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Tuesday, July 11. 2023, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Canada will boycott the United Nations Conference on Disarmament to protest against North Korea being named its chair. //www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2011/07/11/pol-baird-un-north-korea.html (CBC)

Friday, July 11, 2008

The first global study of coral reefs finds that one-third of coral-building species face extinction. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7498502.stm (BBC News)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons confirmed the destruction of the entire chemical weapons stockpile in Albania.//www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/07/13/europe/EU-GEN-Netherlands-Albania-Chemical-Weapons.php (AP)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Eight explosions hit at least four commuter trains in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay). India's other major cities are all placed on high alert. At least 174 people are reported dead, and at least 460 are reported injured. A suspect has been arrested in central Delhi. //www.breitbart.com/news/2006/07/11/D8IPUS60A.html (Associated Press), //today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=topNewsstoryID=2006-07-11T181703Z_01_SP141887_RTRUKOC_0_US-INDIA-BLAST.xml (Reuters), //www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10958641/ (MSNBC), //in.rediff.com/news/2006/jul/11train.htm (Rediff), //www.zeenews.com/articles.asp?aid=308478sid=NATssid= (Zee News)
A series of coordinated bomb attacks strikes several commuter trains in Mumbai, India, during the evening rush hour.
A fire and smoke buildup occurres on the CTA Blue Line train in the U.S. city of Chicago. Most injuries are from smoke inhalation. No fatalities have been stated at this time. Emergency personnel are on scene. The cause is from a rear derailment. //cbs2chicago.com/topstories/local_story_192183214.html (CBS2 Chicago), //www.nbc5.com/news/9501094/detail.html (NBC5 Chicago), //www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-060711cta-smoke,0,3432936.story?coll=chi-newsbreaking-hed ("Chicago Tribune"), //www.cnn.com/2006/US/07/11/chicago.transit/index.html (CNN), //www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,203045,00.html (Associated Press)

Sunday, July 11, 1999

India recaptures Kargil, forcing the Pakistan Army to retreat. India announces victory, ending the 2-month conflict.

Friday, July 11, 1997

Thailand's worst hotel fire at Pattaya kills 90.

Thursday, July 11, 1996

Arrest warrants are issued for Bosnian Serb war criminals Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladić by the Russell Tribunal in The Hague.

Tuesday, July 11, 1995

Bosnian Serbs march into Srebrenica while UN Dutch peacekeepers leave. Large numbers of Bosniak men and boys are killed in the Srebrenica massacre.

Wednesday, July 11, 1990

President of NicaraguaVioleta Chamorro agrees to wage hikes and other concessions to end a pro-Sandanista strike begun on July 2.
Terrorist act in Azerbaijan. Armenian terrorists blow up passenger bus moving from Kelbecer to Tartar. 14 people are killed, 35 were wounded.ref name=supremecourt.gov.az//www.supremecourt.gov.az/?mod=2cat=305c=1id=142lang=ent=g Terrorist and Sabotage Acts Committed in the Territory of Azerbaijan

Sunday, July 11, 1982

Italy beats West Germany 3–1 to win the 1982 FIFA World Cup in Spain.

Wednesday, July 11, 1979

A fire at a hotel in Saragossa, Spain leaves 72 dead. Worst hotel fire in Europe in decades.
NASA's first orbiting space station "Skylab" begins its return to Earth, after being in orbit for 6 years and 2 months.
A "Disco Demolition Night" publicity stunt goes awry at Comiskey Park, forcing the Chicago White Sox to forfeit their game against the Detroit Tigers.
Kiribati declares independence from the United Kingdom.
Carmine Galante, boss of the Bonanno crime family, is assassinated.

Tuesday, July 11, 1978

Cerro Maravilla incident: Two Puerto Rican pro-independence activists are killed in a police ambush.
More than 200 tourists die in an explosion of a tanker-truck at a csite in Costa Daurada, Spain.
Louise Brown, the world's first test tube baby, is born in Oldham, Greater Manchester, UK.

Wednesday, July 11, 1973

Varig Flight 820 crashes near Orly, France 123 are killed.

