Unix Timestamp: 1251590400
Sunday, August 30. 2009, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter successfully completed aerobraking, and is preparing to enter a Sun synchronized science orbit at Mars. //www.space.com/missionlaunches/060830_mro_brake.html Space.com

Monday, August 30, 2004

September 2 ndash U.S. President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are renominated at the Republican National Convention in New York City.
Two suicide attacks on buses in Beer Sheva, Israel, kill at least 16 people and injure at least 60. Hamas claims responsibility for the attacks.
September ndash The Great Laxey Mine Railway of the Isle of Man is re-opened.
A woman commits a suicide attack near a subway station in northern Moscow, Russia, killing at least 10 people and injuring at least 50. Authorities hold Chechen rebels responsible.

Monday, August 30, 1999

East Timor voted for independence from Indonesia in a referendum.

Friday, August 30, 1996

Attempted raising of a 15-tonne section of the RMS Titanic failed as 1,700 spectators, including survivors of the wreck watched.
Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraqi forces launch an offensive into the northern No-Fly Zone and capture Arbil.
The Big 12 Conference is inaugurated with a football game between Kansas State University and Texas Tech University in Manhattan, Kansas.

Wednesday, August 30, 1995

The NATObombing caign against Serb artillery positions begins in Bosnia and Herzegovina, continuing into October. At the same time, ARBiH forces begin an offensive against the Bosnian Serb Army around Sarajevo, central Bosnia, and Bosnian Krajina.
The Fourth World Conference on Women opens in Beijing with over 4,750 delegates from 181 countries in attendance.
eBay is founded.
The DVD, an optical disccomputer storage media format, is announced.
The European Parliament elects the first European Ombudsman, Jacob Söderman, who takes up office in September 1995.

Monday, August 30, 1993

Norwegian parliamentary election, 1993: The Labour Party wins a plurality of the seats, and Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland retains office.
Russia completes removing its troops from Lithuania.
PLO leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin shake hands in Washington D.C., after signing a peace accord.

Sunday, August 30, 1992

The 11-day Ruby Ridge standoff ends with Randy Weaver surrendering to federal authorities.

Friday, August 30, 1991

Dissolution of the Soviet Union: Azerbaijan declares independence from Soviet Union.

Thursday, August 30, 1990

September 1–10 ndash Pope John Paul II visits Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, and Côte d'Ivoire.
Collapse of the Soviet Union: Azerbaijan declares independence from Soviet Union.

Thursday, August 30, 1984

"STS-41-D": The Space Shuttle "Discovery" takes off on its maiden voyage.

Tuesday, August 30, 1983

Guion Bluford becomes the first African-American in space aboard Space Shuttle ''Challenger'' on the STS-8 mission.
Guion Bluford becomes the first African-American in space aboard Space Shuttle "Challenger" on the STS-8 mission.

Monday, August 30, 1976

James Alexander George Smith Jags McCartney was sworn in as the first Chief Minister of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Friday, August 30, 1974

An express train bound for Germany from Belgradederails in Zagreb, Yugoslavia (now Croatia), killing more than 150 passengers.

Monday, August 30, 1971

The Progressive Conservatives under Peter Lougheed defeat the Social Credit government under Harry E. Strom in a general election, ending 36 years of uninterrupted power for Social Credit in Alberta.
Qatar gains independence from the United Kingdom. Unlike most nearby emirates, Qatar declines to become part of either the United Arab Emirates or Saudi Arabia.
Manlio Brosio resigns as NATO Secretary General.

Wednesday, August 30, 1967

Thurgood Marshall is confirmed as the first African American Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Tuesday, August 30, 1966

While waiting at a bus stop, Ralph Baer an inventor with Sanders Associates, writes a four-page document which lays out the basic principles for creating a video game to be played on a television: the beginning of a multi billion dollar industry.
98 British tourists die in an air crash in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia.
United Nations Secretary-GeneralU Thant declares that he will not seek re-election, because U.N. efforts in Vietnam have failed.
France offers independence to French Somaliland.

