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Thursday, May 1. 2025, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

President of the United States Barack Obama announces in a special TV broadcast that Osama bin Laden, the founder and leader of the militant Islamist group Al-Qaeda and the most-wanted fugitive on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, was killed on May 2 during an American military operation in Abbottabad, near Islamabad, Pakistan and that his body is in U.S. custody. //news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/05/01/obama-to-make-statment-tonight-subject-unknown/ (CNN) //www.sbs.com.au/news/article/1529821/Osa-Bin-Laden-reportedly-dead (SBS Television) //www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/may/02/osama-bin-laden-dead-obama ("The Guardian") //www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13256676 (BBC) //abcnews.go.com/Blotter/osama-bin-laden-killed/story?id=13505703 (ABC News)
Death of Osama bin Laden:
A crowd of hundreds of people attack a Christian seminary, a church and houses of local Christians in in Gujranwala, Pakistan, after finding out that two Christians who had been accused of blasphemy have been released from protective custody by the police. //tribune.com.pk/story/160337/blasphemy-allegations-release-of-alleged-blasphemers-sparks-riots-in-gujranwala/ ("The Express Tribune")
U.S. President Barack Obama announces that Osama bin Laden, the founder and leader of the militant group Al-Qaeda, has been killed during an American military operation in Pakistan.
German officials say they have foiled a terror plot with the arrest of three suspected al-Qaeda bomb-makers. //www.denverpost.com/nationworld/ci_17967448#ixzz1L6fhEFKO ("The Denver Post")//timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/rest-of-world/Terror-strike-averted-Germany-arrests-3-suspected-Qaida-men/articleshow/8131430.cms ("The Times of India")

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2004

The largest expansion to date of the European Union takes place, extending the Union by 10 member-states: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Malta and Cyprus.

Thursday, May 1, 2003

President Bush safely lands in an S-3B Viking jet on the deck of the USS "Abraham Lincoln" returning from operations in Iraq while 100 miles off the coast of San Diego, California. It is the first time a sitting president has arrived on the deck of an aircraft carrier by plane. Bush makes a primetime address, surrounded by hundreds of sailors, in which he declares major combat operations in Iraq over while standing in front of a banner reading Mission Accomplished.
U. S. president George W. Bush lands on the aircraft carrier USS \'\'Abraham Lincoln\'\', where he gives a speech announcing the end of major combat in the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. A banner behind him declares Mission Accomplished.

Monday, May 1, 2000

An earthquake hits Banggai, Indonesia, leaving 54 dead.
In San Antonio, Texas, computer pioneer Datapoint files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
After originating in the Philippines, the ILOVEYOU computer virus spreads quickly throughout the world.
A new class of composite material is fabricated, which has a combination of physical properties never before seen in a natural or man-made material.ref name=compref name=UCSD-press-release{{cite web|author=McDonald, Kim|title= UCSD Physicists Develop a New Class of Composite Material with 'Reverse' Physical Properties Never Before Seen
Effective date of Canada's first modern-day treaty – The Nisga'a Final Agreement
A rare conjunction of 7 celestial bodies (Sun, Moon, planets MercuryndashSaturn) occurs during the New Moon.//nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/alignment.html

Sunday, May 1, 1994

Three-time Formula One world chion Ayrton Senna is killed in an accident during the San Marino Grand Prix in Imola, Italy.

Wednesday, May 1, 1991

Angolan Civil War: The MPLA and UNITA agree to the Bicesse Accords, which are formally signed on May 31 in Lisbon.
U.S. President Bush is hospitalized after experiencing irregular heartbeat. He is released from hospital the next day.

Tuesday, May 1, 1990

The former Episcopal Church in the Philippines (supervised by the Episcopal Church of the United States of America) is granted full autonomy and raised to the states of an Autocephalous Anglican Province and renamed the Episcopal Church of the Philippines.

