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Thursday, December 5. 2024, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tens of thousands of people demonstrate in London and other European capitals ahead of a United Nations climate change summit in Copenhagen. //www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jH_ZfJ2MSlMskdTw31n4I79QQaJg (AFP) //news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8396696.stm (BBC) //www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/ireland/article6945762.ece ("The Times")

Friday, December 5, 2008

A bombing in the Pakistani province of Peshawar kills 17 people. //www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iY68JOyNIHbng1p0gU3svyBH9g3gD94SKM8G0 (Associated Press)
Human remains found in 1991 are identified as TsarNicholas II of Russia, using DNA analysis.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

The military seizes power in Fiji, in a coup d\\'état led by Commodore Josaia Voreqe Frank Bainimarama.

Thursday, December 5, 2002

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the Harvard mouse, designed for its usefulness in cancer research, is not patentable. In its view such a higher life form does not fall within the definition of invention.

Thursday, December 5, 1996

Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan gives a speech in which he suggests that irrational exuberance may have unduly escalated asset values.

Sunday, December 5, 1993

The 32-member Transitional Executive Committee holds its first meeting in Cape Town, marking the first meeting of an official government body in South Africa with Black members.
Colin Ferguson opens fire with his Ruger 9 mm pistol on a Long Island Rail Road train, killing 6 and injuring 19.
President of Côte d\'IvoireFélix Houphouët-Boigny dies at 83, the oldest African head of state. He is succeeded 3 days later by Henri Konan Bédié.
Rafael Caldera Rodríguez is elected President of Venezuela for the second time, succeeding interim president Ramón José Velásquez.

Monday, December 5, 1983

ICIMOD is established and inaugurated with its headquarters in Kathmandu, Nepal, and legitimised through an Act of Parliament in Nepal this same year.

Wednesday, December 5, 1979

Jack Lynch resigns as Taoiseach of the Republic of Ireland he is succeeded by Charles Haughey.

Tuesday, December 5, 1967

In New York City, Benjamin Spock and Allen Ginsberg are arrested for protesting against the Vietnam War.

Sunday, December 5, 1965

The Race Relations Act becomes the first legislation to address racial discrimination in the United Kingdom.
Rhodesian prime minister Ian Smith warns that Rhodesia will resist a trade embargo by neighboring countries with force.
Charles de Gaulle is re-elected as French president with 10,828,421 votes.

Thursday, December 5, 1963

The Seliger Forschungs-und-Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH demonstrates rockets for military use to military representatives of non-NATO-countries near Cuxhaven. Although these rockets land via parachute at the end of their flight and no allied laws are violated, the Soviet Union protests this action.

Tuesday, December 5, 1961

U.S. President John F. Kennedy gives support to the Volta Dam project in Ghana.
The Australian government of Robert Menzies is re-elected for a sixth term.
Tanganyika gains independence and declares itself a republic, with Julius Nyerere as its first President.

Thursday, December 5, 1957

All 326,000 Dutch nationals are expelled from Indonesia.

Wednesday, December 5, 1956

Rose Heilbron becomes Britain's first female judge.

Wednesday, December 5, 1951

Provisional Intergovernmental Committee for the Movement of Migrants from Europe.

Wednesday, December 5, 1945

A flight of US Navy Avenger torpedo bombers known as Flight 19 disappears on a training exercise.

Saturday, December 5, 1936

Wednesday, December 5, 1934

Abyssinia Crisis: Ethiopian and Italian troops exchange gunfire. Reported casualties for the Ethiopians are 150, and for the Italians 50.

Tuesday, December 5, 1933

Wednesday, December 5, 1928

Police disperse a Sicilian gangs' meeting in Cleveland.

Tuesday, December 5, 1922

The British Parliament enacts the Irish Free State Constitution Act, by which it legally sanctions the new Constitution of the Irish Free State.

Sunday, December 5, 1920

A referendum in Greece is favorable to the reinstatement of the monarchy.

Friday, December 5, 1919

The Turkish Ministry of War releases Greeks, Armenians and Jews from military service.

Thursday, December 5, 1918

The British light cruiser HMS "Cassandra" strikes a mine and sinks in the Gulf of Finland while aiding Estonia against the Bolsheviks, with eleven sailors killed.
The Britishlight cruiserHMS \\\'\\\'Cassandra\\\'\\\' strikes a mine and sinks in the Gulf of Finland while aiding Estonia against the Bolsheviks, with eleven sailors killed.

Saturday, December 5, 1914

The Toronto Argonauts win their first Grey Cup at Varsity Stadium.

Tuesday, December 5, 1893

Plural voting is abolished in New South Wales.

Monday, December 5, 1892

John Thompson becomes Canada's fourth prime minister.

Monday, December 5, 1887

International Bureau of Intellectual Property.

Tuesday, December 5, 1876

The Brooklyn Theater Fire kills at least 278, possibly more than 300.

Friday, December 5, 1845

The Templars of Honor and Temperance is founded in the United States.

Sunday, December 5, 1830

Hector Berlioz's most famous work, "Symphonie Fantastique", has its world premiere in Paris.

Monday, December 5, 1791

Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart dies.

Thursday, December 5, 1776

The Phi Beta Kappa society is founded at the College of William and Mary.

Tuesday, December 5, 1775

American Revolution: Henry Knox begins his journey to Cambridge, Massachusetts with the artillery that has been captured from Fort Ticonderoga.

Wednesday, December 5, 1590

Gregory XIV succeeds Urban VII as the 229th pope.

Monday, December 5, 1588

The Order of Augustinian Recollects was formally recognised as a separate province from the Order of Saint Augustine. Today, this event is known as the Día de la Recolección or the Day of Recollection.

Monday, November 25, 1560 (Julianian calendar)

Seventeen-year-old Mary, Queen of Scots, is widowed by the death of her first husband, King Francis II of France. Her mother-in-law, Catherine de' Medici, becomes regent of Kingdom of France|France.

Sunday, November 26, 1497 (Julianian calendar)

Iamblichus "De mysteriis Aegyptorum" edited by Marsilio Ficino is published.
The Ottomans give Russian merchants freedom of trade within the empire.
King Manuel I of Portugal proclaims an edict in which he demands that Jews convert to Christianity or leave the country.
Ivan the Great issues his law code, the "Sudebnik".

Monday, November 26, 1492 (Julianian calendar)

Christopher Columbus becomes the first known European to set foot on the island of Hispaniola.

Friday, November 26, 1484 (Julianian calendar)

The first sugar mill becomes operational in the Gran Canaria.
Pope Innocent VIII gives the inquisition a mission to hunt heretics and witches in Germany, led by Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger.
The Imperial Army of Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor is defeated by the Hungarians in the Battle of Leitzersdorf.
Maximilian I, Duke of Burgundy, orders foreign merchants to leave Brugge. Most merchants move to Antwerp, greatly contributing to its growth as an international trading center.
The King of Portugal appoints a commission of mathematicians to perfect tables to help seamen find their latitude.
The first cuirassier units (kyrissers) are formed in Austria.
Source: Wikipedia