Unix Timestamp: 1251763200
Tuesday, September 1. 2009, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

United States rapper T.I. and his wife singer Tameka Cottle are arrested on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles for illegal drug possession. //www.cnn.com/2010/SHOWBIZ/Music/09/02/rapper.arrested/?hpt=Sbin (CNN)

Monday, September 1, 2008

September 14Hurricane Ike makes landfall on Texas as Category 2 and kills 27 in the United States, after killing four in Cuba, one in the Dominican Republic, and 75 in Haiti.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

A concrete and steel fence is built in Sydney to protect leaders attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting next week. //news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6973631.stm (BBC)
French and Spanish police foil an ETA car bomb plot and arrest the man who is alleged to be the organisations top bombmaker and his accomplices. //www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2007/09/02/2021589.htm (Reuters via ABC News Australia)

Thursday, September 1, 2005

US financial markets opened with mixed volatility in reaction to disruptions to the nation's oil distribution system along the Gulf coast and concerns for consumer spending. By the closing bell the NASDAQ and Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped two percent. President George W. Bush and Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and top economic advisers gave the markets a favorable bump after a noon meeting to consider financial impacts of Hurricane Katrina's devastation. //www.marketwatch.com/news/story.asp?siteid=googleguid=%7B110CA7EA%2DC83D%2D4369%2DAE3F%2DA082CE036F38%7D (MarketWatch)

Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Russian forces end the siege at a school in Beslan, Northern Ossetia. At least 335 people (among which are 32 of the approximately 40 hostage-takers) are killed and at least 700 people injured.
Hurricane Frances makes landfall in Florida. After killing 2 people in the Bahamas, Hurricane Frances kills 10 people in Florida, 2 in Georgia, USA and 1 in South Carolina.
Chechen terrorists take between 1,000 and 1,500 people hostage, mostly children, in a school in the Beslan school hostage crisis. The hostage-takers demand the release of Chechen rebels imprisoned in neighbouring Ingushetia and the independence of Chechnya from Russia.
Hurricane Ivan forms.
The United Nations Security Council adopts Resolution 1559, calling for the removal of all foreign troops from Lebanon. This measure is largely aimed at Syrian troops.

Sunday, September 1, 2002

Israeli-Palestinian conflict: The Arab League disavowed the final statement made by the Zayed Center for Coordination and Follow-up, claiming that they adhere to a policy of supporting Israel's right to exist within pre-1967 borders, and restating that the conflict in the Middle East is between Palestinians and Israelis, not all Jews.

Tuesday, September 1, 1992

In Beijing, police arrest Shen Tong for his role in organizing the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.

Monday, September 1, 1986

Establishment of Jordan University of Science and Technology in Jordan.

Thursday, September 1, 1983

Cold War: Korean Air Lines Flight 007 is shot down by a Soviet Union jet fighter near Moneron Island when the commercial aircraft enters Soviet airspace. All 269 on board are killed including U.S. Congressman Larry McDonald.

Monday, September 1, 1980

Terry Fox is forced to end his Marathon of Hope run outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario, after finding that the cancer has spread to his lungs.

Wednesday, September 1, 1976

Cigarette and tobacco advertising banned on Australian television and radio.

Tuesday, September 1, 1970

An assassination attempt against King Hussein of Jordan precipitates the Black September crisis.

Monday, September 1, 1969

Ho Chi Minh, former president of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam dies.
A coup in Libya ousts King Idris, and brings Colonel Muammar Gaddafi to power.
The first automatic teller machine in the United States is installed in Rockville Centre, New York.

Friday, September 1, 1967

Ilse Koch, also known as the Witch of Buchenwald, commits suicide in the Bavarian prison of Aichach.
H-Day in Sweden: At 5:00 a.m. local time, all traffic in the country switches from left-hand traffic pattern to right-hand traffic.
Nguyen Van Thieu is elected President of South Vietnam.

Friday, September 1, 1961

First meeting held of the Non-Aligned Movement. The Soviet Union resumes nuclear testing, escalating fears over the ongoing Berlin crisis.
The Eritrean War of Independence officially begins with the shooting of the Ethiopian police by Hamid Idris Awate.

Monday, September 1, 1958

The first Cod War begins between the United Kingdom and Iceland.

