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Wednesday, March 26. 2025, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Friday, March 26, 2010

A South Korean Navy ship named the Cheonan, carrying more than 100 personnel sinks near the Northern Limit Line in waters off the country's west coast near North Korea. //english.yonhapnews.co.kr/national/2010/03/27/13/0301000000AEN20100327000100315F.HTML (Yonhap) //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8589507.stm (BBC) //www.rte.ie/news/2010/0326/korea.html (RTÉ) //timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/rest-of-world/South-Korea-navy-ship-sunk-near-North-Korea-border-Military/articleshow/5728798.cms ("The Times of India") An international team of investigators attributes the attack to a torpedo fired by a North Korean submarine. //www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article7131533.ece (The Times).
The "ROKS Cheonan", a South Korean Navy ship carrying 104 personnel, sinks off the country's west coast, killing 46. In May, an independent investigation blames North Korea, which denies the allegations.ref name=dailynk1

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Somali pirates hijack ships from the Isle of Man, Greece, and the Seychelles, while three other ships escape. //www.marinelog.com/DOCS/NEWSMMIX/2009mar00260.html (Marine Log) ! We have so far not had any arguments over listing each attack so don't start now unless there is good reason (or feel free to discuss forming a guideline at Talk:Current events)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Space Shuttle "Endeavour" lands at Cape Canaveral, Florida in a rare nighttime landing ending a 16-day mission to the International Space Station. //www.nytimes.com/2008/03/26/science/space/26cnd-shuttle.html ("The New York Times")
Ford Motor Company announces it will sell its British luxury-car brands Jaguar and Land Rover to India's Tata Motors for $2.3 billion. //www.marketwatch.com/news/story/ford-sell-jaguar-land-rover/story.aspx?guid=%7B242A1628%2D8FC7%2D4293%2D8654%2D5418FCAD3063%7Ddist=TQP_Mod_mktwN (MarketWatch)
A 41 km times 2.5 km chunk of ice (102.5 km², see size comparisons) breaks away from the Antarctic Wilkins ice shelf, heralding the disintegration of the remaining 14,000 kmsup2/sup. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7313264.stm (BBC News) //edition.cnn.com/2008/TECH/science/03/25/antarctic.ice/ (CNN)

Saturday, March 26, 2005

The Taiwanese government calls on 1 million Taiwanese to demonstrate in Taipei, in opposition to the Anti-Secession Law of the People's Republic of China. Between 200,000 and 300,000 attend the walk.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

A meteor exploded over the midwest, showering Park Forest, Illinois, with dozens of meteorite fragments. //apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap030506.html APOD: 2003 May 6 – A Chicago Meteorite Fall

Sunday, March 26, 2000

The Seattle Kingdome is demolished by implosion.

Thursday, March 26, 1998

Oued Bouaicha massacre in Algeria: 52 people are killed with axes and knives, 32 of them babies under the age of 2.

Tuesday, March 26, 1996

Three British soldiers are found guilty of the manslaughter of Danish tour guide Louise Jensen in Cyprus. Allan Ford, Justin Fowler and Geoffrey Pernell receive life sentences for the September, 1994 rape/murder.
Major League Soccer kicks off in front of an overflow crowd of 31,683 packed in Spartan Stadium, to witness the historic first game. San Jose Clash forward Eric Wynalda scores the league's first goal in a 1–0 victory over D.C. United.
Massacres of Hutus by Tutsis in Burundi take place, with more than 450 killed in a few days.
Fighting breaks out in Monrovia, Liberia, between various rebel factions struggling for power in the country's interrupted civil war. Several foreign nationals leave the nation.
The International Monetary Fund approves a $10.2 billion loan to Russia for economic reform.
An overcrowded ferry sinks off the coast of Irois, Haiti, killing more than 200 people.
In a common statement, the European Union officially recognized the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
A Boeing 737 military jet crashes into a mountain north of Dubrovnik, Croatia. All 35 people on board die, including United States Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown (see 1996 Croatia USAF CT-43 crash).
Fire breaks out at the Pasar Anyar shopping centre in Bogor, West Java. The first death toll estimate is 78 until rescuers notice that 68 of them are mannequins.
Turkish authorities begin Operation Hawk, an army offensive against rebels from the Kurdish Worker's Party in southeastern Turkey.
Suspected Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski is arrested at his Montana cabin.

