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Friday, January 24. 2025, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Monday, January 24, 2011

At least 35 people are killed and 130 injured after a suicide bombing at Domodedovo International Airport in the Russian capital Moscow. //rt.com/news/deadly-blast-moscows-domodedovo/ (Russia Today) //www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70N2TQ20110124 (Reuters)
37 people are killed and more than 180 others wounded in a bombing at Domodedovo International Airport in Moscow, Russia.ref name=Ferris-Rotman

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Australia's longest running magazine, "The Bulletin", is closing down after almost 130 years of publishing. //www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/01/24/2145473.htm (ABC News Australia)
A peace deal ends the Kivu war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Jérôme Kerviel is blamed for worsening the January 2008 stock market downturn by allegedly losing €4.9 billion ($7 billion) for French bank Société Générale. //www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews.html?in_article_id=510089in_page_id=1811 ("The Daily Mail")
An Australian girl spontaneously switches blood types and adopts her donor's immune system following a liver transplant in the first known case of its type. //www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=080124142556.cb51cytashow_article=1 (Breitbart)

Saturday, January 24, 2004

NASA's MER-B ("Opportunity") lands on Mars at 05:05 UTC.

Thursday, January 24, 2002

Enron hearings begin.
Terrorist suspect John Walker Lindh's hearing begins.

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

The last two of the Texas 7 are taken into custody in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Monday, January 24, 2000

God\\\'s Army, a Karen militia group led by twins Johnny and Luther Htoo, takes 700 hostages at a Thai hospital near the Burmese border.
God's Army, a Karen militia group led by twins Johnny and Luther Htoo, takes 700 hostages at a Thai hospital near the Burmese border.

Wednesday, January 24, 1996

Polish Premier Józef Oleksy resigns amid charges that he spied for Moscow. He is replaced by Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz.

Sunday, January 24, 1993

Social democrat Poul Nyrup Rasmussen succeeds conservative Poul Schlüter as Prime Minister of Denmark.
Mir Aimal Kasi fires a rifle and kills 2 employees outside CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
In Turkey, thousands protest the murder of journalist Uğur Mumcu.

Thursday, January 24, 1991

The government of Papua New Guinea signs a peace agreement with separatist leaders from Bougainville Island, ending fighting that had gone on since 1988.

Tuesday, January 24, 1989

Serial killer Ted Bundy is executed in Florida's electric chair.

Friday, January 24, 1986

The Voyager 2 space probe makes its first encounter with Uranus.

Tuesday, January 24, 1984

The AppleMacintosh is introduced.

Monday, January 24, 1983

Lotus 1-2-3 is released for IBM-PC compatible computers.
Twenty-five members of the Red Brigades are sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of Aldo Moro.
Red rain falls in the UK, caused by sand from the Sahara Desert in the droplets.

Thursday, January 24, 1980

The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad is ordered liquidated due to bankruptcy, and debt owed to creditors.

Monday, January 24, 1977

Friday, January 24, 1975

Jazz pianist Keith Jarrett plays the solo improvisation 'The Köln Concert' at the Cologne Opera, which, recorded live, becomes the best-selling piano recording in history.

Monday, January 24, 1972

Japanese soldier Shoichi Yokoi is discovered in Guam he had spent 28 years in the jungle.

Sunday, January 24, 1971

Himachal Pradesh becomes the 18th Indian state.
"Intelsat IV" (F2) is launched it enters commercial service over the Atlantic Ocean March 26.
In Uganda, Idi Amin deposes Milton Obote in a coup, and becomes president.
In Los Angeles, Charles Manson and three female Family members are found guilty of the 1969 Tate-LaBianca murders.
The Guinean government sentences to death 92 Guineans who helped Portuguese troops in the failed landing attempts in November 1970 72 are sentenced to hard labor for life 58 of the sentenced are hanged the next day.

Monday, January 24, 1966

Harold Holt becomes Prime Minister of Australia when Robert Menzies retires.
Air India Flight 101 crashes into Mont Blanc, killing all 117 persons on board, including Dr. Homi J. Bhabha, chairman of the Indian Atomic Energy Commission.
Beaumont children disappearance: Three children disappear on their way to Glenelg, South Australia, never to be seen again.

Tuesday, January 24, 1961

In Washington, DCJohn F. Kennedy delivers the first live presidential news conference. In it, he announces that the Soviet Union has freed the 2 surviving crewmen of a USAFRB-47 reconnaissance plane shot down by Soviet flyers over the Barents SeaJuly 1, 1960 (see RB-47H shot down).
Acting to halt 'leftist excesses,' a junta composed of 2 army officers and 4 civilians takes over El Salvador, ousting another junta that had ruled for 3 months.

Sunday, January 24, 1960

A major insurrection occurs in Algiers against French colonial policy.

Thursday, January 24, 1952

Vincent Massey is sworn in as the first Canada-born Governor General of Canada.

Tuesday, January 24, 1950

Cold War: Klaus Fuchs, German émigré and physicist, confesses to an MI5 interrogator that he is a Soviet spy: for 7 years, he passed top secret data on U.S. and British nuclear weapons research to the Soviet Union. Fuchs is formally charged on February 2. Christopher Andrew, "Defend the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5" (Random House Digital, 2009) pp387-388

Friday, January 24, 1947

Dimitrios Maximos founds a monarchist government in Athens.

