Unix Timestamp: 1240358400
Wednesday, April 22. 2009, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Transocean oil platform "Deepwater Horizon" sinks into the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana after an explosion two days earlier that injured 7, with 11 still missing. //www.foxnews.com/us/2010/04/22/transocean-rig-reportedly-sinks-louisiana-coast/ (Fox News)
The Euro falls to near year-low levels amid concerns about Greece's debt crisis. //www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601085sid=aK.BjXdNJYhg (Bloomberg)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Surgeons at London's Moorfields Eye Hospital perform the first operations using bionic eyes, implanting them into 2 blind patients.

Monday, April 22, 2002

At a special session of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Director-General Jose Bustani is fired.

Saturday, April 22, 2000

In a predawn raid, federal agents seize 6-year old Elián González from his relatives' home in Miami, Florida and fly him to his Cuban father in Washington, DC, ending one of the most publicized custody battles in U.S. history.
In a predawn raid, federal agents seize six-year old Elián González from his relatives' home in Miami, Florida, and fly him to his Cuban father in Washington, DC, ending one of the most publicized custody battles in US history.

Wednesday, April 22, 1992

Fuel that leaked into a sewer explodes in Guadalajara, Mexico 215 are killed, 1,500 injured.

Friday, April 22, 1983

Reactor shut-down due to failure of fuel rods at Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, Russia

Sunday, April 22, 1979

The Albert Einstein Memorial is unveiled at The National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC.

Friday, April 22, 1977

Optical fiber is first used to carry live telephone traffic.

Saturday, April 22, 1972

Sylvia Cook and John Fairfax finish rowing across the Pacific.

Wednesday, April 22, 1970

The first Earth Day is celebrated in the U.S.

Tuesday, April 22, 1969

Robin Knox-Johnston becomes the first person to sail around the world solo without stopping.

Monday, April 22, 1963

Saturday, April 22, 1961

Algiers putsch: Four French generals who oppose de Gaulle's policies in Algeria fail in a coup attempt.

Wednesday, April 22, 1959

Recording sessions for the influential jazz album Kind of Blue by Miles Davis take place at Columbia's 30th Street Studio in New York City.

Thursday, April 22, 1954

SenatorJoseph McCarthy begins hearings investigating the United States Army for being soft on Communism.

Thursday, April 22, 1943

Albert Hofmann writes his first report about the hallucinogenic properties of "LSD" (which he first synthesized in 1938).

Sunday, April 22, 1934

John Dillinger and two others shoot their way out of an FBIambush in northern Wisconsin.

Wednesday, April 22, 1931

Tuesday, April 22, 1930

The United Kingdom, Japan and the United States sign the London Naval Treaty regulating submarine warfare and limiting shipbuilding.

Sunday, April 22, 1928

An earthquake destroys 200,000 buildings in Corinth.

Friday, April 22, 1927

May 5 ndash The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 strikes 700,000 people in the greatest natural disaster in American history at that time.
May ndash Philo Farnsworth of the United States transmits his first experimental electronictelevision pictures, as opposed to mechanical TV systems that others had tried before.
João Ribeiro de Barros becomes the first non-European to make a transatlantic flight, from Genoa, Italy, to Fernando de Noronha, Brazil.
The Carabineros de Chile (Chilean national police force and gendarmery) are created.

Saturday, April 22, 1922

The Lambda Chapter of the Joe Whelan Sorority, Incorporated (the first chapter of a black sorority in New York State) is chartered.

Saturday, April 22, 1916

The Chinese steamer ship "Hsin Yu" capsizes off the Chinese coast at least 1,000 are killed.

Thursday, April 22, 1915

WWI: Start of Second Battle of Ypres. First use of poison gas on the western Front.

Sunday, April 22, 1900

Battle of Kousséri: French forces secure their domination of Chad. Warlord Rabih az-Zubayr is defeated and killed.

Friday, April 22, 1898

Spanish-American War: The United States Navy begins a blockade of Cuban ports and the USS "Nashville" captures a Spanish merchant ship.
Spanish-American War: The United States Navy begins a blockade of Cuban ports and the USS ''Nashville'' captures a Spanish merchant ship.

