Unix Timestamp: 1687046400
Sunday, June 18. 2023, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

An Atlas V rocket launches the LRO and LCROSS spacecraft to explore the Moon.//news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8107197.stm (BBC)
NASA launches the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter/LCROSS probes to the Moon, the first American lunar mission since Lunar Prospector in 1998.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Relatives of Srebrenica massacre victims open a case in a Dutch court against the United Nations and the Netherlands for the failure of the Dutchbat force to prevent the killings. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7461310.stm (BBC News)
Afghan and Canadian forces begin an offensive against the Taliban in the Arghandab District of Kandahar. //ukpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5hy6CAVn5Y1Y2qFNhrOSX6-5BjtaA (Press Association via Google News)

Friday, June 18, 1999

The J18 international anti-globalization protests are organized in dozens of cities around the world, some of which lead to riots.

Friday, June 18, 1993

Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraq refuses to allow UNSCOM weapons inspectors to install remote-controlled monitoring cameras at 2 missile engine test stands.
A 7.5 earthquake hits Japan, killing 385 people.
John Paxson's 3-point shot in Game 6 of the NBA Finals helps the Chicago Bulls secure a 99–98 win over the Phoenix Suns, and their third consecutive chionship.

Sunday, June 18, 1989

In the first Greek legislative election of the year, the Panhellenic Socialist Movement, led by Prime Minister of Greece Andreas Papandreou, loses control of the Hellenic Parliament, leading to Papandreou's resignation the next day.

Saturday, June 18, 1983

Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space aboard Space Shuttle "Challenger" on the STS-7 mission.
Sally Ride becomes the first American woman in space aboard Space Shuttle ''Challenger'' on the STS-7 mission.

Friday, June 18, 1982

Argentine military dictator Leopoldo Galtieri resigns, in the wake of his country's defeat in the Falklands War.

Thursday, June 18, 1981

Monday, June 18, 1979

Jimmy Carter and Leonid Brezhnev sign the SALT II agreement in Vienna.

Friday, June 18, 1971

Southwest Airlines, a low cost carrier, begins its first flights between Dallas, Houston, And San Antonio.

Thursday, June 18, 1970

Penn Central declares Section 77 bankruptcy, largest ever US corporate bankruptcy up to this date.
United Kingdom general election, 1970: the Conservative Party wins and Edward Heath becomes Prime Minister, ousting the Labour government of Harold Wilson after nearly six years in power. The election result was something of a surprise, as most of the opinion polls had predicted a third successive Labour win.//news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/june/19/newsid_3829000/3829819.stm
Brazil defeats Italy 4–1 to win the 1970 FIFA World Cup.

Wednesday, June 18, 1969

June 22 ndash The National Convention of the Students for a Democratic Society, held in Chicago, collapses, and the Weatherman faction seizes control of the SDS National Office. Thereafter, any activity run from the National Office or bearing the name of SDS is Weatherman-controlled.

Saturday, June 18, 1966

CIA chief William Raborn resigns Richard Helms becomes his successor.

Thursday, June 18, 1959

Elizabeth II (Queen of Canada) and U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower open the Saint Lawrence Seaway.
The film "The Nun\\'s Story", based on the best-selling novel, is released. Audrey Hepburn stars as the title character she later says that this is her favorite film role. The film is a box-office hit, and is nominated for several Oscars.
"Darby O'Gill and the Little People", a film based on H.T. Kavanagh's short stories, is released in the U.S. by the Walt Disney Company after a world premiere in Ireland.
The film "The Nun's Story", based on the best-selling novel, is released. Audrey Hepburn stars as the title character she later says that this is her favorite film role. The film is a box-office hit, and is nominated for several Oscars.
Convicted Manhattan Project spy Klaus Fuchs is released after only nine years in a British prison and allowed to emigrate to Dresden, East Germany where he resumes a scientific career.
Sean Lemass becomes the third Taoiseach of Ireland.
"Darby O\\\\'Gill and the Little People", a film based on H.T. Kavanagh\\\'sshort stories, is released in the U.S. by the Walt Disney Company after a world premiere in Ireland.

Monday, June 18, 1956

The last foreign troops leave Egypt.