Tuesday, January 24, 1939

An earthquake kills 30,000 in Chile, and razes about .

Thursday, January 24, 1935

The first canned beer is sold in Richmond, Virginia, United States, by Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company.//keglined.pssht.com/main.html Keglined.com: An Illustrated History of the American Beer Can

Tuesday, January 24, 1922

Christian K. Nelson patents the "Eskimo Pie".

Wednesday, January 24, 1900

The Second Boer War: At the Battle of Spion Kop, Boer troops defeat the British Army.

Monday, January 24, 1887

Battle of Dogali: Abyssinian troops defeat the Italians.

Saturday, January 24, 1885

Monday, January 24, 1881

William Edward Forster, the chief secretary for Ireland, introduces his Coercion Bill, which temporarily suspended habeas corpus so that those people suspected of committing an offence could be detained without trial it goes through a long debate before it is accepted February 2.

Thursday, January 24, 1878

The revolutionary Vera Zasulich shoots at Fyodor Trepov, the Governor of Saint Petersburg.

Monday, January 24, 1859

Wallachia and Moldavia are united under Alexander John Cuza under the name Romania (see December 1, 1918 for the final unification, Transylvania and other regions are still missing at that time).

Saturday, January 24, 1857

The University of Calcutta is established in Kolkata as the first multidisciplinary modern university in South Asia. The University of Bombay and one other are also established in the British Raj this year.

Thursday, January 24, 1856

U.S. President Franklin Pierce declares the new Free-StateTopeka government in "Bleeding Kansas" to be in rebellion.

Monday, January 24, 1848

California Gold Rush: James W. Marshall finds gold at Sutter's Mill, in Coloma, California.

Saturday, January 24, 1824

The Westminster Review, No1. is published.

Sunday, January 24, 1813

The Philharmonic Society founded in London (later the Royal Philharmonic Society).

Thursday, January 24, 1788

The La Perouse expedition in the "Astrolabe" and "Boussole" arrives off Botany Bay just as Captain Arthur Phillip is attempting to move his colony from there to Sydney Cove in Port Jackson.

Wednesday, January 24, 1776

American Revolution: Henry Knox arrives at Cambridge, Massachusetts with the artillery that he has transported from Fort Ticonderoga

Friday, January 24, 1744

The Dagohoy Rebellion begins with the killing of Father Giuseppe Lamberti.

Wednesday, January 24, 1742

Charles VII Albert becomes Holy Roman Emperor

Tuesday, January 24, 1679

King Charles II of England dissolves the "Cavalier Parliament".

Friday, January 24, 1659

Pierre Corneille's "Oedipe" premieres in Paris.

Monday, January 24, 1656

first Jewish doctor in US, Jacob Lumbrozo, arrives in Maryland.

Wednesday, January 24, 1624

Afonso Mendes, appointed by Pope Gregory XV as Prelate of Ethiopia, arrives at Massawa from Goa.

Sunday, January 24, 1616

February ndash English merchants of the East India Company complain that the great troubles and wars in Japan since their arrival have put them to much pains and charges. Two great cities, Osaka and Sakaii, have been burned to the ground, each one almost as big as London, and not one house left standing, and it is reported above 300,000 men have lost their lives, “yet the old Emperor Ogusho Same hath prevailed and Fidaia Same either been slain or fled secretly away, that no news is to be heard of him.” Jesuits, priests, and friars are banished by the emperor and their churches and monasteries pulled down they put the fault on the arrival of the English it is said if Fidaia Same had prevailed against the emperor, he promised them entrance again, when without doubt all the English would have been driven out of Japan.Text from: 'East Indies: February 1616', Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan: 1513-1616, volume 2 (1864), pp. 457–461. URL: //www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=68785. Date accessed: 01 March 2008. (No copyright violation.)
Dutch captain Willem Schouten rounds the southern tip of South America and names it ''Kaap Hoorn'', after his birthplace in the Netherlands.

Friday, January 24, 1597

Battle of Turnhout: Maurice of Nassau defeats a Spanish force under Jean de Rie of Varas in the Netherlands.

Saturday, January 14, 1503 (Julianian calendar)

Construction of Henry VII\'s Chapel at Westminster Abbey begins in the perpendicular style, the final stage of English gothic art.ref name=CBH

Sunday, January 15, 1458 (Julianian calendar)

Matthias I Corvinus becomes king of Hungary.

Thursday, January 17, 1118 (Julianian calendar)

Pope Gelasius II succeeds Pope Paschal II as the 161st pope.

Monday, January 18, 1059 (Julianian calendar)

The Lateran Council makes the College of Cardinals the sole voters in the election of popes.
Pope Nicholas II succeeds Pope Stephen IX as the 155th Pope, installed in opposition to Antipope Benedict X.
August ndash Robert Guiscard signs the Treaty of Melfi with Pope Nicholas II.
Muhammed ben Da'ud, known as Alp Arslan, becomes second sultan of the Seljuk Turks.
Anselm settles at the Benedictine monastery of Le Bec in Normandy.
Isaac I Comnenus resigns as Byzantine Emperor, appointing Constantine Ducas as his successor.
Source: Wikipedia