Sunday, March 26, 1995

The Schengen Agreement, easing cross-border travel, goes into effect in several European countries.

Monday, March 26, 1990

Saturday, March 26, 1988

U.S. presidential candidate Jesse Jackson defeats Michael Dukakis in the Michigan Democratic caucuses, becoming the temporary front-runner for the party's nomination. Richard Gephardt withdraws his candidacy after his caign speeches against imported automobiles fail to earn him much support in Detroit.

Wednesday, March 26, 1986

An article in the "New York Times" charges that Kurt Waldheim, former United Nations Secretary General and candidate for president of Austria, may have been involved in Nazi war crimes during World War II.

Friday, March 26, 1982

A ground-breaking ceremony for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is held in Washington, DC.
Royal Assent given to the Canada Act 1982, setting the stage for the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution on April 17.

Wednesday, March 26, 1980

The Silver Thursday market crash occurs.
A mine lift cage at the Vaal Reef gold mine in South Africa falls 1.2 miles (1.9 kilometers), killing 23.
The Norwegian oil platform Alexander L. Kielland collapses in the North Sea, killing 123 of its crew of 212.

Monday, March 26, 1979

In Britain, Jim Callaghan's minority Labour government loses a motion of confidence by 1 vote, forcing a general election which is to be held on 3 May.//news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/march/28/newsid_2531000/2531007.stm
America's most serious nuclear power plant accident, at Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania.
In a ceremony at the White House, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel sign a peace treaty.

Sunday, March 26, 1978

The control tower and some other facilities of New Tokyo International Airport, which was scheduled to open on March 31, are illegally occupied and damaged by terrorist attack by New Left activists, being forced to reschedule its opening date to May 20.

Saturday, March 26, 1977

Focus on the Family is founded by Dr. James Dobson.

Friday, March 26, 1976

The Toronto Blue Jays are created.

Tuesday, March 26, 1968

Joan Baez marries activist David Harris in New York.

Sunday, March 26, 1967

10,000 gather for the Central Park Be-In.

Saturday, March 26, 1966

Demonstrations are held across the United States against the Vietnam War.

Thursday, March 26, 1964

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara delivers an address that reiterates American determination to give South Vietnam increased military and economic aid, in its war against the Communist insurgency.

Tuesday, March 26, 1957

22-year-old Elvis Presley buys Graceland on 3734 Bellevue Boulevard (Highway 51 South) for $US100,000. He and his family move from the house on 1034 Audubon Drive.

Thursday, March 26, 1953

Jonas Salk announces his polio vaccine.

Saturday, March 26, 1949

United States Secretary of Defense James Forrestal resigns suddenly.
The first half of Giuseppe Verdi's opera "Aida", conducted by legendary conductor Arturo Toscanini, and performed in concert (i.e. no scenery or costumes), is telecast by NBC, live from Studio 8H at Rockefeller Center. The second half is telecast a week later. This is the only complete opera that Toscanini ever conducts on television.
English astronomer Fred Hoyle coins the term "Big Bang"!intending it to be derogatory during a BBC Third Programme radio broadcast.

Monday, March 26, 1945

WWII: The Battle of Iwo Jima officially ends, with the destruction of the remaining areas of Japansese resistance.

Friday, March 26, 1943

WWII ndash Battle of the Komandorski Islands: In the Aleutian Islands, the battle begins when United States Navy forces intercept Japanese troops attempting to reinforce a garrison at Kiska.

Thursday, March 26, 1936

The longest game in the history of the National Hockey League was played. The Montreal Maroons and Detroit Red Wings went scoreless until 16 and a half minutes into the sixth OT when Mud Bruneteau ends it at 2:25 in the morning. It would be the longest game until May 4, 2000.