Saturday, July 11, 1970

The first tunnel under the Pyrenees links the towns of Aragnouet (France) and Bielsa (Spain).

Monday, July 11, 1966

Zambia threatens to leave the Commonwealth of Nations because of British peace overtures to Rhodesia.
Israeli and Syrian jet fighters clash over the Jordan River.
Richard Speck murders 8 student nurses in their Chicago dormitory. He is arrested on July 17.
The 1966 FIFA World Cup begins in England.
Gwynfor Evans becomes member of Parliament for Carmarthen, the first Plaid Cymru MP in the UK.
Indira Gandhi visits Moscow.

Friday, July 11, 1958

Count Michael Rhédey von Kis-Rhéde, direct descendant of Samuel Aba, King of Hungary, at the age of 60 is pistol-whipped and murdered over a few hectares of land by Czechoslovak Communists during the collectivization process at his residence in Olcsvar, Slovakia.

Thursday, July 11, 1957

His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan becomes the 49th Imam of the ShiaIsmailiMuslims at age 20. His grandfather Sir Sultan Mohammed Shah Aga Khan III appoints Prince Karim in his will.

Monday, July 11, 1949

"Pamir" is the last "commercial" sailing ship to round Cape Horn under sail alone.

Friday, July 11, 1947

"The Exodus" leaves France for Palestine, with 4,500 Jewish Holocaust survivor refugees on board.

Sunday, July 11, 1943

United States Army forces assault the village of Piano Lupo, just outside of Gela, Sicily.

Sunday, July 11, 1937

American popular composer George Gershwin dies in Los Angeles of a brain tumor, age 38.

Saturday, July 11, 1936

Triborough Bridge in New York City is opened to traffic.

Thursday, July 11, 1929

In Russia, a secret decree of the Sovnarkom creates the backbone of the Gulag system.
The Kellogg-Briand Pact, renouncing war as an instrument of foreign policy, goes into effect (it was first signed in Paris on August 27, 1928 by most leading world powers).
French prime minister Raymond Poincaré resigns he is succeeded by Aristide Briand.

Monday, July 11, 1927

An earthquake strikes Palestine, killing around 300 people. The effects are especially severe in Nablus, but damage and fatalities are also reported in many areas of Palestine and Trans-Jordan such as Amman, Salt, Jordan, and Lydda.

Tuesday, July 11, 1922

The Hollywood Bowl opens.

Saturday, July 11, 1914

Baseball legend Babe Ruth makes his major league debut with the Red Sox.

Sunday, July 11, 1897

S. A. Andrée's Arctic balloon expedition of 1897 begins. The ill-fated expedition to fly over the Arctic results in the death of the entire team within months.

Saturday, July 11, 1896

Wilfrid Laurier becomes Canada's seventh prime minister and the first French-speaker to hold that office.

Tuesday, July 11, 1893

Kokichi Mikimoto, in Japan, develops the method to seed and grow cultured pearls.
The Dundee FC, a Scottish football club, is formed.

Tuesday, July 11, 1882

British troops occupy Alexandria and the Suez Canal.
Boers establish the republic of Stellaland in southern Africa.

Wednesday, July 11, 1860

Mutsuhito (the future Emperor Meiji) becomes Crown Prince of Japan.

Monday, July 11, 1859

By the preliminary treaty signed at Villafranca, Italy, Lombardy is ceded to the French (who immediately cede it to Sardinia), while the Austrians keep Venetia and the French promise to restore the Central Italian rulers expelled in the course of the war. This brings the Austro-Sardinian War effectively to a close.
The chimes of Big Ben ring for the first time in London.

Wednesday, July 11, 1810

Frederick Hasselborough discovers Macquarie Island in the subantarctic.

Wednesday, July 11, 1804

Alexander Hamilton is shot during a duel with Aaron Burr and dies the next day.

Wednesday, July 11, 1798

The United States Marine Corps is re/established.

Monday, July 11, 1796

The United States takes possession of Detroit from Great Britain under the terms of the Jay Treaty.