Saturday, May 1, 1982

Falklands War: The nuclear submarine HMS ''Conqueror'' sinks the Argentine cruiser "General Belgrano", killing 323 sailors.
A crowd of over 100,000 attends the first day of the 1982 World's Fair in Knoxville, Tennessee. The fair is kicked off with an address by President Ronald Reagan. Over 11 million people attend the fair during its 6-month run.
The Weather Channel airs on cable television for the first time.
A crowd of over 100,000 attends the first day of the 1982 World\\'s Fair in Knoxville, Tennessee. The fair is kicked off with an address by PresidentRonald Reagan. Over 11 million people attend the fair during its 6-month run.
Falklands War: The nuclear submarine HMS "Conqueror" sinks the Argentine cruiser "General Belgrano", killing 323 sailors.

Friday, May 1, 1981

The new Chilean pension system, based on private pension funds, begins.

Tuesday, May 1, 1979

Greenland gets home rule.

Sunday, May 1, 1977

The Taksim Square massacre in Istanbul results in 34 deaths, hundreds of injuries.

Saturday, May 1, 1976

A train crash in Schiedam, the Netherlands, kills 24 people.
Neville Wran becomes Premier of New South Wales.
The first LAGEOS (Laser Geodynamics Satellite) is launched.

Tuesday, May 1, 1973

An estimated 1,600,000 workers in the United Kingdom stop work in support of a Trade Union Congress day of national protest and stoppage against the Government's anti-inflation policy.

Friday, May 1, 1970

Demonstrations against the trial of the New Haven Nine, Bobby Seale, and Ericka Huggins draw 12,000. President Richard Nixon orders U.S. forces to cross into neutral Cambodia, threatening to widen the Vietnam War, sparking nationwide riots and leading to the Kent State Shootings.

Sunday, May 1, 1966

Floods occur on the Finnish coast.

Friday, May 1, 1964

Henry Hezekiah Dee and Charles Eddie Moore, hitchhiking in Meadville, Mississippi, are kidnapped and beaten by members of the Ku Klux Klan. Their badly decomposed bodies are found by chance 2 months later in July, during the search for 3 civil rights workers – Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner.
Some 400–1,000 students march through Times Square, New York and another 700 in San Francisco, in the first major student demonstration against the Vietnam War. Smaller marches also occur in Boston, Seattle, and Madison, Wisconsin.
Senator Barry Goldwater receives more than 75% of the votes in the Texas Republican Presidential primary.
At 4:00 a.m., John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz run the first program written in BASIC (Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), an easy to learn high level programming language which they have created. BASIC is eventually included on many computers and even some games consoles.

Wednesday, May 1, 1963

Thousands of African Americans, many of them children, are arrested while protesting segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. Public Safety Commissioner Eugene Bull Connor later unleashes fire hoses and police dogs on the demonstrators.
The Coca-Cola Company introduces its first diet drink, TaB cola.
Berthold Seliger launches near Cuxhaven a 3 stage rocket with a maximum flight altitude of more than 62 miles (the only sounding rocket developed in Germany).

Sunday, May 1, 1955

Warsaw Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance signed (Warsaw Treaty Organization) (effective June 6).

Saturday, May 1, 1954

The Unification Church is founded in South Korea.

Thursday, May 1, 1952

East Germany threatens to form its own army.

Tuesday, May 1, 1951

The Festival of Britain opens.
The Opera house of Geneva, Switzerland is almost destroyed in a fire.
The U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services and U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations begins its closed door hearings into the dismissal of General Douglas MacArthur by U.S. President Harry S Truman.

Monday, May 1, 1950

Tollund Man is unearthed in Denmark.
Robert Schuman presents his proposal for the creation of a pan-European organisation, which he believes to be indispensable to the maintenance of permanently peaceful relations between the different nations of the continent. This proposal, known as the Schuman declaration, is considered to be the beginning of the creation of what is now the European Union.
UNRWA operations begin.
The town of Cazin (Bosnia) rises up against Communist agrarian reforms.

Sunday, May 1, 1949

Nereid, a moon of Neptune, is discovered by Gerard P. Kuiper.

