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Saturday, April 5. 2025, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mali's Azawad National Liberation Movement declares an end to military activities, claiming that they have captured enough territory to form their own state. //www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-17622760 (BBC)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

North American Aerospace Defense Command and United States Northern Command report that North Korea's Bright Star-2 communications satellite did not reach Earth's orbit. //www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/04/05/north.korea.rocket/index.html (CNN)
North Korea launches the Kwangmyŏngsŏng-2 rocket, prompting an emergency meeting ofmdashbut no official reaction frommdashthe United Nations Security Council.

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

A swan with Avian Flu is discovered in Cellardyke in Fife, Scotland (the first case in the United Kingdom).

Monday, April 5, 2004

Elizabeth II begins a state visit to France to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale.

Sunday, April 5, 1998

In Japan, the Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge linking Shikoku with Honshū and costing about US$3.8 billion, opens to traffic, becoming the largest suspension bridge in the world.

Wednesday, April 5, 1995

The U.S. House of Representatives votes 246–188 to cut taxes for individuals and corporations.

Wednesday, April 5, 1989

The Polish Government and the Solidarity labor union sign an agreement restoring Solidarity to legal status, and agreeing to hold democratic elections on June 1.

Tuesday, April 5, 1988

Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis wins the Wisconsin Democratic presidential primary.
The comic strip "FoxTrot" makes its first appearance in US newspapers.
The Great Seto Bridge opens to traffic in Japan.

Saturday, April 5, 1986

1986 Berlin discotheque bombing: The West Berlin discothèque, a known hangout for United States soldiers, is bombed, killing 3 and injuring 230 Libya is held responsible.

Monday, April 5, 1965

Charlie Brown and the "Peanuts" Gang appear on the cover of "Time Magazine".
At the 37th Academy Awards, "My Fair Lady" wins 8 Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director. Rex Harrison wins an Oscar for Best Actor. "Mary Poppins" takes home 5 Oscars. Julie Andrews wins an Academy Award for Best Actress, for her portrayal in the role. Sherman Brothers receives 2 Oscars including Best Song, Chim Chim Cher-ee.
The Early Birdcommunications satellite is launched. It becomes operational May 2 and is placed in commercial service in June.
The West German parliament extends the statute of limitations on Nazi war crimes.
The British Government announced the cancellation of the TSR-2 aircraft project.
The 100th anniversary of the end of the American Civil War is observed.
In Houston, Texas, the Harris CountyDomed Stadium (more commonly known as the Astrodome) opens.

Wednesday, April 5, 1961

The New Guinea Council of Western Papua is installed.

Friday, April 5, 1957

The Communist Party of India wins the elections in Kerala, making E. M. S. Namboodiripad its first chief minister.

Monday, April 5, 1948

The Deir Yassin massacre takes place in British Mandate of Palestine.
Jorge Eliécer Gaitán's assassination provokes a violent riot in Bogotá (the "Bogotazo"), and a further 10 years of violence in all of Colombia ("La Violencia").
A fire in a Buddhist monastery Shanghai kills 20 monks.
The World Health Organization is established by the United Nations.

Wednesday, April 5, 1944

Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler escape from Auschwitz-Birkenhau.

Sunday, April 5, 1942

WWII: the Japanese Navy attacks Colombo in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Royal Navy Cruisers are sunk southwest of the island.

Friday, April 5, 1940

Neville Chamberlain, in what proves to be a tragic misjudgment, declares in a major public speech that Hitler has missed the bus.

Sunday, April 5, 1936

A tornado hits Tupelo, Mississippi, killing 216 and injuring over 700 (the 4th deadliest tornado in U.S. history).

Saturday, April 5, 1930

Hostess Twinkies are invented.
In an act of civil disobedience, Mahatma Gandhi breaks British law after marching to the sea and making salt.
International Left Opposition (ILO) is founded in Paris, France.

Tuesday, April 5, 1927

In Britain, the Trade Disputes and Trade Union Act 1927 forbids strikes of support.

Friday, April 5, 1918

Sālote succeeds as Queen of Tonga she will remain on the throne until her death in 1965.

Tuesday, April 5, 1898

Annie Oakley promotes the service of women in combat situations with the United States military. On this day, she writes a letter to President McKinley offering the government the services of a company of 50 'lady sharpshooters' who would provide their own arms and ammunition should war break out with Spain.//www.archives.gov/research/recover/exle-02.html The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Letter to President William McKinley from Annie Oakley Retrieved January 24, 2008. In the history of women in the military, there are records of female U.S. Revolutionary and Civil War soldiers who enlisted using male pseudonyms, but Oakley's letter represents possibly the earliest political move towards women's rights for combat service in the United States military.

Monday, April 5, 1897

The "Ordinance of April 5," equalizing German and Czech in Bohemia, is signed in Austria-Hungary (see Count Kasimir Felix Badeni).

Sunday, April 5, 1891

May ndash Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claims to be the Promised Messiah (The second coming of Jesus) and the Mahdi awaited in Islam.
Census in the United Kingdom. 15.6 million people live in cities of 20,000 or more in England and Wales. Cities of 20,000 or more account for 54% of the total English population.