Monday, March 26, 1928

The China Academy of Art is founded in Hangzhou, Republic of China (first named the National Academy of Art).
April ndash The last section (wise ndash wyze) of the original "Oxford English Dictionary" is completed and ready for publication ("OED" (1933, 1978 vol. 1, pp. xxv, xxvl)

Monday, March 26, 1917

WWI: First Battle of Gaza: British cavalry troops retreat after 17,000 Turks block their advance.

Friday, March 26, 1915

The Vancouver Millionaires Win the Stanley Cup over the Ottawa Senators three games to zero.

Wednesday, March 26, 1913

Balkan War: Bulgarian forces take Adrianople.

Saturday, March 26, 1904

80,000 demonstrators gather in Hyde Park, London, to protest against the importation of Chinese labourers to South Africa by the British government.

Saturday, March 26, 1898

The Sabi Game Reserve in South Africa, the first officially designated game reserve, is created.

Thursday, March 26, 1885

The Prussian government, motivated by Otto von Bismarck, expels all ethnic Poles and Jews without German citizenship from Prussia in the Prussian deportations.
"The Times" reports that A lady well-known in literary and scientific circles has been cremated by the Cremation Society in Woking, Surrey. Jeannette C. Pickersgill is the first person to be officially cremated in the United Kingdom.

Tuesday, March 26, 1872

An earthquake with an estimated magnitude of 7.2 strikes Lone Pine, California.

Sunday, March 26, 1871

The Paris Commune is formally established in Paris.

Saturday, March 26, 1859

A French amateur astronomer claims to have noticed a planet closer to the Sun than Mercury ndash later named Vulcan.

Tuesday, March 26, 1839

April ndash Sultan Mahmud II of the Ottoman Empire dies.
The first Henley Royal Regatta is held.

Friday, March 26, 1830

The Book of Mormon is published in Palmyra, New York.

Thursday, March 26, 1812

An earthquake destroys Caracas, Venezuela.

Saturday, March 26, 1808

A volcano erupts from an unknown location in the western Pacific. This causes a localized drop in marine air temperatures during this year, and a world-wide drop in marine air temperature for the following decade. Chenoweth, M. (2001), Two major volcanic cooling episodes derived from global marine air temperature, AD 1807–1827, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28(15), 2963–2966, doi:10.1029/2000GL012648.
Charles IV of Spain abdicates in favor of his son, Ferdinand VII.

Sunday, March 26, 1780

The "British Gazette and Sunday Monitor", the first Sunday newspaper in Britain, begins publication.

Wednesday, March 26, 1636

The Spanish besiege Corbie, France.
Utrecht University is founded in the Netherlands.
The covenant of the Town of Dedham, Massachusetts is first signed.

Wednesday, March 16, 1552 (Julianian calendar)

Guru Amar Das becomes the Third SikhGuru.
April ndash War breaks out between Henry II of France and Emperor Charles V. Henry invades Lorraine and captures Toul, Metz, and Verdun.

Tuesday, March 17, 1489 (Julianian calendar)

The Treaty of Medina del Co between England and Spain includes provision for a marriage between Arthur, the son of King Henry VII of England, and Princess Catherine of Aragon.

Wednesday, March 17, 1484 (Julianian calendar)

William Caxton, the first printer of books in English, prints his translation of "Aesop's Fables".

Saturday, March 17, 1431 (Julianian calendar)

The trial of Joan of Arc begins.

Wednesday, March 19, 1124 (Julianian calendar)

Henry I of England's forces defeat Norman rebels at Bourgtheroulde.

Monday, March 20, 1027 (Julianian calendar)

Wednesday, March 22, 752 (Julianian calendar)

Retired Emperor Shōmu takes part in the dedication ceremony of the great statue of Vairocana Buddha at the Tōdai-ji, and declares himself a Buddhist.
Pope Stephen II (sometimes referred to as Stephen III) succeeds Pope Zachary as the 92nd pope.
Source: Wikipedia