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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-16) opens in the Mexican resort city of Cancún. //news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/world/2010-11/30/c_13627552.htm (Xinhua)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Friday, November 30, 2007

Rambhadracharya, a Hindu religious leader, released the first Braille version of Bhagavad Gita, with the original Sanskrit text and a Hindi commentary at New Delhi.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The science journal "Nature" publishes a new reconstruction of the Antikythera mechanism based on high resolution X-ray tomography. The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient Greek mechanical analog computer designed to calculate astronomical positions. //www.smh.com.au/news/science/scientists-decode-ancient-astral-computer/2006/11/30/1164777721260.html (Sydney Morning Herald)
Typhoon Durian triggers a massive mudslide and kills at least 720 people in Albay province on the island of Luzon in the Philippines.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Surgeons in France carry out the first human face transplant.

Sunday, November 30, 2003

In tennis, Australia wins the Davis Cup by three rubbers to one when Mark Philippoussis defeats Juan Carlos Ferrero of Spain in the first reverse singles match, played in Melbourne. It is the 28th time Australia has won the trophy, the most prestigious title in men's team tennis. //www.abc.net.au/sport/content==references/s1000318.htm
"The Observer" newspaper reports that a deal is imminent to repatriate British men being held in Guantanamo Bay. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/3250282.stm
The draw is made for the 2004 European Football Chionship. England are drawn with holders France, and hosts Portugal are drawn with neighbours Spain. //news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/internationals/euro_2004_draw/default.stm
Pakistan is to end a ban on Indian flights over its territory, in another sign of improving relations between the neighbours //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/3250516.stm

Thursday, November 30, 1995

Javier Solana becomes the new NATO General Secretary Operation Desert Storm officially ends.

Wednesday, November 30, 1994

The National Football League announces that the Jacksonville Jaguars will become the league's 30th franchise.

Tuesday, November 30, 1993

Agreement establishing the Permanent Commission for East African Co-operation signed.

Thursday, November 30, 1989

The entire leadership of the East German Communist Party, including its General Secretary, Egon Krenz resigns.
Cold War: In a meeting off the coast of Malta, U.S. President George H. W. Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev release statements indicating that the Cold War between their nations may be coming to an end.
Cold War: East Germany's parliament abolishes the constitutional provision granting the Communist-dominated SED its monopoly on power. Egon Krenz, the Politburo and the Central Committee resign 2 days later.
A military coup attempt begins in the Philippines against the government of Philippine PresidentCorazon C. Aquino, ending by December 9.
Deutsche Bank board member Alfred Herrhausen is killed by a bomb (the Red Army Faction claims responsibility for the murder).
The "Solar Maximum Mission" research satellite, launched in 1980, crashes back to earth.
In the Republic of China legislative election, the Kuomintang suffers its worst election setback in 40 years in power, winning only 53% of the popular vote.

Wednesday, November 30, 1988

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts Co. buys RJR Nabisco for US$25.07 billion in the biggest leveraged buyout deal of all time.

Friday, November 30, 1984

December – A peace agreement between Kenya and Somalia is signed in the Egyptian capital Cairo. With this agreement, in which Somalia officially renounces its historical territorial claims, relations between the two countries began to improve.
The Tamil Tigers begin the purge of the Sinhalese from North and East Sri Lanka 127 are killed.

Tuesday, November 30, 1982

Michael Jackson releases "Thriller", the biggest selling album of all time.

Monday, November 30, 1981

Cold War: In Geneva, representatives from the United States and the Soviet Union begin negotiating intermediate-range nuclear weapon reductions in Europe (the meetings end inconclusively on Thursday, December 17).

Thursday, November 30, 1978

Publication of "The Times" is suspended due to labor problems until November 13, 1979.

Wednesday, November 30, 1977

The Lockheed's top-secret stealth aircraft project, designated Have Blue, precursor to the U.S. F-117A Nighthawk, makes its first flight.
December ndash Colombo Plan for Co-operative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific (CESDAP)
Malaysia Airlines Flight 653 is hijacked and crashes in Tanjung Kupang, Johor, Malaysia, killing all 100 passengers and crew on board.
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) founded as specialized agency of the United Nations.
The Nickelodeon Television Channel, a children's cartoon channel, launches as The Pinwheel Network.
Jean-Bédel Bokassa, president of the Central African Republic, crowns himself Emperor.

Monday, November 30, 1970

Luis Echeverría becomes president of Mexico.
The Basque ETA kidnaps West German Eugen Beihl in San Sebastián.
Ethiopia recognizes the People's Republic of China.
The Italian House of Representatives accepts the new divorce law.

Wednesday, November 30, 1966

British Prime Minister Harold Wilson and Rhodesian Prime minister Ian Smith negotiate on the HMS "Tiger" in the Mediterranean.
Barbados achieves independence.

Friday, November 30, 1962

The United Nations General Assembly elects U Thant of Burma as the new UN Secretary-General.

Thursday, November 30, 1961

The Soviet Union vetoes Kuwait's application for United Nations membership.

