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Sunday, November 28, 2010

The EU approves an €85 billion rescue deal for Ireland, which includes €10 billion for bank recapitalisation, €25 billion for banking contingencies and €50 billion for financing the budget. //www.rte.ie/news/2010/1128/economy.html (RTÉ) //www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11855990 (BBC)
The WikiLeaks website is attacked by a computer-hacking operation and undergoes a a mass distributed denial of service attack as it prepares to release more secret U.S. documents. Julian Assange says U.S. authorities are afraid of being held accountable for their actions. //www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11858637 (BBC)
The United States Department of State says the planned release of a new batch of classified documents would place its military operations at risk, and warns of possible legal action if they were found to have been provided in violation of U.S. law. //edition.cnn.com/2010/US/11/28/wikileaks.response/?hpt=T2 (CNN) //www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6AP06Z20101128 (Reuters) //www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/28/AR2010112800401.html ("The Washington Post")
United States diplomatic cables leak and attack on WikiLeaks:
WikiLeaks releases a collection of more than 250,000 American diplomatic cables, including 100,000 marked secret or confidential.//www.nytimes.com/2010/11/29/world/29cables.html Leaked Cables Offer Raw Look at U.S. Diplomacy, New York Times, Nov 28, 2010ref name=manila//www.abs-cbnnews.com/nation/11/29/10/1796-memos-us-embassy-manila-wikileaks-cablegate 1,796 memos from US embassy in Manila in WikiLeaks 'Cablegate' | ABS-CBN News | Latest Philippine Headlines, Breaking News, Video, Analysis, Features!
European Union finance ministers meet to work out the details for rescuing the Irish economy, and to outline an agreement for a fund to rescue other economically troubled euro-zone nations. //money.cnn.com/2010/11/28/news/international/ireland_bailout/ (CNN Money) //www.nytimes.com/2010/11/29/business/global/29euro.html?_r=1src=busln ("The New York Times") //www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iboMaf_9p8tDcw-SRbOiNkEtxwXA?docId=d887f77328d5408389f5a34e30e7a8bb (AP via Google News) //www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-11-28/eu-ministers-race-to-complete-aid-package-for-ireland-before-markets-open.html (Bloomberg)
Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir is to boycott an African Union-European Union meeting in the Libyan capital Tripoli to avoid embarassment to Libya. //www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gygz3Z51foHAbcH84oAXc2xyt8pA?docId=CNG.050a9c8c5fd91a430d7e435fcc325b90.151 (AFP)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Canada faces a parliamentary crisis as the opposition Liberals, NDP and Bloc Québécois reject the policies in the Conservative minority government's economic update. Following talks between the Liberals and NDP, plans are unveiled to hold a vote of no confidence and replace the Conservatives with a Liberal-NDP coalition. //www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20081128.wPOLcoalition1128/BNStory/politics/home (Globe and Mail)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Authorities in Sudan charge a British school teacher at Unity High School in Khartoum with the crime of insulting Islam for letting students name a teddy bear Muhammad. //news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071128/ap_on_re_mi_ea/sudan_british_teacher (AP via Yahoo! News)
Ford Motor Company settles class action lawsuits in California, Connecticut, Illinois and Texas over 1991-2001 models of the Ford Explorer. //ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jkZPV1wLBfGsME3vVps59PgDRypwD8T6UTBO0 (AP via Google News)
Arlington High School (LaGrange, New York) announces that a Columbine-style attack on the school was thwarted by New York State Police, who arrest three students. //www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071128/NEWS01/71128024 (Poughkeepsie Journal)

Monday, November 28, 2005

Friday, November 28, 2003

Simon Crean announces his resignation as leader of the Australian Labor Party, the main opposition party in Australia. Crean has led the party since November 2001, but has consistently trailed Prime Minister John Howard in opinion polls. Crean becomes the first Labor leader to resign without having fought an election. His successor will be elected at a meeting of the Labor Caucus on . The candidates will probably be former leader Kim Beazley and finance spokesman Mark Latham. Foreign Affairs spokesman Kevin Rudd may also stand. //www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s999345.htm
The anti-Good Friday Agreement Democratic Unionist Party with 30 seats becomes the biggest party in Northern Ireland in the Northern Ireland Assembly Election, 2003, replacing the Ulster Unionist Party (27 seats), while Sinn Féin at 24 seats replaces the SDLP (18 seats) as the major Irish nationalist party.