Sunday, September 1, 1957

175 die in Jamaica's worst railway disaster.

Saturday, September 1, 1951

The United States, Australia and New Zealand all sign a mutual defense pact, called the ANZUS Treaty.

Friday, September 1, 1944

"¡Hola!" magazine launched in Barcelona.
WWII: In Bulgaria, the Bagryanov government resigns.
The Holocaust: Diarist Anne Frank and her family are placed on the last transport train from Westerbork to Auschwitz, arriving 3 days later.

Friday, September 1, 1939

Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Switzerland declare their neutrality.
At 04.45 Central European Time, under cover of darkness, the German WW1-era battleship \\\\'\\\\'Schleswig-Holstein\\\\'\\\\' quietly slips her moorings at her wharf in Danzig harbor, drifts into the center of the channel, and commences firing on the fortress Westerplatte, a Polish army installation at the mouth of the port of Danzig, Poland. These are generally considered to be the opening shots of "'World War Two"'. Simultaneously, shock-troops of the German Wehrmachtbegin crossing the border into Poland.
At 04.45 Central European Time, under cover of darkness, the German WW1-era battleship "Schleswig-Holstein" quietly slips her moorings at her wharf in Danzig harbor, drifts into the center of the channel, and commences firing on the fortress Westerplatte, a Polish army installation at the mouth of the port of Danzig, Poland. These are generally considered to be the opening shots of "'World War Two"'. Simultaneously, shock-troops of the German Wehrmacht begin crossing the border into Poland.

Wednesday, September 1, 1926

Lebanon under the French Mandate gets its first constitution, thereby becoming a republic. Charles Debbas is elected president.

Saturday, September 1, 1923

The Great Kantō earthquake devastates Tokyo and Yokohama, killing an estimated 142,807 people, but according to a Japanese construction research center report in 2005, 105,000 are confirmed dead.

Thursday, September 1, 1910

October ndash First publication of infrared photographs, by Professor Robert Williams Wood in the Royal Photographic Society Journal
The Vatican introduces a compulsory oath against modernism, to be taken by all priests upon ordination.

Friday, September 1, 1905

The Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan are established from the southwestern part of the Northwest Territories.

Wednesday, September 1, 1897

The Boston subway opens, becoming the first underground metro in North America.

Saturday, September 1, 1894

Great Hinckley Fire: A forest fire in Hinckley, Minnesota kills more than 450 people.

Wednesday, September 1, 1886

Grasshopper Club Zurich is founded as first football club in the City of Zurich.

Saturday, September 1, 1877

The Battle of Lovcha, third battle in the Siege of Plevna, is fought.

Wednesday, September 1, 1875

A murder conviction effectively forces the violent Irish anti-owner coal miners, the Molly Maguires, to disband.

Sunday, September 1, 1872

A group of Icaiche Maya under Marcos Canul attack Orange Walk Town in British Honduras the British send troops against them.

Thursday, September 1, 1864

American Civil War: Confederate General Hood evacuates Atlanta after a 4-month siege mounted by Union General Sherman.

Monday, September 1, 1862

American Civil War ndash Battle of Chantilly: Confederate General Robert E. Lee leads his forces in an attack on retreating Union troops in Chantilly, Virginia, driving them away.

Monday, September 1, 1856

Seton Hall University is founded by Archdiocese of Newark Bishop James Roosevelt Bayley, a cousin of U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt and nephew of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton.

Saturday, September 1, 1849

The first segment of the Pennsylvania Railroad, from Lewiston, Pennsylvania to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, opens for service.

Thursday, September 1, 1836

Rebuilding begins at the Synagogue of Rabbi Judah Hasid in Jerusalem.

Tuesday, September 1, 1807

Former U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr is acquitted of treason. He had been accused of plotting to annex parts of Louisiana and Mexico to become part of an independent republic.

Saturday, September 1, 1804

German astronomer K. L. Harding discovers the asteroid Juno.

Tuesday, September 1, 1772

Thursday, September 1, 1763

Wednesday, September 1, 1723

The Treaty of St. Petersburg is signed.

Sunday, September 1, 1715

King Louis XIV of France dies after a reign of 72 years, leaving his throne to his great-grandson Louis XV, who will reign for 58 years. Regent for the new, 5-year-old monarch is Philippe d'Orléans, nephew of Louis XIV.