Saturday, August 30, 1958

September 1Notting Hill race riots: Riots between blacks and whites in Notting Hill, London.

Saturday, August 30, 1952

The last Finnish war reparations are sent to the Soviet Union.

Saturday, August 30, 1947

A fire at a movie theater in Rueil, a suburb of Paris, France kills 87 people.

Sunday, August 30, 1942

Luxembourg is formally annexed to the German Reich.

Friday, August 30, 1940

September ndash The U.S. Army 45th Infantry Division (previously a National Guard Division in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Oklahoma), is activated and ordered into federal service for 1 year, to engage in a training program in Ft. Sill and Louisiana, prior to serving in WWII.
Second Vienna Award: Germany and Italy compel Romania to cede half of Transylvania to Hungary.

Wednesday, August 30, 1939

Poland begins a mobilization against Nazi Germany.

Thursday, August 30, 1923

Hurricane season begins, with a tropical storm northeast of Turks and Caicos.

Saturday, August 30, 1902

In Martinique, Mount Pelée erupts again, destroying the town of Morne-Rouge causing 1000 deaths.

Friday, August 30, 1889

August ndash The Jewish Settlement of Moisés Ville is founded in Argentina.
Official opening of Royal Mail Mount Pleasant Sorting Office in London.

Saturday, August 30, 1856

Battle of Osawatomie: Proslavery forces defeat antislavery forces in Bleeding Kansas.

Tuesday, August 30, 1836

The city of Houston, Texas, is founded.

Friday, August 30, 1799

Anglo-Russian invasion of Holland: Vlieter Incident: A squadron of the Batavian Republic's navy, commanded by Rear-Admiral Samuel Story, surrenders to the British Royal Navy under Sir Ralph Abercromby and Admiral Sir Charles Mitchell near Wieringen without joining action.

Thursday, August 30, 1781

American Revolution: A French fleet under Comte de Grasse enters Chesapeake Bay, cutting British General Charles Cornwallis off from escape by sea.

Saturday, August 30, 1760

Seven Years' War ndash Battle of Legnica: By a series of brilliant maneuvers, Frederick the Great manages to defeat the Austrian army of Marshal Laudon before it can unite with that of Marshal Daun.

Saturday, August 30, 1727

Anne, eldest daughter of King George II of Great Britain, is given the title Princess Royal.

Wednesday, August 30, 1673

Leopold I, Spain, Netherlands and the Lutherans form an anti-French covenant.

Friday, August 20, 1574 (Julianian calendar)

Guru Ram Das becomes the Fourth Sikh Guru/Master.

Tuesday, August 21, 1464 (Julianian calendar)

In China, a small rebellion occurs in the interior province of Huguang, during the Ming Dynasty a subsequent rebellion springs up in Guangxi, where a rebellion of the Miao people and Yao people forces the Ming throne to respond by sending 30,000 troops (including 1,000 Mongol cavalry) to aid the 160,000 local troops stationed in the region to crush the rebellion that will end in 1466.
Pope Pius II himself shoulders the cross of the Crusader. Pope Pius II named Skanderbeg general captain of the Holy See. Skanderbeg was given the title Athleta Christi. This plan forced Skanderbeg to break his 10 year peace treaty with the Ottomans signed in 1463, by attacking the Turkish forces near Ohrid.
Jehan Lagadeuc writes a Breton-French-Latin dictionary called the "Catholicon". It's the first French dictionary as well as the first Breton dictionary of world history, and it will be published in 1499.
Pope Paul II succeeds Pope Pius II as the 211th pope.