Thursday, May 1, 1947

The Salvatore Giuliano Gang opens fire on a labor parade near Portella Della Ginestra, Sicily, killing 11 people and wounding 30.

Wednesday, May 1, 1946

At least 800 Indigenous Australian pastoral workers walk off the job in Northwest Western Australia, starting one of the longest industrial strikes in Australia.

Tuesday, May 1, 1945

Joseph Goebbels and his wife Magda commit suicide after killing their six children. Karl Dönitz appoints Count Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk as the new Chancellor of Germany.
Troops of the Yugoslav 4th Army, together with the Slovene 9th Corpus NOV, enter Trieste.
Hamburg Radio announces that Hitler has died in battle, fighting up to his last breath against Bolshevism.

Monday, May 1, 1939

"Batman", created by Bob Kane (and, unofficially, Bill Finger) makes his first appearance in a comic book.

Saturday, May 1, 1937

A general strike occurs in Paris, France.

Tuesday, May 1, 1934

Friday, May 1, 1931

Construction of the Empire State Building is completed in New York City.

Tuesday, May 1, 1923

Southeastern Michigan receives a record of snow after temperatures plummeted from 62 to 34 degrees between 1 and 6 pm on the previous day.//www.crh.noaa.gov/dtx/talesmay.php National Weather Service
Rahula College is established in Ceylon with the name of Parakramabhahu Vidyalaya.
The premiere of Bertolt Brecht's play "In the Jungle (Im Dickicht)" at the Residenztheater in Munich is interrupted by Nazi demonstrators.

Wednesday, May 1, 1918

German troops enter Don province they take RostovMay 6.

Wednesday, May 1, 1912

Tuesday, May 1, 1900

An explosion of blasting powder in a coal mine in Scofield, Utah kills 200.

Sunday, May 1, 1898

Spanish-American War ndash Battle of Manila Bay: Commodore Dewey destroys the Spanish squadron. The first battle of the war, as well as the first battle in the Philippines Caign.

Saturday, May 1, 1897

The Tennessee Centennial Exposition opens in Nashville, for 6 months, illuminated by many electric lights.

Wednesday, May 1, 1895

Dundela Football, Sports Association Club were formed

Monday, May 1, 1893

The 1893 World's Fair, also known as the World's Columbian Exposition, opens to the public in Chicago, USA. The first United States commemorative postage sts are issued for the Exposition.
The 1893 World\\'s Fair, also known as the World's Columbian Exposition, opens to the public in Chicago, USA. The first United States commemorative postage sts are issued for the Exposition.

Friday, May 1, 1891

Troops fire on a workers' May Day demonstration in support of the 8-hour workday in Fourmies, France, killing 9 and wounding 30.
The first "Fascio dei lavoratori" (Workers League) is founded by Giuseppe De Felice Giuffrida in Catania, (Sicily).

Tuesday, May 1, 1888

Saturday, May 1, 1886

A general strike begins in the United States, which escalates into the Haymarket Riot and eventually wins the eight-hour workday in the U.S.

Thursday, May 1, 1884

The eight-hour workday is first proclaimed by the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions in the United States. May 1, called "May Day" or "Labour Day", is now a holiday recognized in almost every industrialized country.

Wednesday, May 1, 1872

Yellowstone becomes the world's first national park.

Monday, May 1, 1865

The Triple Alliance of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay against Paraguay is formally signed the Paraguayan War has already begun.

Friday, May 1, 1863

4 ndash American Civil War ndash The Battle of Chancellorsville: General Robert E. Lee defeats Union forces with 13,000 Confederate casualties, among them Stonewall Jackson (lost to friendly fire), and 17,500 Union casualties.

Tuesday, May 1, 1860

A Chondrite type meteorite falls to earth in Muskingum County, Ohio near the town of New Concord.

Thursday, May 1, 1856

Isabela Province is created in the Philippines in honor of Queen Isabela II of Spain.