Sunday, November 30, 1958

Subscriber trunk dialling (STD) is inaugurated in the UK by the Queen, when she dials a call from Bristol to Edinburgh and speaks to the Lord Provost.
The Preston bypass, the United Kingdom's first motorway, opens to traffic for the first time. This stretch is now part of the M6 and M55 motorways.
Our Lady of the Angels School Fire: At least ninety students and three nuns are killed in a fire in Chicago.

Saturday, November 30, 1957

Indonesian president Sukarno survives a grenade attack at the Cikini School in Jakarta, but six children are killed.

Friday, November 30, 1956

Fidel Castro and his followers land in Cuba in the boat "Granma".
A pipe bomb planted by George Metesky explodes at the Paramount Theater in Brooklyn, injuring 6 people.
Floyd Patterson wins the world heavyweight boxing chionship that was vacant after the retirement of Rocky Marciano.

Tuesday, November 30, 1954

In Sylacauga, Alabama, a four kilogram piece of the Hodges Meteorite crashes through the roof of a house and badly bruises a napping woman, in the first documented case of an object from outer space hitting a person.

Monday, November 30, 1953

December – Hugh Hefner publishes the first issue of "Playboy" Magazine it sells 54,175 copies at $.50 each.
Edward Mutesa II, the "kabaka" (king) of Buganda, is deposed and exiled to London by Sir Andrew Benjamin Cohen, Governor of Uganda.

Thursday, November 30, 1950

Mt. Etna erupts in Sicily.
Douglas MacArthur threatens to use nuclear weapons in Korea.
Korean War: General Walton Walker orders United Nations forces to evacuate North Korea.

Monday, November 30, 1936

In London, the Crystal Palace is destroyed in a fire (it had been built for the 1851 Great Exhibition).

Saturday, November 30, 1935

The 1935 British-made film "Scrooge", the first all-talking film version of Charles Dickens classic, opens in the U.S. after its British release.

Sunday, November 30, 1919

Health officials declare that the global Spanish Flu pandemic has ended.

Saturday, November 30, 1918

Iceland regains independence, yet remains in personal union with the King of Denmark, who also becomes the King of Iceland until 1944.
New voting laws in Sweden makes votes no longer dependent on taxable assets, each adult having one vote.
The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (which later became the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) is proclaimed.
The Union of Alba Iulia is proclaimed: Following the March 27 incorporation of Bessarabia and Bucovina, Transylvania unites with Romania.
Ernest Ansermet conducts the first concert by the "Orchestre de la Suisse Romande".

Sunday, November 30, 1902

DecemberndashFebruary 1903 ndash Venezuela Crisis, in which Britain, Germany and Italy sustain a naval blockade on Venezuela in order to enforce collection of outstanding financial claims. This prompts the development of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.
American Old West: The second-in-command of Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch gang, Kid Curry Logan, is sentenced to 20 years hard labor.

Monday, November 30, 1896

The Udinese Calcio is founded.
A large carcass, later postulated to be the remains of a gigantic octopus, is found washed ashore near St. Augustine, Florida.

Tuesday, November 30, 1886

The "Folies Bergère" stages its first revue.

Saturday, November 30, 1872

First international football match to be recognised (retrospectively) by FIFA as official takes place at Hamilton Crescent, Scotland the result is Scotland 0, England 0.//www.londonhearts.com/scotland/games/18721130.html Londonhearts.com summary Earlier international soccer matches had already taken place in 1870, in 1871 and again in 1872 at the Oval, London.

Wednesday, November 30, 1864

American Civil War ndash Second Battle of Franklin: The Army of Tennessee led by General Hood mounts a dramatically unsuccessful frontal assault on Union positions around Franklin, Tennessee (Hood loses 6 generals and almost a third of his troops).

Monday, November 30, 1857

December ndash Reform War in Mexico begins.

Wednesday, November 30, 1853

Crimean War ndash Battle of Sinop: The Russian fleet destroys the Turkish fleet.

Monday, November 30, 1829

The original Welland Canal opens for a trial run with a ceremony at Port Dalhousie.

Tuesday, November 30, 1824

The first sod is turned in Ontario, for the first of four Welland Canals (the canal opens for a trial run exactly 5 years later to the day).

Friday, November 30, 1804

The Democratic-Republican-controlled United States Senate begin an impeachment trial against Federalist-partisan Supreme Court of the United States Justice Samuel Chase (he was charged with political bias but was acquitted by the United States Senate of all charges on March 1, 1805).

Wednesday, November 30, 1803

Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin begins removal of the Elgin Marbles from the Parthenon in Athens where they are at risk of destruction during the Ottoman occupation of Greece.
Orissa, India is occupied by the British under the British East India Company after the Second Anglo-Maratha War.
At the Cabildo building in New Orleans, Spanish representatives Governor Manuel de Salcedo and the Marqués de Casa Calvo, officially transfer the Louisiana Territory to French representative Prefect Pierre Clément de Laussat (just 20 days later, France transfers the same land to the United States as the Louisiana Purchase).
Major breakthroughs in chemistry occur, with the identification of the elements Rhodium, Palladium, Osmium, Iridium, and Cerium.