Thursday, November 28, 2002

Henry Kissinger is appointed chairman of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, commonly known as the 9/11 Commission.

Tuesday, November 28, 2000

Ukrainian politician Oleksander Moroz sets off the Cassette Scandal by publicly accusing President Leonid Kuchma of involvement in the murder of journalist Georgiy Gongadze.
Ukrainian politician Oleksander Moroz touches off the Cassette Scandal by publicly accusing PresidentLeonid Kuchma of involvement in the murder of journalist Georgiy Gongadze.

Monday, November 28, 1994

Voters in Norway decide not to join the European Union in a referendum.

Sunday, November 28, 1993

"The Observer" reveals that a channel of communications has existed between the IRA and the British government, despite the government's persistent denials.

Wednesday, November 28, 1990

Prime Minister of BulgariaAndrey Lukanov and his government of former Communists resign under pressure from strikes and street protests.
Establishing the first land connection between the United Kingdom and the mainland of Europe, Channel Tunnel workers from the United Kingdom and France meet 40 metres beneath the English Channel seabed.
Gulf War: The United Nations Security Council passes UN Security Council Resolution 678, authorizing military intervention in Iraq if that nation does not withdraw its forces from Kuwait and free all foreign hostages by Tuesday, January 15, 1991.
President of ChadHissène Habré is deposed by the Patriotic Salvation Movement and replaced as president by its leader Idriss Déby.

Tuesday, November 28, 1989

Cold War ndash Velvet Revolution: The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia announces they will give up their monopoly on political power (elections held in December bring the first non-communist government to Czechoslovakia in more than 40 years).

Saturday, November 28, 1987

South African Airways Flight 295 crashes into the Indian ocean off Mauritius due to a fire in the cargo hold the 159 passengers and crew perish.

Wednesday, November 28, 1984

Over 250 years after their deaths, William Penn and his wife Hannah Callowhill Penn are made Honorary Citizens of the United States.

Sunday, November 28, 1982

Representatives from 88 countries gather in Geneva to discuss world trade and ways to work toward aspects of free trade.

Wednesday, November 28, 1979

The United States dollar exchange rate with the Deutsche Mark falls to 1.7079 DM, the all-time low so far this record is not broken until November 5, 1987.
Eleven fans are killed during a crowd crush for unreserved seats before The Who concert at the Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Air New Zealand Flight 901: an Air New Zealand DC-10 crashes into Mount Erebus (in Antarctica) on a sightseeing trip, killing all 257 people on board.

Friday, November 28, 1975

While disabled, the submarine tender "USS Proteus (AS-19)" discharges radioactive coolant water into Apra Harbor, Guam. A Geiger counter at two of the harbor's public beaches shows 100 millirems/hour, 50 times the allowable dose.
The name Micro-soft (for microcomputer software) is used by Bill Gates in a letter to Paul Allen for the first time (Microsoft becomes a registered trademark on November 26, 1976).
Portuguese Timor declares its independence from Portugal as East Timor.

Tuesday, November 28, 1972

Atari kicks off the first generation of video games with the release of their seminal arcade version of "Pong", the first game to achieve commercial success.
Vietnam War: White House Press Secretary Ron Ziegler tells the press that there will be no more public announcements concerning United States troop withdrawals from Vietnam due to the fact that troop levels are now down to 27,000.
Cod War: British Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Douglas-Home says that Royal Navy ships will be stationed to protect British trawlers off Iceland.
The last executions in Paris, France. Roger Bontems and Claude Buffet – the Clairvaux Mutineers – were guillotined at La Sante Prison by chief executioner Andre Obrecht (already suffering from Parkinson's Disease). Bontems had been found innocent of murder by the court, but as Buffet's accomplice was condemned to death anyway. President Georges Pompidou, in private an abolitionist, upheld both death sentences in deference to French public opinion.
The tea house Mellow Yellow opens on the Amstel River in Amsterdam, pioneering the legal sale of cannabis in the Netherlands.