Tuesday, May 1, 1855

Van Dieman's Land separated from New South Wales and granted self-government
Walt Whitman registers the title "Leaves of Grass" with the clerk of the United States District Court, Southern District of New Jersey, and receives its copyright.
The Great Gold Robbery of 1855 occurs in England.
Van Dieman's Land separated from New South Wales and granted self-government

Thursday, May 1, 1851

Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, the first secret society for women, is founded at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia.
Mongkut (Rama IV) is crowned King of Siam at the Grand Palace in Bangkok.
Mid-May to mid-July ndash The Great Flood of 1851: extensive flooding across Midwest U.S., town of Des Moines virtually washed away, many rainfall records hold for 160 years.
The "Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations" in the Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, London is opened by Queen Victoria (it runs until October 18).

Monday, May 1, 1848

Phi Gamma Delta is founded.

Wednesday, May 1, 1844

Hong Kong Police Force, the world's second, Asia's first modern police force is established.

Friday, May 1, 1840

Britain issues the Penny Black, the world's first postage st.

Monday, May 1, 1820

The last hanging, drawing and quartering in Britain is meted out to the Cato Street conspirators for treason (only hanged and beheaded).

Tuesday, May 1, 1810

Macon\\'s Bill Number 2 becomes law in the United States, intending to motivate Britain and France to stop seizing American vessels during the Napoleonic Wars.

Friday, May 1, 1795

Battle of Nu\\\'uanu: Kamehameha I of the Island of Hawaii defeats the Oahuans, solidifying his control of the major islands of the archipelago and officially founding the Kingdom of Hawaii.

Monday, May 1, 1786

Mozart's opera "The Marriage of Figaro" premieres in Vienna.

Wednesday, May 1, 1776

Adam Weishaupt founds the Bavarian Illuminati (Order of the Illuminati) in Ingolstadt, Bavaria.

Tuesday, May 1, 1759

Josiah Wedgwood founds the Wedgwood pottery company in Great Britain.

Tuesday, May 1, 1753

"Species Plantarum" is published by Linnaeus (adopted by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature as the formal start date of the scientific classification of plants).

Wednesday, May 1, 1726

Voltaire begins exile in England.

Sunday, May 1, 1707

The Acts of Union become law, uniting the Parliaments of the Kingdom of England and Kingdom of Scotland to form the Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Thursday, May 1, 1704

The Boston News-Letter first successful newspaper in the US is published

Friday, May 1, 1699

Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville founds the first European settlement in the Mississippi River Valley, at Fort Maurepas (Ocean Springs, Mississippi).
Pierre Le Moyne d\\'Iberville founds the first European settlement in the Mississippi River Valley, at Fort Maurepas (Ocean Springs, Mississippi).

Wednesday, May 1, 1658

Thursday, May 1, 1625

May 1 ndash A Portuguese-Spanish expedition recaptures Salvador, Bahia (Bahia) from the Dutch.

Tuesday, April 21, 1562 (Julianian calendar)

Jean Ribault, French navigator, lands in Florida and later establishes a Huguenot colony at Charlesfort on Parris Island, off the coast of South Carolina.

Sunday, April 22, 1464 (Julianian calendar)

Edward IV of England secretly marries Elizabeth Woodville, and keeps the marriage a secret for 5 months afterwards.

Saturday, April 23, 1351 (Julianian calendar)

Vantaa, Finland is first mentioned.
The Samma Dynasty in Sindh (now part of Pakistan) breaks away from the Delhi Sultanate.
King Gongmin ascends the throne in Goryeo.
The Turks cross the Dardanelles into Europe for the first time.
Emperor Go-Kōgon of Japan succeeds Emperor Sukō, making them the third and fourth of the Northern Ashikaga Pretenders, respectively.
Firuz Tughlaq succeeds Mohammad Tughlaq as Sultan of Delhi.
The Mongolian-run Yuan Dynasty of China is permanently weakened by an uprising known as the Red Turban Rebellion.
King Ramathibodi I ascends the throne in Ayutthaya (now Thailand). He begins to propagate Theravada Buddhism as the state religion.
The Statute of Laborers is enacted by the English Parliament, to deal with a labor shortage caused by the Black Death.
Zürich joins the Swiss Confederation.