Thursday, November 30, 1786

Peter Leopold Joseph of Habsburg-Lorraine, Grand Duke of Tuscany, promulgates a penal reform making his country the first state to abolish the death penalty. November 30 is therefore commemorated by 300 cities around the world as Cities for Life Day.

Sunday, November 30, 1783

A 5.3 magnitude earthquake struck New Jersey.

Saturday, November 30, 1782

Saint Petersburg has 300,000 inhabitants.
In China, the Siku Quanshu is completed, the largest literary compilation in China's history (surpassing the Yongle Encyclopedia of the 15th century). The books are bound in 36,381 volumes (册) with more than 79,000 chapters (卷), comprising about 2.3 million pages, and approximately 800 million Chinese characters.
American Revolutionary War: In Paris, representatives from the United States and the Kingdom of Great Britain sign preliminary peace articles (later formalized in the Treaty of Paris).
The British parliament extends James Watt's patent for the steam engine to the year 1800.
London creates the Foot Patrol for public security.
Chief Kamehameha I of Hawaii gains control of the northern part of the island of Hawaii after defeating his cousin Kiwala'o.

Wednesday, November 30, 1616

Cardinal Richelieu, Armand-Jean du Plessis, is named French Secretary of State by young king Louis XIII. Richelieu will change France into a unified centralised state, able to resist both England and the Habsburg Empire.
December ndash In the Middle East, traveller Pietro Della Valle marries Jowaya, daughter of a Nestorian Christian father and an Armenian mother, in Baghdad. The couple then sets off (1617) to find the Shah in Isfahan.

Friday, November 30, 1612

Battle of Swally: Forces of the British East India Company and Portugal engage off the coast of India, resulting in a British victory.

Saturday, November 21, 1495 (Julianian calendar)

Poynings\' Law comes into effect, placing the Parliament of Ireland under the authority of the Parliament of England.
Henry VII of England commissions the world's first dry dock at Portsmouth.
An explosion at Vyborg Castle deters the Russian forces who have invaded Sweden through Karelia.
The Reichskammergericht of the Holy Roman Empire is founded in Frankfurt.

Saturday, November 21, 1411 (Julianian calendar)

Under the Yongle Emperor of Ming China, work begins to reinstate the ancient Grand Canal of China, which fell into disuse and dilapidation during the previous Yuan Dynasty. Between 1411 and 1415, a total of 165,000 laborers dredge the canal bed in Shandong, build new channels, embankments, and canal locks. Four large reservoirs in Shandong are also dug in order to regulate water levels instead of resorting to pumping water from local tables. A large dam is also constructed to divert water from the Wen River southwest into the Grand Canal.
The University of St. Andrews is founded by a papal bull.
Henry IV dismisses Prince Henry and his supporters from the government.

Sunday, November 21, 1406 (Julianian calendar)

Pope Gregory XII succeeds Pope Innocent VII as the 205th pope.

Wednesday, November 22, 1335 (Julianian calendar)

Aabenraa is chartered as a city.
Battle of Culblean: David Bruce defeats Edward Balliol in Scotland.
Abu Said dies and the Ilkhanate disintegrates.
Pope Benedict XII begins to reform the Cistercians.
The School of Arts in Zaragoza, Spain is founded (later known as the University of Zaragoza in the 16th Century).
Carinthia and Carniola come under Habsburg rule. After the death of Duke Henry, the duchies are bestowed by Louis the Bavarian on the Dukes of Austria. From that time onwards, what is today Slovenia is ruled jointly with Austria until 1918.
Congress of Visegrád: The monarchs of Bohemia, Hungary, and Poland form an anti-Habsburg alliance.
Georgians under king George V (the brilliant) finally defeat Mongolians in decisive battle. After that George V returns Grave of Christ from Muslims.
Slavery is abolished in Sweden.
Construction begins on the papal palace in Avignon.

Saturday, November 24, 1016 (Julianian calendar)

The Pisan and the Genoese republics launch a naval offensive against the Muslim strongholds of Sardegna, in particular Porto Torres and defeat the fleet of the taifa king of Denia, Mujahid al-Amiri al-Muwaffaq.
Edmund II is king of England after Ethelred's death.
Melus of Bari makes a second attempt against Byzantine-held Southern Italy. To support his cause, he hires Norman mercenaries. Unwillingly Melo triggers the rise of the Norman rule over Italy.ref name=encyclopedia
Canute of Denmark and Edmund II divide England.
After Edmund's death, Canute is left as the sole ruler of England.
Battle of Brentford: Edmund II gains a temporary victory over Canute the Great.
George Tsul, ruler of Khazaria, is captured by a combined Byzantine–Rus' force, which effectively ends Khazaria's existence.

Thursday, November 26, 722 (Julianian calendar)

Wessex-born Boniface is ordained as bishop of Germany by the pope.
Source: Wikipedia