Sunday, November 28, 1971

59th Grey Cup Game sees the Calgary Steders beat the Toronto Argonauts 14 to 11.

Monday, November 28, 1966

Truman Capote's Black and White Ball ('The Party of the Century') is held in New York City.

Sunday, November 28, 1965

Vietnam War: In response to U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson's call for more flags in Vietnam, PhilippinesPresident-electFerdinand Marcos announces he will send troops to help fight in South Vietnam.

Monday, November 28, 1960

U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorizes the use of $1.0 million for the relief and resettlement of Cubanrefugees, who had been arriving in Florida at the rate of about 1,000 per week.
Patrice Lumumba, the deposed premier of the Republic of the Congo, is arrested by the troops of Colonel Joseph Mobutu.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev.Geoffrey Francis Fisher, talks with Pope John XXIII for about one hour in Vatican City. This is the first time that any chief of the Anglican Church had ever visited the Pope.
December – African and Malagasy Organisation for Economic Cooperation (OAMCE) (Organisation Africain et Malagache de Coopération Économique) is established.
Mauritania becomes independent of France.
A Soviet satellite containing live animals and plants is launched into orbit. Due to a malfunction it burns up during re-entry.

Friday, November 28, 1958

Chad, the Republic of the Congo, and Gabon become autonomous republics within the French colonial empire.

Wednesday, November 28, 1956

Roger Vadim's drama film "And God Created Woman" released in France as "Et Dieu… créa la femme", propels Brigitte Bardot into the public spotlight as a sex kitten.

Wednesday, November 28, 1951

"Scrooge", starring Alastair Sim, premieres in the United States under the title of Charles Dickens's original novel, "A Christmas Carol".

Monday, November 28, 1949

Winston Churchill makes a landmark speech in support of the idea of a European Union at Kingsway Hall, London.

Wednesday, November 28, 1945

Assembly of the world's first general purpose electronic computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), is completed. It covers of floor space. The first set of calculations is run on the computer.
French banks (Banque de France, BNCI, CNEP, Crédit Lyonnais, and Société Générale) nationalized.
An earthquake in Balochistan (Pakistan) causes a tsunami and kills 4,000.
The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is declared (this day is celebrated as Republic Day until the 1990s). Marshal Tito is named president.
General Eurico Gaspar Dutra is elected president of Brazil.

Sunday, November 28, 1943

WWII ndash Tehran Conference: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin meet in Tehran to discuss war strategy (on November 30 they establish an agreement concerning a planned June 1944 invasion of Europe codenamed Operation Overlord).

Saturday, November 28, 1925

The country-variety show WSM Barn Dance, later renamed the "Grand Ole Opry," makes its radio debut. It will go on to become the longest-running live music show.

Sunday, November 28, 1920

Kilmichael Ambush: The Third Cork Brigade Flying Column under Tom Barry successfully ambushes 2 lorries of British soldiers at Kilmichael, County Cork,
The Edmonton Symphony Orchestra holds its first concert in the world, along with Martha Washington.

Thursday, November 28, 1918

Estonian Freedom War: Bolshevist Russia invades Estonia, beginning the war. A socialist republic is established in Narva the next day.

Wednesday, November 28, 1917

The Bolsheviks offer peace terms to the Germans.

Saturday, November 28, 1914

World War I: Following a war-induced closure in July, the New York Stock Exchange re-opens for bond trading.

Thursday, November 28, 1912

Albania declares independence from the Ottoman Empire.

Tuesday, November 28, 1905

Civil service examinations are abolished in China.
Women are given the vote and admitted to the practice of law in Queensland.
Germany insists on an international conference on the Moroccan question.
"Huckleberry Finn" and "Tom Sawyer" are banned from the Brooklyn Public Library for setting a bad exle.
Pathé Frères colors black and white films by machine.
First performance of Franz Lehár's operetta "The Merry Widow", at the Theater an der Wien, Vienna.
A bomb kills Frank Steunenberg, ex-governor of Idaho the case leads to a trial against leaders of the Western Federation of Miners.
Workers' compensation is introduced in Queensland.
Wolves become extinct in Japan.
Irish nationalist Arthur Griffith founds Sinn Féin in Dublin as a political party whose goal is independence for all of Ireland.
The title Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is officially recognized by King Edward VII.