Friday, June 18, 1954

The Common Nordic Labor Market Act comes into effect.
The United States officially begins using the international unit of the nautical mile, equal to 6,076.11549 ft. or 1,852 meters.
Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán steps down in a CIA-sponsored military coup, triggering a bloody civil war that continues for more than 35 years.
Pierre Mendès-France becomes prime minister of France.
The world's first atomic power station opens at Obninsk, near Moscow.
Food rationing in Great Britain ends with the lifting of restrictions on sale and purchase of meat, 14 years after it began early in World War II and nearly a decade after the war's end.

Thursday, June 18, 1953

Egypt declares itself a republic.

Friday, June 18, 1948

Malayan Emergency: A state of emergency is declared in the Malayan Union due to a communist insurgency.
LP record ndash Columbia Records introduced it's long playing 33 sup1/sup/sub3/sub rpm phonograph format.

Tuesday, June 18, 1935

Anglo-German Naval Agreement: Britain agrees to a German navy equal to 35% of her own naval tonnage.

Monday, June 18, 1934

The Canberra Times documents the attack of an unknown spider species upon the Chilean town of Antofagasta.//trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/2359868
The Indian Reorganization Act is enacted.
The Emir of Yemen and ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia conclude a peace treaty.

Monday, June 18, 1923

Mount Etna erupts in Italy, making 60,000 homeless.

Thursday, June 18, 1914

Mexican Revolution: The "Constitutionals" take San Luis PotosíVenustiano Carranza demands Victoriano Huerta's surrender.

Wednesday, June 18, 1913

The Arab Congress of 1913 opened, during which Arab nationalists met to discuss desired reforms under the Ottoman Empire.

Saturday, June 18, 1887

The Reinsurance Treaty is closed between Germany and Russia.

Sunday, June 18, 1871

C. W. Alcock proposes that a Challenge Cup should be established in connection with the Association, giving birth to the FA Cup.
British Columbia joins the confederation of Canada.
The University Tests Act removes restrictions limiting access to Oxford, Cambridge and Durham universities to members of the Church of England.

Friday, June 18, 1869

The first Estonian Song Festival takes place in Tartu.

Saturday, June 18, 1859

Aletschhorn, second summit of the Bernese Alps, is first ascended.

Sunday, June 18, 1815

Thursday, June 18, 1812

The War of 1812 begins between the United States and the British Empire.

Tuesday, June 18, 1782

In Switzerland, Anna Göldi is sentenced to death for witchcraft (the last legal witchcraft sentence).

Thursday, June 18, 1767

Norway's oldest newspaper still in print, "Adresseavisen", is first published.
First confirmed sighting of Tahiti by a European, Samuel Wallis, an English sea captain.
Pitcairn Island is first definitely sighted by Midshipman Robert Pitcairn on an expeditionary voyage commanded by Philip Carteret.

Saturday, June 18, 1757

Seven Years\' War ndash Battle of Kolin: Frederick is defeated by an Austrian army under Marshal Daun, forcing him to evacuate Bohemia.

Saturday, June 18, 1639

The Treaty of Berwick is signed by Charles I and the Scots.

Wednesday, June 18, 1625

July ndash First attack from barbary pirates in south-western England.
The English Parliament refuses to vote Charles I the right to collect customs duties for his entire reign, restricting him to one year instead.

Saturday, June 8, 1538 (Julianian calendar)

Truce of Nice: Peace is declared between Emperor Charles V and Francis I of France.

Friday, June 9, 1452 (Julianian calendar)

A major eruption of the South Pacific volcano Kuwae in Vanuatu has a subsequent global cooling effect (the eruption released more sulfate than any other event in the past 700 years).
English troops under John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury, land in Guyenne, France, and retake most of the province without a fight.
Revolt of Ghent: Forces of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, clash multiple times with rebel militia from Ghent in the region around Ghent.
Portuguese navigator Diogo de Teive discovers the islands of Corvo and Flores in the Azores.
Pope Nicholas V issues the bull "Dum Diversas", legitimising the colonialslave trade.
Byzantine-Ottoman Wars ndash The Ottoman governor of Thessaly, Turakhan Beg, breaks through the Hexamilion wall for the fourth time and ravages the Peloponnese peninsula, to prevent the Byzantine Despotate of the Morea from assisting Constantinople during the final Ottoman siege of the imperial capital.

