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Saturday, March 8. 2025, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

A study suggests that donor stem cells may prevent organ rejection in imperfectly matched transplant cases. //www.latimes.com/health/la-he-kidney-transplant-stem-cells-20120308,0,6483577.story ("Los Angeles Times")

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert admits that Israel had planned an attack on Lebanon in the event of kidnapped soldiers on the border, months before Hezbollah carried out its kidnapping.
Greek Cypriots dismantle the portion of the separation fence between the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in Nicosia. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6433045.stm (BBC)

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

The Pakistan Army opens fire on insurgents in Baluchistan, in the first armed uprising since General Rahimuddin Khan's stabilization of the province in 1978.
The People\'s Republic of China ratifies an anti-secession law, aimed at preventing Taiwan from declaring independence.{{cite web|url=//www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2005-03/16/content_425628.htm|title=
800,000 people gather for an opposition rally in Beirut, a month after the death of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. It is the largest rally in Lebanon's history.

Saturday, March 8, 2003

An oil refinery and an oil pipeline are attacked in the northeastern Indian province of Assam. The United Liberation Front of Asom separatist group claims responsibility and according to regional newspapers threatens more such attacks. //www.canada.com/news/story.asp?id=70FD4B15-B9E1-4020-9D4F-0036E79A7115

Wednesday, March 8, 2000

Tokyo train disaster: A sideswipe collision of 2 Tokyo Metro trains kills 5 people.

Friday, March 8, 1996

The People's Republic of China begins surface-to-surface missile testing and military exercises off Taiwanese coastal areas. The United States government condemns the act as provocation, and the Taiwanese government warns of retaliation.

Saturday, March 8, 1986

The Japanese Suisei probe flies by Halley's Comet, studying its UV hydrogen corona and solar wind.

Friday, March 8, 1985

Mohammed Al Fayed buys the London-based department store company Harrods.
A Beirut car bomb, planted in an attempt to assassinate Islamic cleric Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, kills more than eighty people, injuring two hundred.
Mikhail Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and "de facto" leader of the Soviet Union.

Tuesday, March 8, 1983

IBM releases the IBM PC XT.

Saturday, March 8, 1980

The Soviet Union's first rock music festival starts.

Thursday, March 8, 1979

Philips demonstrates Compact Disc publicly for the first time.

Tuesday, March 8, 1977

The Australian parliament is opened by Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia.

Saturday, March 8, 1975

Friday, March 8, 1974

Charles de Gaulle Airport opens in Paris, France.

Monday, March 8, 1971

Friday, March 8, 1968

The first student protests spark the 1968 Polish political crisis.

Monday, March 8, 1965

Vietnam War: Some 3,500 United States Marines arrive in South Vietnam, becoming the first American combat troops in Vietnam.

Thursday, March 8, 1962

12 ndash In Geneva, France and the Algerian FLN begin negotiations.

Sunday, March 8, 1959

The Marx Brothers make their last television appearance, in "The Incredible Jewel Robbery".

Saturday, March 8, 1958

The USS \'\'Wisconsin\'\' is decommissioned, leaving the United States Navy without an active battleship for the first time since 1896 (it is recommissioned October 22, 1988).

Friday, March 8, 1957

Egypt re-opens the Suez Canal.

Monday, March 8, 1948

"McCollum v. Board of Education": The United States Supreme Court rules that religious instruction in public schools violates the U.S. Constitution.

Monday, March 8, 1943

WWII: American forces are attacked by Japanese troops on Hill 700 in Bougainville, in a battle that will last 5 days.

Saturday, March 8, 1941

WWII: The U.S. Senate passes the Lend-Lease Act (60–31).

Friday, March 8, 1935

Hachikō, the loyal dog who was remembered for his loyalty to his owner, even many years after his owners death, passes away on the very same spot he had waited for over nine years.

Thursday, March 8, 1934

Prince Sigvard of Sweden loses his titles because of his marriage.