Monday, April 22, 1895

Gongche Shangshu movement: 603 candidates sign a 10,000-word petition against the Treaty of Shimonoseki.

Monday, April 22, 1889

At high noon in Oklahoma Territory, thousands rush to claim land in the Land Run of 1889. Within hours the cities of Oklahoma City and Guthrie are formed, with populations of at least 10,000.

Tuesday, April 22, 1884

German protectorate in South-West Africa.
The Colchester earthquake, England, the UK's most destructive, occurs.

Friday, April 22, 1864

The U.S. Congress passes the Coinage Act of 1864 which mandates that the inscription In God We Trust be placed on all coins minted as United States currency.

Friday, April 22, 1836

Texas Revolution: Forces under Texas General Sam Houston capture Mexican General Antonio López de Santa Anna.

Saturday, April 22, 1809

The Swiss canton of Aargau denies Jews citizenship.
Mary Kies is the first American woman to be awarded a patent.
Battle of Eckmühl: French troops under Napoleon I and Marshal Davout defeat the Austrians under Archduke Charles.

Monday, April 22, 1793

Tuesday, April 22, 1659

Tuesday, April 22, 1597

The vicar on Ven is dismissed: he had followed Tycho's orders not to perform an exorcism.

Monday, April 12, 1529 (Julianian calendar)

The Treaty of Saragossa divides the eastern hemisphere between Spain and Portugal, stipulating that the dividing line should lie 297.5 leagues or 17° east of the Moluccas.
MayndashJuly ndash Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, Archbishop of York, presides over a legatine court at Blackfriars, London, to rule on the legality of King Henry VIII of England's marriage to Catherine of Aragon.ref name=CBH

Sunday, April 12, 1500 (Julianian calendar)

Portuguese navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral officially discovers Brazil and claims the land for Portugal. He has 13 vessels with him.

Thursday, April 14, 1345 (Julianian calendar)

May – Turks led by Umur Bey sail from Asia Minor to the Balkan Peninsula and raid Bulgarian territory.ref name=Ioannes Cantacuzenus p.530Ioannes Cantacuzenus. Historiarum... 2, p.530
Battle of Gamenario: The Lombards defeat the Angevins in the northwest region of present-day Italy, just southeast of Turin.

Monday, April 15, 1275 (Julianian calendar)

The first Statute of Westminster is passed by the English Parliament, establishing a series of laws in its 51 clauses, including equal treatment of rich and poor, free and fair elections, and definition of bailable and non-bailable offenses.

Friday, April 15, 1216 (Julianian calendar)

Battle of Lipitsa: Mstislav the Daring and Konstantin of Rostov defeat their rivals for the rule of the Principality of Vladimir-Suzdal.

Tuesday, April 16, 1073 (Julianian calendar)

Pope Gregory VII (Cardinal Hildebrand) succeeds Pope Alexander II as the 157th pope.

Sunday, April 20, 536 (Julianian calendar)

Extreme weather events, thought to have been caused by an extensive veil of dust in the atmosphere, begin in the Northern Hemisphere. They continue until the following year, causing unseasonal weather and crop faillure worldwide.
Anthimus I is deposed as patriarch of Constantinople in favour of Menas.
Pope Agapetus I dies in Constantinople after a reign of just ten months. He is succeeded by Silverius as the 58th pope.
The Little Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (begun in 527) is completed.

Wednesday, April 22, 296

Pope Caius dies at Rome after a 13-year reign and is succeeded by Pope Marcellinus as the 29th pope.

Sunday, April 22, 238

Year of the Six Emperors: The Senate outlaws Maximinus for his bloodthirsty proscriptions in Rome and nominates two of its members, Pupienus and Balbinus, to the throne.
Maximinus advances to the town Aquileia in northern Italy, his army suffers from famine and disease, while the city is besieged. Soldiers of Legio II \\'\\'Parthica\\'\\' killed him in his tent, along with his son Maximinus (who is appointed co-emperor). Their corpses are decapitated and their heads carried to Rome.
Source: Wikipedia