Tuesday, June 9, 1450 (Julianian calendar)

Battle of Seven Oaks: Jack Cade's rebels are driven from London by loyal troops, bringing about the collapse of the rebellion.

Thursday, June 9, 1429 (Julianian calendar)

Battle of Patay: French forces under Joan of Arc smash the English forces under Lord Talbot and SirJohn Fastolf, forcing the withdrawal of the English from the Loire Valley.

Wednesday, June 11, 1264 (Julianian calendar)

The Parliament of Ireland meets at Castledermot in County Kildare, the first definitively known meeting of this Irish legislature.

Sunday, June 11, 1178 (Julianian calendar)

The Sung Document is written, detailing the discovery of Mu-Lan-Pi (suggested by some to be California) by Muslim sailors.
The Chronicle of Gervase of Canterbury is written.
Five Canterbury monks see what is possibly the Giordano Bruno crater being formed.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa begins to lean as the third level is completed.

Saturday, June 11, 1155 (Julianian calendar)

The Papal bull "Laudabiliter" gives the King of England lordship over Ireland.
The city of Bari rebels against the king of Sicily and recognizes the Byzantine emperor, Manuel I, as its overlord.ref name=encyclopedia
The city of Bristol, UK (Brigstow) given a Royal Charter.

Tuesday, June 11, 1146 (Julianian calendar)

The AlmohadcaliphAbd al-Mu\'min conquers most of Morocco from the Almoravids.
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux preaches the Second Crusade at Vezelay, Burgundy. In a repeat of the events of 1096, Crusaders attack and massacre Jewish communities along the Rhine. Bernard de Clairvaux condemns these pogroms in strong terms, reminding the Crusaders that those who attacked the Jewish people during the previous Crusade came to a sorry end and were massacred to the last man by the Turks.
The city of Quona is conquered by the Republic of Florence in a drive to expend its control over the surrounding countryside.
While discussing the details of a military expedition against the Almoravids for the following year, the representative of the Republic of Genoa and the count of Barcelona reach a commercial agreement granting privileges to merchants of both nation in the Catalan and Ligurian ports.ref name=genoese crusade/
Genoese raid against the Muslim-held Balearic islands.ref name=lameretlesmusulmansPicard C. (1997) "La mer et les musulmans d'Occident au Moyen Age". Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. The Republic of Pisa protests officially, seeing the islands as rightfully theirs.
George of Antioch conquers Tripoli, Libya for the king of Sicily.ref name=espace libyeb
A rainy year causes the harvest to fail in Europe, one of the worse famines of the century ensues.
Ildeniz, atabeg of Azerbaijan founds a dynasty, being the first independent Turkish dynasty of Azerbaijan
The city of Bryansk is first mentioned in written records.
The Almohad caliph Abd al-Mu'min conquers most of Morocco from the Almoravids.

Saturday, June 12, 1053 (Julianian calendar)

Battle of Civitate: 3,000 horsemen of Norman Count Humphrey rout the troops of Pope Leo IX.
Byodo-in, Uji, Kyoto Prefecture, is built. Heian period (approximate date).
Jōchō makes Amida Buddha, Byodo-in. Heian period (approximate date).

Wednesday, June 14, 741 (Julianian calendar)

A nunnery given by the Alamannic noblewoman Beata on Lützelau island is first mentioned. In 744, the nunnery was sold to Einsiedeln Abbey.
A fourth expedition sent from Syria by the Umayyad caliphate to crush the rebellion in the Atlas region is defeated in the plain of the Ghrab (nowadays Morocco). The counter-attack of the Kharijite rebels to the East is successful but fails to conquer Kairouan from the loyalists. A more radical branch of the Tunisian Kharijites, the Sofrists, however manages to take the city soon after.Gilbert Meynier (2010) "L'Algérie cœur du Maghreb classique. De l'ouverture islamo-arabe au repli (658-1518)". Paris: La Découverte pp.25.
Ufenau island in Switzerland is first mentioned in 741 as Hupinauia, and in 744 as Ubinauvia.
In 741 and 744, documents in the archives of St. Gallen Abbey describe the village of Kempraten as "Centoprato", another document in 863 as "Centiprata", inspired by the Latin name "Centum Prata".
Japanese authorities decree that Buddhist temples should be established throughout the country.
Constantine V succeeds Leo III as emperor of the Byzantine Empire.
Source: Wikipedia