Saturday, April 23, 1328 (Julianian calendar)

Treaty of Edinburgh-Northton: England recognises Scotland as an independent nation after the Wars of Scottish Independence.

Friday, April 24, 1187 (Julianian calendar)

Battle of Cresson: Saladin defeats the crusaders.

Thursday, April 25, 1006 (Julianian calendar)

The brightest supernova ever recorded, SN 1006, occurs in the constellation of Lupus. It is observed and described in China, Japan, the Middle East, Europe, and elsewhere.

Wednesday, April 27, 880 (Julianian calendar)

The Nea Ekklesia is inaugurated in Constantinople, setting the model for all later cross-in-square Orthodox churches.
Pope John VIII issues the bull "Industriae Tuae", creating an independent ecclesiastical province in Great Moravia with Archbishop Saint Methodius as its head. The Old Church Slavonic is recognized as the fourth liturgical language, besides Latin, Greek and Hebrew.
Oldest known mention of the city of Dortmund.
A bishopric is established in Nitra.

Monday, April 29, 524 (Julianian calendar)

King Sigismund is executed at Orléans after an 8-year reign and is succeeded by his brother Godomar. He rallies the Burgundian army and begins plundering Frankish territory.

Thursday, April 30, 408 (Julianian calendar)

Summer ndash Emperor Honorius marries Thermantia, second daughter of Stilicho, his famous general ("magister militum").
Emperor Arcadius dies in his palace at Constantinople after a weak 13-year reign. He is succeeded by his 7-year-old son, Theodosius II, who rules under the domination of his devout Christian sister Pulcheria and Anthemius, who acts as regent.
The Roman usurper Constantine III established his headquarters at Arles (Southern Gaul) and elevates his eldest son, Constans, to the rank of "Caesar". He sends him with a expeditionary force under Gerontius to Hispania, in order to suppress the revolt of some members of the House of Theodosius who are loyal to Honorius.

Monday, April 30, 305 (Julianian calendar)

The Daysan River floods Edessa.
The Council of Illiberis decrees that priests must be celibate. Additionally, it condemns visiting the homes of Jews and prohibits Christian women from marrying Jews, unless they have converted.
Catherine makes public confession of Christian gospel at a sacrificial feast ordered by Maximinus II at Alexandria. A virgin of royal descent, she is tortured on a spiked wheel (later called Catherine Wheel) and beheaded her remains are spirited to Mount Sinai.
Emperor Diocletian abdicates at age 60 and retires to his palace at Salona (modern Split) on the Adriatic coast after a reign of nearly 21 years in which the last vestiges of republican government have disappeared.
Maximian retires from office and leaves for Cania (southern Italy) to live a life of ease in his luxury villas.
Landowners dominate the Roman Empire and enjoy the title of senator, which exempts them from the crushing taxes imposed on the rest of the population. The Senate has lost all its power and the landowners almost never attend Senate sessions. Members of municipal senates ("curiales" or "decuriones") are charged with the responsibility of collecting taxes and paying arrears smaller landowners are held responsible for providing recruits for the Roman army and with keeping wastelands under cultivation.
In the Western Empire, the capital is moved from Rome to Milan. Constantius Chlorus requests leave for his son Constantine I who remains at Galerius's court in Nicomedia, as a virtual hostage.
Summer ndash Constantine I joins his father in Gaul, from Bononia (Boulogne) they cross the Channel to Britain and make their way to Eboracum (York), capital of Britannia Secunda and home to a large military base in order to deal with a rebellion by the Picts.
Maximinus II (305–313) persecutes the Christians of Egypt, many of whom take refuge in the desert. In time, this refuge leads to the monastic life. In these monasteries Coptic writing develops, supporting the propagation of Christian texts.
Patron of Pozzuoli, Saint Proculus, and patron of Naples, Saint Januarius are thrown to wild beasts in Pozzuoli's Flavian Amphitheater, then beheaded at Solfatara.
Source: Wikipedia