Saturday, November 28, 1891

Wednesday, November 28, 1883

"The Adventures of Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodi is first published complete in book form in Italy.
Duncan, Arizona, is founded.
During construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1883, blasting and excavation reveal high concentrations of nickel–copperore at Murray Mine on the edge of the Sudbury Basin located near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.
The suburb of Ingleburn, in Sydney, Australia, is established.
Antoni Gaudí begins to work on the Sagrada Família Cathedral in Barcelona (it will be consecrated in 2010).
German bacteriologist Robert Koch discovers the cholera bacillus.
The British Parliament considers a major bill to allow Indian judges to try Europeans in India. The British community rises in protest and defeats the measure.
The Wolf's Head Society (known as "The Third Society" until 1888) is founded at Yale University.
The Mexican government passes a law allowing real estate companies (controlled by General Porfirio Díaz's political associates) to survey public and vacant lands and to retain one third of the land they survey.
The first Carnegie library is opened in Andrew Carnegie's hometown, Dunfermline, Scotland.
The Black Arabs F.C (now Bristol Rovers)
A depression starts in Seattle, United States.
Footscray Football Club (now the Western Bulldogs).
Otto von Bismarck pushes the first social security law through the Reichstag.
Whitman College is chartered as a 4-year college in Walla Walla, Washington.
Raith Rovers Football Club
Founding of:
Bernard Kroger establishes the first Krogergrocery store, in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Friday, November 28, 1862

December ndash Peruvian slave raiders land on Easter Island, beginning a decade of Preuvian atrocities on this island.
American Civil War ndash Battle of Cane Hill: U.S. Army troops led by General John Blunt push back Confederate troops commanded by General John Marmaduke into northwestern the Boston Mountains of Arkansas.

Thursday, November 28, 1861

Acting on the ordinance passed by the Jackson government, the Confederate Congress admits Missouri as the 12th Confederate state.

Wednesday, November 28, 1821

Panama declares independence from Spain, joining Gran Colombia ("see" History of Panama).

Friday, November 28, 1806

French troops enter Warsaw.

Monday, November 28, 1785

The Treaty of Hopewell is signed between the United States of America and the Cherokee Nation.
Music: Mozart's "Haydn String Quartets" are published.
The British government establishes a permanent land force in the Eastern Caribbean, based in Barbados.
Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi publishes "Letters on the Teachings of Spinoza", and starts the Pantheism controversy.
Belfast Academy (later Belfast Royal Academy) is founded by Rev. Dr James Crombie in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Louis XVI of France signs to a law that a handkerchief must be square.
The North Carolina General Assembly incorporates Lincolnton, North Carolina (named for American General Benjamin Lincoln) as the new county seat for Lincoln County.
Coal gas is first used for illumination.
Napoleon Bonaparte becomes a lieutenant in the French artillery.

Monday, November 28, 1729

Battle of Damghan: The Persians under Nadir Shah defeat the Afghans.
The worst Indian massacre to take place on Mississippi soil occurs when Natchez Indians kill 138 Frenchmen, 35 French women, and 56 children at Fort Rosalie (near modern-day Natchez, Mississippi).
Putney Bridge was built.
The third oldest settlement in Mississippi, Port Gibson, is founded.
A fire in Istanbul destroys 12,000 houses and kills 7,000 inhabitants.

Thursday, November 28, 1715

Application of Nueva Planta decrees in Majorca and the other Balearic Islands formerly under the Crown of Aragon bringing them under the laws of the Crown of Castile.

Tuesday, November 28, 1662

The Royal Society holds its first meeting.

Sunday, November 28, 1660

At Gresham College in London, twelve men, including Christopher Wren, Robert Boyle, John Wilkins, and Sir Robert Moray meet after a lecture by Wren and decide to found a College for the Promoting of Physico-Mathematicall Experimentall Learning (later known as the Royal Society).
December ndash Andres Malong, a native chieftain of Pangasinan, Philippines, leads a revolt against the Spanish regime.