Friday, September 1, 1713

Tuscarora War: The Carolina militia led by Colonel James Moore returns to South Carolina after mixed success in the caign against the Machapunga and Coree.

Sunday, September 1, 1675

September 2 ndash While Wanoags and Nipmucks attack Deerfield, Massachusetts, Captain Samuel Moseley commands Massachusetts troops in an attack on the Pennacook tribe.

Monday, September 1, 1670

September 5 ndash William Penn and William Mead are tried in London for preaching a Quaker sermon.

Thursday, September 1, 1644

English Civil War ndash Battle of Tippermuir: Montrose defeats Elcho's Covenanters, reviving the Royalist cause in Scotland.

Wednesday, September 1, 1632

A rebellion against French king Louis XIII is crushed at the Battle of Castelnaudary. The leader of the rebellion, Gaston, Duke of Orléans, the brother of Louis XIII, surrenders.

Friday, September 1, 1617

Weighing ceremony of Jahangir. Described by the first English ambassador to the Mughal court Sir Thomas Roe.

Monday, September 1, 1614

In England, Sir Julius Caesar becomes Master of the Rolls.

Sunday, September 1, 1591

HMS "Revenge" captured by the Spanish following battle near the Azores.
HMS \'\'Revenge\'\' captured by the Spanish following battle near the Azores.

Thursday, August 22, 1532 (Julianian calendar)

Lady Anne Boleyn is created Marquess of Pembroke by her fiancé, King Henry VIII of England.

Tuesday, August 23, 1435 (Julianian calendar)

Monday, August 24, 1355 (Julianian calendar)

Tvrtko I writes "in castro nostro Vizoka vocatum" from old town Visoki.
A small Scottish and French force invades Northumberland, loots the city of Berwick-upon-Tweed and defeats a small English force at the Battle of Nesbit Moor (1355).

Friday, August 24, 1347 (Julianian calendar)

King Phillip of France meets with the Estates General to ask for funds to further the war effort against the English
The Black Death reaches the French city of Marseilles
October ndash Ships arrive in southern Italy with the Black Plague
Pope Clement VI unites several of Rome's upper-class nobility, who drive Cola di Rienzo out of the city

Tuesday, August 25, 1271 (Julianian calendar)

The construction of Caerphilly Castle, the largest in Wales, is completed.
The County of Toulouse is returned to the crown of France.
Construction of the Belaya Vezha in Belarus is begun.
Marco Polo departs from Venice with his father and uncle on his famous journey to Kublai Khan's China.
Pope Gregory X succeeds Pope Clement IV as the 184th pope, as the compromise candidate between French and Italiancardinals, ending a 3-year conclave, the longest ever.

Monday, August 25, 1270 (Julianian calendar)

The "Summa Theologica", a work by Thomas Aquinas that is considered within the Roman Catholic Church to be the paramount expression of its theology, is completed (year uncertain).
December ndash Crucial aspects of the philosophy of Averroism (itself based on Aristotle's works) are banned by the Roman Catholic church in a condemnation enacted by papal authority at the University of Paris.
Witelo translates Alhazen's 200-year-old treatise on optics, "Kitab al-Manazir", from Arabic into Latin, bringing the work to European academic circles for the first time.
King Stephen V of Hungary writes his walk to the "antiquum castellum" near Miholjanec, where the Sword of Attila was recently discovered.
Construction of the Old New Synagogue in Prague is completed.
The cathedral on the Rock of Cashel in Ireland is completed.
The Sanskrit fables known as the "Panchatantra", dating from as early as 200 BCE, are translated into Latin from a Hebrew version by John of Capua.

Tuesday, August 25, 1181 (Julianian calendar)

Pope Lucius III succeeds Pope Alexander III as the 171st pope.

Friday, August 31, 462 (Julianian calendar)

Possible start of the first Byzantineindiction cycle.
The Statue of Zeus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, is destroyed by fire after being moved to Constantinople.
The "Daming" calendar is introduced in China by mathematician Zu Chongzhi (approximate date).
Emperor Leo I pays a large ransom for Licinia Eudoxia and Placidia. They return after seven years of captivity in Carthage.
The Monastery of Stoudios is founded near the Propontis (Turkey).
Source: Wikipedia