Saturday, July 11, 1789

Louis XVI of France fires popular Chief Minister Necker.

Tuesday, July 11, 1780

French soldiers arrive in Newport, Rhode Island to reinforce colonists in the American Revolutionary War.

Monday, July 11, 1735

Pluto (not known at this time) enters a fourteen year period inside the orbit of Neptune, which will not recur until 1979.

Thursday, July 11, 1726

André-Hercule Cardinal de Fleury, recalled from exile by King Louis XV of France, banishes Louis Henri, Duc de Bourbon, and Madame de Prie from court.

Wednesday, July 11, 1708

War of the Spanish Succession: allied victory under the command of John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, against the French at the Battle of Oudenarde.ref name=Cassell's Chronology

Sunday, July 11, 1700

The Prussian Academy of Sciences is founded with Gottfried Leibniz as president.
Summer ndash Charles XII of Sweden counter-attacks his enemies by invading Zealand (Denmark), assisted by an Anglo-Dutch naval squadron under Sir George Rooke, rapidly compelling the Danes to submit to peace.

Tuesday, July 11, 1690

Battle of the Boyne, north of Dublin. King William III of England (William of Orange) defeats the deposed James II who returns to exile in France.The battle took place on July 1 according to the old style Julian calendar in use at this time by the English. This is equivalent to 11 July in the new style Gregorian calendar, although today commemorated on July 12.ref name=Cassell's Chronology The rebellion in Ireland continues for a further year until the Orange army gains full control.

Saturday, July 11, 1676

The Wanoags attack Taunton, Massachusetts, but are repelled by colonists.

Tuesday, July 11, 1673

The Netherlands and Denmark sign a defense treaty.

Tuesday, July 1, 1572 (Julianian calendar)

Humphrey Gilbert leads 1500 volunteers from England on an expedition to assist the Sea Beggars.ref name=Cassell's Chronology/

Tuesday, July 1, 1533 (Julianian calendar)

Henry VIII is excommunicated by Pope Clement VII, as is Archbishop Cranmer.

Sunday, July 2, 1430 (Julianian calendar)

The Battle of Trnava, Hussite victory on the Hungarian-Moravian-Serbian army.
Švitrigaila succeeds his cousin as ruler of Lithuania.
The Ottoman Empire captures Thessalonica from the Venetians.
Optical methods are first used in the creation of art.
Patras, capital of Achea, finally falls to the Byzantine Despotate of Morea.
The Janissaries are created.
Bratislava Castle is converted to a fortress under Sigismund of Luxemburg.
The Order of the Golden Fleece is founded by Philip III, Duke of Burgundy to celebrate his marriage.

Thursday, July 2, 1405 (Julianian calendar)

Ming Dynasty fleet commander Zheng He sets sail from Suzhou to explore the world for the first time.

Monday, July 3, 1346 (Julianian calendar)

July 12 ndash Edward III and the English army cross the English Channel and begin an invasion of France.ref name = battleLynn, John. "Battle: a History of Combat and Culture." Boulder: Westview Press, 2004. pp. 91–92 ISBN 0-8133-3372-5

Tuesday, July 3, 1302 (Julianian calendar)

Battle of the Golden Spurs ("Guldensporenslag" in Dutch): Flanders gains a major victory over the French.

Saturday, July 4, 1276 (Julianian calendar)

Pope Adrian V (also referred to as Hadrian) succeeds Pope Innocent V as the 186th pope.

Wednesday, July 6, 914 (Julianian calendar)

al-Qa'im, son of the Fatimid caliph Ubayd Allah al-Mahdi leaves Raqqada in an attempt to conquer Egypt.ref name=Halm /
al-Qa\\\'im, son of the Fatimid caliph Ubayd Allah al-Mahdi leaves Raqqada in an attempt to conquer Egypt.ref name=Halm /

Monday, July 10, 472 (Julianian calendar)

Ricimer proclaims Olybrius emperor and dies less than two months later at his palace in malignant fever, vomiting blood. The Burgundian general Gundobad assumes command of the Western army.
Source: Wikipedia