Sunday, November 28, 1627

Polish-Swedish War: A Polish-Lithuanian fleet defeats a Swedish fleet in the Battle of Oliwa.
England places the first European settlers on Barbados.
The aurochs are hunted to extinction, the last being killed by poachers in Poland.
Archduke Ferdinand III of Austria, heir apparent of the Habsburg Monarchy and a future Holy Roman Emperor, already King of Hungary ascends to be king of the religiously troubled Bohemia where his (still living) father's repression of Protestantism had triggered the ongoing Thirty Years' War in 1618.
Rock blasting invented: black gun powder is first used in mining, in a mineshaft under Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia.
Archduke Ferdinand III of Austria, heir apparent of the Habsburg Monarchy and a future Holy Roman Emperor, already King of Hungary ascends to be king of the religiously troubled Bohemia where his (still living) father's repression of Protestantism had triggered the ongoing Thirty Years' War in 1618.
A Dutch ship makes the first recorded sighting of the coast of South Australia.
After the First Manchu invasion of Korea, the Joseon Dynasty of Korea becomes a tributary state of the Manchus, but still pays respects to the Ming Dynasty of China. After rejecting a Manchu alteration to the original diplomatic terms in 1636, the Manchus invade again in 1637.

Sunday, November 18, 1520 (Julianian calendar)

After navigating through the South American strait, three ships under the command of Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan reach the Pacific Ocean, becoming the first Europeans to sail from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific (the strait was later named the Strait of Magellan).

Tuesday, November 19, 1499 (Julianian calendar)

Johannes Trithemius inadvertently reveals interests in magic by writing a letter to a Carmelite monk about a treatise he was writing on steganography.
Montenegro, the last free monarchy in the Balkans, is annexed by the Ottoman Empire as part of the "sanjak" of Shkodër.
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa matriculates at Cologne University.
Edward, Earl of Warwick, last male member of the House of York, is executed for reportedly attempting to escape from the Tower of London.
The French under Louis XII seize Milan, driving out Duke Ludovico Sforza.

Tuesday, November 19, 1443 (Julianian calendar)

King Sejong the Great establishes Hangul as the native alphabet of the Korean language.
Vlad II Dracul begins his second term as ruler of Wallachia, succeeding Basarab II.
Skanderbeg and his forces, rebelling against the Ottoman Empire, liberated Kruja, in Middle Albania, and raised the Albanian flag.
The Zhihua Si Buddhist Temple (智化寺) is built in Beijing, China at the order of Wang Zhen, the chief eunuch at the court of the Zhengtong Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.
Nuno Tristão penetrates the Arguim Gulf.

Wednesday, November 21, 1229 (Julianian calendar)

Beverston Castle, Gloucestershire, England is founded.
The city of Turku, Finland is founded.
The city of Rapperswil was established by Count Rudolf II of Rapperswil
The University of Toulouse is founded in France.
Following the deadlock tie in the election of the VenetianDoge, the number of electors is increased from 40 to 41 in order to prevent such future occurrences.

Thursday, November 22, 1095 (Julianian calendar)

Pembroke Castle is built in Wales.
The Valence Cathedral is consecrated in Valence, France.
The County of Portugal is established for the second time by CountHenry of Burgundy. The same year, the Almoravids start pushing back the Christians to the positions they occupied a decade earlier. This offensive begins with the reconquest of Lisbon which had been given away to Castilefour years before.ref name=picard2000
On the last day of the Council of Clermont, Pope Urban II appoints Bishop Adhemar of Le Puy and Count Raymond IV of Toulouse to lead the First Crusade to the Holy Land.

Saturday, November 27, 303 (Julianian calendar)

The Triumphal Arch of Maximian is erected in Salonica.
Diocletian makes a visit to Rome. The Augusti and the Caesars are united for the first time to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Diocletian's accession.
Sassanid Shah Hormizd II succeeds Narseh.
In Mexico the civilization of Teotihuacan flourishes.
Source: Wikipedia