday, May 10, 1997

An earthquake near Ardekul, in northeastern Iran, kills at least 2,400.

Sunday, May 10, 1992

Wednesday, May 10, 1989

Mikhail Gorbachev visits China, the first Soviet leader to do so since the 1960s.
President Bush orders 1,900 U.S. troops to Panama to protect Americans there.
The government of President of Panama Manuel Noriega declares void the result of the May 7 presidential election, which Noriega had lost to Guillermo Endara.
The ACT (Australian Capital Territory) Legislative Assembly meets for the first time.

Thursday, May 10, 1979

Dan White receives a light sentence for killing San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk, gay men in the city riot.
The Montréal Canadiens defeat the New York Rangers 4 games to 1 in the best-of-seven series, winning the Stanley Cup.
The Federated States of Micronesia becomes self-governing.

Sunday, May 10, 1970

In the second day of violent demonstrations at Jackson State University in Jackson, Mississippi, state law enforcement officers fire into the demonstrators, killing 2 and injuring 12.
Lubbock Tornado: An "F5" tornado hits downtown Lubbock, Texas, the first to hit a downtown district of a major city since Topeka, Kansas in 1966 28 are killed.
The Boston Bruins win their first Stanley Cup since 1941 when Bobby Orr scores a goal 40 seconds into overtime for a 4-3 victory which completed a four-game sweep of the St. Louis Blues.
Henry Marrow is murdered in a violent hate crime in Oxford, North Carolina.

Wednesday, May 10, 1967

The Greek military government accuses Andreas Papandreou of treason.

Tuesday, May 10, 1960

The nuclear submarine USS \\\'\\\'Triton\\\'\\\', under the command of Captain Edward L. Beach, Jr., completes the first underwater circumnavigation of the Earth codenamed Operation Sandblast.
The nuclear submarine USS "Triton", under the command of Captain Edward L. Beach, Jr., completes the first underwater circumnavigation of the Earth codenamed Operation Sandblast.

Saturday, May 10, 1958

Interviewed in the Chave d'Ouro café, when asked about his rival António de Oliveira Salazar, Humberto Delgado utters one of the most famous comments in Portuguese political history: Obviamente, demito-o! (Obviously, I'll sack him!).

Sunday, May 10, 1953

The town of Chemnitz in East Germany becomes "Karl Marx Stadt".

Friday, May 10, 1940

Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands and her government flee to London Rotterdam is subjected to savage terror bombing by the Luftwaffe 980 are killed, and 20,000 buildings destroyed.
Winston Churchill, in his first address as Prime Minister, tells the House of Commons, I have nothing to offer you but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.
With the resignation of Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Women's stockings made of nylon are first placed on sale across the United States. Almost five million pairs are bought on this day.
WWII: The Dutch army surrenders.
German forces invade Low Countries
Recruitment begins in Britain for a home defence force: the Local Defence Volunteers, later known as the Home Guard.
Iceland is invaded by the United Kingdom.
The very first McDonald's restaurant opens in San Bernardino, California.
WWII: German armies open a wide breach in the Maginot Line at Sedan, France.

Saturday, May 10, 1930

Thursday, May 10, 1928

The animated short "Plane Crazy" is released by Disney Studios in Los Angeles, featuring the first appearances of Mickey and Minnie Mouse.
The first regular schedule of television programming begins in Schenectady, New York by the General Electric's television station W2XB (the station is popularly known as WGY Television, after its sister radio station WGY).
The Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia commences operations.

Saturday, May 10, 1924

J. Edgar Hoover is appointed head of the Bureau of Investigation.

Monday, May 10, 1897

The Snaefell Mining Disaster occurs in the Isle of Man.

Wednesday, May 10, 1893

The United States Supreme Court legally declares the tomato to be a vegetable.

Wednesday, May 10, 1876

The Centennial Exposition begins in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Friday, May 10, 1872

Victoria Woodhull becomes the first woman nominated for President of the United States, although she is a year too young to qualify and does not appear on the ballot.
Reconstruction: U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant signs the Amnesty Act of 1872 into law, restoring full civil rights to all but about 500 Confederate sympathizers.
Georges Bizet's comic operaDjamileh premieres at the Opera-Comique in Paris, France.

Wednesday, May 10, 1871

Treaty of Frankfurt is signed confirming the frontiers between Germany and France.

Monday, May 10, 1869

The First Transcontinental Railroad in North America is completed at Promontory, Utah, by driving of the golden spike.

Wednesday, May 10, 1865

American Civil War: Jefferson Davis is captured by Union troops near Irwinville, Georgia.