Thursday, April 5, 1883

Oxygen is liquefied for the very first time.

Saturday, April 5, 1862

American Civil War ndash Battle of Yorktown: The battle begins when Union forces under General George B. McClellan close in on the Confederate capital Richmond, Virginia.

Wednesday, April 5, 1815

April 12 ndash Mount Tambora in the Dutch East Indies blows its top explosively during an eruption, killing upwards of 92,000 and propelling thousands of tons of aerosols (Sulfide gas compounds) into the upper atmosphere (stratosphere). The high level gases reflect sunlight and cause the widespread cooling (known as a volcanic winter) and heavy rains of 1816, causes snows in June and July in the northern hemisphere, widespread crop failures, and subsequently famine, which is why 1816 is later known as the Year Without a Summer.

Friday, April 5, 1811

April 6 ndash Revolutionary riots occur in Buenos Aires.

Thursday, April 5, 1804

The first recorded meteorite falls in Possil, Scotland (High Possil meteorite).

Sunday, April 5, 1795

Peace of Basel signed between France and Prussia.

Saturday, April 5, 1794

Georges Danton is executed.

Thursday, April 5, 1792

United States PresidentGeorge Washington vetoes a bill designed to apportion representatives among U.S. states. This is the first time the presidential veto is used in the United States.

Thursday, April 5, 1753

The founding charter of the British Museum is enacted.

Sunday, April 5, 1722

Easter Sunday: Dutch admiral Jakob Roggeveen lands on what is now Easter Island.

Friday, April 5, 1697

Karl XII becomes king of Sweden upon the death of his father, Karl XI. Karl XII is known as the Swedish Meteor.

Sunday, April 5, 1654

The Treaty of Westminster, ending the First Anglo-Dutch War, is signed.ref name=Cassell's Chronology

Monday, April 5, 1621

The "Mayflower" sets sail from Plymouth on a return trip to England.

Saturday, April 5, 1614

Pocahontas marries English colonist John Rolfe in Jamestown, Virginia.

Tuesday, March 26, 1566 (Julianian calendar)

The Compromise of Nobles is presented to Margaret of Parma, but succeeds only in delaying the beginning of the Eighty Years' War in the Netherlands.

Thursday, March 26, 1534 (Julianian calendar)

Easter Sunday) ndash AnabaptistJan Matthys is killed by the Landsknechte, who lay siege to Münster on the day he predicted as The Second Coming of Christ. His follower John of Leiden takes control of the city.

Saturday, March 28, 1355 (Julianian calendar)

Charles IV is crowned emperor in Rome.

Saturday, March 29, 1242 (Julianian calendar)

The king Sancho II of Portugal conquers the cities of Tavira, Alvor and Paderne in his continuing effort against the Muslims, known as Reconquista.ref name=picard2000
A Frenchgoldsmith working in Budapest named Guillaume Boucher is captured by the Mongols and taken to Karakorum.
Kiel, Germany is chartered as a town.
– During a battle on the ice of Lake Peipus, Russian forces, led by Alexander Nevsky, rebuff an invasion attempt by the Teutonic Knights.
The archbishop of Wiesbaden conquers the city from the Duke of Nassau.
Timeline of medicine and medical technology: Ibn Nafis suggests that the right and left ventricles of the heart are separate and describes the lesser circulation of blood.
The golden bull is issued by King Béla IV to inhabitants of Gradec (today's Zagreb) and Samobor in Croatia, during the Mongol invasion of Europe. By this golden bull King Bela IV proclaim a Free Royal Borough (free and royal city).
The Mongols of the Golden Horde devastate Volga Bulgaria, and force the nation to pay tribute.
Croats stop the Mongolian invasion after the battle of Grobnicko Polje
German colonists arrive in Bratislava after the Mongols failed to conquer the city.
The diocese of Warmia, Poland is created.
Cleves, Germany is chartered as a city.
Mongol invasions

Monday, March 29, 1143 (Julianian calendar)

Tuesday, April 1, 710 (Julianian calendar)

Roderic deposes Achila to become king of the Visigoths.
The isolated Byzantine outpost of Cherson in the Crimea rebels with Khazar assistance, against Justinian II. The emperor sends a fleet under the "patrikios" Stephen, which retakes the city and restores imperial control. The fleet however is struck by a storm on its way back and loses many ships, while the Chersonites, again with the aid of the Khazars, rebel anew.
The Muslim Kingdom of Nekor is founded in Morocco.
The first (wooden) Al-Aqsa Mosque is finished.
The Byzantine general Leo (the future emperor Leo III) recovers Abasgia for the Byzantine Empire from the Arabs.
During the Cold Food Festival, Chinese Emperor Zhongzong of Tang has his chief ministers of court, sons-in-law, and high-ranking military officers engage in the festive game of tug of war within a palace of Chang'an City. The Emperor purportedly laughs when two older ministers fall over during the game.
A Muslim army is invited into Ceuta by its governor, Count Julian, who, being an opponent of Roderick, encourages them to invade the Iberian peninsula.
Source: Wikipedia