Saturday, March 8, 1924

The Castle Gate mine disaster kills 172 coal miners in Utah, United States.

Wednesday, March 8, 1916

March 9 ndash Mexican Revolution: Pancho Villa leads about 500 Mexican raiders in an attack against Columbus, New Mexico, killing 12 U.S. soldiers. A garrison of the U.S. 13th Cavalry Regiment fights back and drives them away.

Thursday, March 8, 1900

Londoners celebrate as Queen Victoria makes a rare visit to the city.

Wednesday, March 8, 1899

The Frankfurter Fußball-Club Victoria von 1899 (prequel for Eintracht Frankfurt) is founded.

Saturday, March 8, 1890

Thursday, March 8, 1888

The Agriculture College of Utah, (later Utah State University) is founded in Logan, Utah.

Monday, March 8, 1886

Anti-Chinese sentiments result in riots in Seattle, USA.

Saturday, March 8, 1862

American Civil War: The iron-clad CSS \\'\\'Virginia\\'\\' (formerly USS "Merrimack") is launched at Hton Roads, Virginia the Battle of Hton Roads starts the same day.
American Civil War: The iron-clad CSS "Virginia" (formerly USS "Merrimack") is launched at Hton Roads, Virginia the Battle of Hton Roads starts the same day.

Friday, March 8, 1844

KingOscar I ascends to the throne of Sweden-Norway.

Tuesday, March 8, 1808

Brazil: With the arrival of the Portuguese royal family in Brazil (1808), the colony became the seat of Portuguese Empire.

Friday, March 8, 1782

March 8 In Ohio, the Gnadenhutten massacre of Native Americans takes place in which 29 men, 27 women, and 34 children are killed by white militiamen in retaliation for raids carried out by another Native American group.

Wednesday, March 8, 1780

Formation of the League of Armed Neutrality.

Sunday, March 8, 1761

A second earthquake occurs in North London, Hstead and Highgate.

Thursday, March 8, 1736

Nader Shah, founder of the Afsharid dynasty, is crowned Shah of Iran.

Sunday, March 8, 1722

Persia\\'sSafavid dynasty falls during a bloody revolt of the Afghani people, in The Battle of Gulnabad.

Sunday, March 8, 1705

The Province of Carolina incorporates the town of Bath, making it the first incorporated town in present day North Carolina. The town becomes the political center and de facto capital of the northern portion of the Province of Carolina until Edenton is incorporated in 1722.

Wednesday, March 8, 1702

O.S.) ndash William III dies Princess Anne Stuart becomes Queen Anne of England, Scotland and Ireland. Anne is the mother of 17 children by her husband Prince George of Denmark but none of them will survive childhood and she will die without heir to enable the Hanoverian Succession. In the Netherlands, the Staten Generaal do not appoint a new stadtholder and so the United Provinces become a true republic again.

Tuesday, March 8, 1701

March ndash The War of the Spanish Succession begins. It is an international retaliation to Louis XIV’s acceptance in 1700 of the Spanish crown on behalf of his grandson Philip of Anjou, who became Philip V, first Bourbon king of Spain. Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor forms the Grand Alliance with Great Britain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal, Savoy and Prussia. Louis XIV allies France with Spain and Bavaria.
Mecklenburg-Strelitz is created as a north German duchy.

Monday, March 8, 1655

John Castor became the first legally recognized slave in what was to be the United States.

Thursday, March 8, 1618

Johannes Kepler discovers the third law of planetary motion (he soon rejects the idea after some initial calculations were made but on May 15 confirms the discovery).

Sunday, February 27, 1564 (Julianian calendar)

Naples prohibits kissing in public under penalty of death.

Sunday, February 26, 1542 (Julianian calendar)

Antoine Escalin des Eymars, the French ambassador, returns from Constantinople with promises of Ottoman aid in a war against Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor.

Thursday, February 29, 1308 (Julianian calendar)

Póvoa de Varzim (then Varazim), Portugal gains a foral from Denis of Portugal.
Source: Wikipedia