Sunday, May 10, 1857

Indian rebellion of 1857: The 3rd Light Cavalry of the British East India Company's army rebels against its British officers, thus beginning the rebellion.

Thursday, May 10, 1849

The Astor Place Riot takes place in Manhattan over a dispute between two Shakesperean actors. Over 20 people are killed.

Wednesday, May 10, 1837

The Panic of 1837 begins in New York City.

Thursday, May 10, 1832

The Egyptians, aided by Maronites, seize Acre from the Ottoman Empire after a 7-month siege.

Wednesday, May 10, 1809

Gustav IV Adolf is officially deposed from the Swedish throne by the Riksdag of the Estates.

Thursday, May 10, 1804

William Pitt the Younger begins his second term as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Sunday, May 10, 1801

The pascha of Tripoli declares war on the United States by having the flagpole on the consulate chopped down.

Wednesday, May 10, 1797

The first ship of the United States Navy, the frigate "USS UNITED STATES", is commissioned.

Saturday, May 10, 1788

The Royal Dramatic Theatre ("Kungliga Dramatiska Teatern"), Sweden's national drama company, is founded.

Tuesday, May 10, 1785

A hot air balloon crashes in Tullamore, Ireland, causing a fire that burns down about 100 houses, making it the world's first aviation disaster (by 36 days).

Tuesday, May 10, 1774

Louis XVI becomes King of France following the death of his grandfather, Louis XV.

Tuesday, May 10, 1768

John Wilkes is imprisoned for writing an article for the "North Briton" severely criticizing King George III. This action provokes protesters to riot in the Southwark district of London, troops fire on the mob, killing seven, the Massacre of St George's Fields.

Friday, May 10, 1743

In New France, Governor Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville ends his final term (multiple times over 43 years) as Governor of colonial French Louisiana, which he helped colonize he is succeeded by the Marquis de Vaudreuil (for the next 10 years) and returns to France.

Monday, May 10, 1655

English troops land on Jamaica.

Saturday, May 10, 1631

Thirty Years\\\\\' War: After a two month siege, an Imperial army under the command of Tilly storms the German city of Magdeburg and brutally sacks it, massacring over 20,000 inhabitants. Shocked by the massacre, many protestant states in the Holy Roman Empire decide to ally with Gustav Adolf of Sweden and support his ongoing invasion.
Thirty Years' War: After a two month siege, an Imperial army under the command of Tilly storms the German city of Magdeburg and brutally sacks it, massacring over 20,000 inhabitants. Shocked by the massacre, many protestant states in the Holy Roman Empire decide to ally with Gustav Adolf of Sweden and support his ongoing invasion.

Thursday, May 10, 1612

Friday, April 30, 1535 (Julianian calendar)

Amsterdam: A small troop of Anabaptists, led by the minister Jacob van Geel, attacks the city hall in an attempted coup to seize the city. In the counter-attack by the city's militia, the burgemeester, Pieter Colijns, is killed by the rebels.

Thursday, April 30, 1534 (Julianian calendar)

Jacques Cartier explores Newfoundland while searching for the Northwest Passage.

Friday, April 30, 1529 (Julianian calendar)

The Turkish army under Suleiman I leaves Constantinople to invade Hungary once again.

Sunday, April 30, 1503 (Julianian calendar)

Christopher Columbus discovers the Cayman Islands, which he names "Las Tortugas" after the numerous sea turtles there.

Monday, May 1, 1497 (Julianian calendar)

Amerigo Vespucci allegedly leaves Cádiz for his first voyage to the New World.

Thursday, May 3, 1291 (Julianian calendar)

Scottish nobles recognize the authority of King Edward I of England in mediating resolution of the succession crisis created by the death of King Alexander III of Scotland five years earlier.

Friday, May 3, 1241 (Julianian calendar)

Battle of Cameirge: The Milesian Irish Septs of the O'Donnells from Donegal, the O'Neills from Armagh and the O'Dohertys of Connacht defeat the last Tuathe de Danaan Sept the MacLochlainns of Tir-owen and Inish-Owen under Domhnall MacLochlainn.

Tuesday, May 5, 946 (Julianian calendar)

Pope Agapitus II succeeds Pope Marinus II as the 129th pope.

Friday, May 7, 678 (Julianian calendar)

Princess Tōchi is buried at a place named "Akō". The Emperor, her father, is graciously pleased to raise lament for her.

Saturday, May 12, 70 (Julianian calendar)

Titus opens a full-scale assault on Jerusalem, he concentrates his attack on the city's Third Wall (HaHoma HaShlishit) to the northwest. The Roman army tries to breach the wall using "testudos", mantlets, siege towers, and battering rams.
Source: Wikipedia