Unix Timestamp: 1241308800
Sunday, May 3. 2009, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Over 133,000 in Burma/Myanmar are killed by Cyclone Nargis, the deadliest natural disaster since the Boxing Day Tsunami in 2004.
Microsoft withdraws its bid for Yahoo! after the two companies fail to reach agreement on a price. //www.nytimes.com/2008/05/04/technology/04soft.html ("The New York Times")

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Madeleine McCann disappears from her hotel room in Praia da Luz, Portugal.
British child Madeleine McCann disappears from an apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

At least 32 people are killed and 9 others injured when 3 two-story buildings in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore collapse after gas cylinders stored in one of them explode.

Saturday, May 3, 2003

New Hshire's famous landmark rock formation, the Old Man of the Mountain, collapses overnight.
The Old Man of the Mountain, a rock formation in New Hshire, crumbles after heavy rain.

Wednesday, May 3, 2000

Computer pioneer Datapoint Corporation files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Saturday, May 3, 1997

Katrina and the Waves win the Eurovision Song Contest 1997 for the UK with Love Shine a Light, the most successful Eurovision entry ever.

Tuesday, May 3, 1977

The Likud Party, led by Menachem Begin, wins the national elections in Israel.
The 1977 IAS Cargo Boeing 707 airplane crash in Lusaka, Zambia kills all six on board.
Scientists report using bacteria in a lab to make insulin via gene splicing.
In Milan, Italy, during a far-left demonstration, a hooded person shoots at the police, killing a policeman, Antonio Custra. The scene was photographed and the picture//img135.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=32481_2_122_540lo.jpg Im135.imageavenue.com of the hooded man shooting in the middle of the street appears in many magazines around the world.
Moluccan terrorists take over a school in Bovensmilde, northern Netherlands (105 hostages), and a passenger train on the Bovensmilde-Assen route nearby (90 hostages) at the same time. On June 11, Dutch Royal Marines storm the train, and six terrorists and two hostages are killed.

Thursday, May 3, 1973

Sunderland AFC defeats Leeds United A.F.C. in the FA Cup final.
The Sears Tower in Chicago is finished, becoming the world's tallest building at 1,451 feet.
Led Zeppelin plays before 56,800 persons at Ta Stadium (breaking the attendance record of 55,600 set by The Beatles at Shea Stadium on August 15, 1965) on the band's 1973 North American Tour.
Shambu Tamang becomes the youngest person to climb to the summit of Mount Everest. !confirmed in Shambu Tamang

Friday, May 3, 1968

Braniff Flight 352 crashes near Dawson, Texas killing all 85 persons on board.

Tuesday, May 3, 1966

Swinging Radio England and Britain Radio commence broadcasting on AM, with a combined potential 100,000 watts, from the same ship anchored off the south coast of England in international waters.

Thursday, May 3, 1962

160 die in a triple-train disaster near Tokyo.

Friday, May 3, 1957

Brooklyn Dodgers owner Walter O'Malley agrees to move the team from Brooklyn, New York, to Los Angeles
Operation Grapple: At Malden Island in the Pacific, Britain tests its first hydrogen bomb, which fails to detonate properly.
Stanley Matthews plays his final international game, ending an English record international career of almost 23 years.
Brooklyn Dodgers owner Walter O'Malley agrees to move the team from Brooklyn, New York, to Los Angeles

Saturday, May 3, 1952

U.S. lieutenant colonels Joseph O. Fletcher and William P. Benedict land a plane at the geographic North Pole.

Saturday, May 3, 1947

The new post-war Japanese constitution goes into effect.

Thursday, May 3, 1945

Rocket scientist Wernher von Braun and 120 members of his team surrender to U.S. forces (later going on to help to start the U.S. space program).
The prison ships "Cap Arcona", "Thielbek" and "Deutschland" are sunk by the RAF in Lübeck Bay.
German Protestant theologian Gerhard Kittel is arrested by the French forces in Tübingen, Germany.