Tuesday, August 21, 1436 (Julianian calendar)

Afonso Gonçalves Baldaia becomes the first to explore the western coast of Africa past the Tropic of Cancer.
In Ming Dynasty China, a significant portion of the southern grain tax is commuted to payments in silver, known as the Gold Floral Silver ("jinhuayin"). This comes about due to officials' and military generals' increasing demands to be paid in silver instead of grain, as commercial transactions draw more silver into nationwide circulation. Some counties have trouble transporting all the required grain to meet their tax as, so it makes sense to pay the government in silver, a medium of exchange that is already abundant amongst landowners through their own private commercial affairs.
Alexandru I Aldea is replaced as ruler of Wallachia by Vlad II Dracul.
Date of the Visokom papers, the last direct sources on the old town of Visoki.
The Bosnian language is first mentioned in a document.
The Florentine polymath Leon Battista Alberti begins writing the treatise "On Painting", in which he argues for the importance of mathematical perspective in the creation of three-dimensional vision on a two-dimensional plane. This follows the ideas of Massacio and his concepts of linear perspective and vanishing point in artwork.
In Ming DynastyChina, the inauguration of the Zhengtong Emperor takes place.
Brunelleschi's Dome at Florence Cathedral is dedicated.

Saturday, August 21, 1428 (Julianian calendar)

Emperor Go-Hanazono accedes to the throne of Japan.

Tuesday, August 22, 1363 (Julianian calendar)

Bosnian nobles revolt against the occupying Serbs.
Magnus IV, King of Sweden, is deposed by Albert of Mecklenburg.
The Byzantine Empire wins a naval battle over the Ottoman Empire near Megara, Greece.
An uprising occurs against the Venetian rulers in Crete.
Dmitri Donskoi, ruler of Moscow, dethrones Dmitri Konstantinovich as ruler of Vladimir.
October 4 ndash the Battle of Lake Poyang is fought between the Dahan rebel forces of Chen Youliang and the Red Turban Rebel forces of Zhu Yuanzhang on Lake Poyang, during the final decade of Yuan Dynasty control over China. Zhu's naval forces of 200,000 are pitted against Chen's naval forces of 650,000 troops in what is not only the largest naval battle of the medieval age, but also one of the largest naval battles in history.
Philip the Bold becomes duke of Burgundy.

Thursday, August 23, 1100 (Julianian calendar)

after the failure of the Council of Liubech in 1097, the Congress of Vytechev establishes the peace and the feudal system in Kievan Rus, the princes come to an agreement to share the country between them and Sviatopolk II of Kiev becomes the first Grand Prince.

Friday, August 28, 526 (Julianian calendar)

Pope John I returns to Ravenna from Constantinople. Theodoric the Great finds that he has been only partly successful in persuading the Byzantine emperorJustin I to withdraw his edict against ArianChristianity, and throws the pope into prison.
King Theodoric the Great dies of dysentery at Ravenna his daughter Amalasuntha takes power as regent for her 10-year old son Athalaric.
Amalaric, age 24, becomes king of the Visigoths and assumes full royal power.
Probably between May 20 and May 29 ndash An earthquake kills approximately 250,000 people in Syria and Antioch.
Amalasuntha rules the Ostrogothic Kingdom that extends throughout the Italian Peninsula, Sicily, Illyricum (modern Dalmatia), Corsica and Sardinia.
Roman–Persian Wars: King Kavad I, assisted by his Arabian vassal, Al-Mundhir III, begins a caign in the Transcaucasus region and Upper Mesopotamia.

Sunday, August 29, 314 (Julianian calendar)

Synod of Ancyra: Consulting a magician is declared a sin earning five years of penance.
Alexander becomes Bishop of Byzantium.
Council of Arles: Confirms the pronouncement of Donatism as a schism, and passes other canons.

Sunday, August 30, 257

Valerian's persecution of Christians begins: his edict orders bishops and priests to sacrifice according to the pagan rituals, and prohibits Christians, under penalty of death, from meeting at the tombs of their deceased.
Pope Sixtus II succeeds Pope Stephen I as the 24th pope.
Source: Wikipedia