Thursday, May 3, 1928

Jinan Incident, an armed conflict between the Japanese Imperial Army allied with Northern Chinese warlords against the Kuomintang's southern army, occurs in Jinan, China.

Monday, May 3, 1926

the coal miners are locked-out in Britain.

Saturday, May 3, 1924

The Aleph Zadik Aleph, the oldest Jewish youth fraternity, is founded in Omaha, Nebraska.

Monday, May 3, 1920

Treaty of Moscow (1920): Soviet Russia recognizes independence of the Democratic Republic of Georgia only to invade the country six months later.
Mexican Revolution: Venustiano Carranza leaves Mexico City in a large train.
Polish–Soviet War: Polish troops occupy Kiev. The government of the Ukrainian People's Republic returns to the city.

Monday, May 3, 1915

Saturday, May 3, 1913

"Raja Harishchandra", the first full-length Indian feature film is released, marking the beginning of the Indian film industry.

Wednesday, May 3, 1899

Ferencvárosi TC football club is founded.

Tuesday, May 3, 1887

Saturday, May 3, 1856

Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom gives Norfolk Island to the population of the colony at Pitcairn Island.

Monday, May 3, 1841

New Zealand becomes a British colony.ref name=Pocket On This Day

Wednesday, May 3, 1815

Battle of Tolentino: Austria defeats the Kingdom of Naples, which quickly ends the Neapolitan War. Joachim Murat, the defeated King of Naples, is forced to flee to Corsica and is later executed.

Tuesday, May 3, 1814

The Duke of Provence, the future Louis XVIII of France, returns to Paris.

Thursday, May 3, 1810

Lord Byron swims across the Hellespont in Turkey.ref name=Pocket On This Day

Tuesday, May 3, 1791

The Sejm of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth proclaims the Constitution of May 3, 1791, the first modern codified constitution in Europe.

Friday, May 3, 1715

A total solar eclipse is seen across southern England, Sweden and Finland (the last total eclipse visible in London, UK for almost 900 years).

Monday, May 3, 1683

Sultan Mehmed IV enters Belgrade.

Tuesday, May 3, 1616

The Treaty of Loudun is signed, ending a series of rebellions in France.

Friday, April 23, 1512 (Julianian calendar)

Thursday, April 24, 1494 (Julianian calendar)

Sunday, April 24, 1491 (Julianian calendar)

The ruler of the Kingdom of Kongo, Nkuwu Nzinga, is baptised by Portuguese missionaries, adopting the baptismal name of João I.
November ndash Perkin Warbeck begins a caign to take the English throne with a landing in Ireland.ref name=CBH

Tuesday, April 24, 1481 (Julianian calendar)

Mehmed II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire dies and is succeeded by his son Bayezid II.

Friday, April 25, 1376 (Julianian calendar)

Olav IV Haakonsson is elected King Oluf II of Denmark, following the death of his grandfather, Valdemar IV, in 1375.

Friday, April 26, 1297 (Julianian calendar)

Near Rome, Stefano Colonna captures the treasure sent by the Caetani familly to the pope.ref name=Vigueur 2010

Thursday, April 26, 1117 (Julianian calendar)

The earliest use of a compass for navigational purposes is recorded.
Merton Priory (Thomas Becket School) is consecrated.

Tuesday, April 28, 996 (Julianian calendar)

Pope Gregory V succeeds Pope John XV as the 138th pope. He was 24-year-old Bruno of Carinthia, grandson of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor and first cousin of Otto III. He is the first German Pope.

Friday, April 30, 678 (Julianian calendar)

When the Japanese Emperor and the officers are about to leave for the Abstinence-palace at the hour of sunrise, Princess Tōchi suddenly takes ill and dies within the Palace. For this reason the Emperor is unable to proceed. No Sacrifice to the Gods of Heaven and Earth results in take place.
Source: Wikipedia