Unix Timestamp: 1240185600
Monday, April 20. 2009, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Deepwater Horizon oil platformexplodes in the Gulf of Mexico, killing eleven workers. The resulting Horizon oil spill, one of the largest in history, spreads for several months, damaging the waters and the United States coastline, and prompting international debate and doubt about the practice and procedures of offshore drilling.
The Transocean-owned oil rig Deepwater Horizon explodes, leaking about 4,900,000 barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. At least seven people were injured and over a dozen were missing at sea. //www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36683314 ("MSNBC")

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Iran announces a deal with Russia, involving a joint uranium enrichment firm on Russian soil 9 days later Iran announces that it will not move all activity to Russia, thus leading to a de-facto termination of the deal.
May – Human Genome Project publishes the last chromosome sequence, in "Nature".

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

An earthquake (5.8 on the Richter scale) hits Fukuoka and Kasuga, Fukuoka, Prefecture, Japan, injuring 56.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

In Iraq, 12 mortars are fired on Abu Ghraib Prison by insurgents 22 detainees are killed and 92 wounded. //www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2004-04-20-iraq_x.htm

Tuesday, April 20, 1999

Columbine High School massacre: Two Littleton, Colorado teenagers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, open fire on their teachers and classmates, killing 12 students and 1 teacher, and then themselves.

Wednesday, April 20, 1994

Paul Touvier is found guilty of ordering the execution of 7 Jews when he served in the Vichy FranceMilice.

Thursday, April 20, 1989

Noboru Takeshita resigns as Prime Minister of Japan in the wake of a stock-trading scandal.
NATO debates modernising short range missiles although the U.S. and U.K. are in favour, West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl obtains a concession deferring a decision.
Zaid al-Rifai resigns as Prime Minister of Jordan in the wake of riots over government imposed price hikes that began on April 18.
The term of Baginda Almutawakkil Alallah Sultan Iskandar Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail as the 8th Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia ends.
Motorola introduces the Motorola MicroTAC Personal Cellular Telephone, then the world's smallest mobile phone.
Zaid ibn Shaker succeeds Zaid al-Rifai as Prime Minister of Jordan.
Students from Beijing, Shanghai, Xian, and Nanjing begin protesting in Tiananmen Square.

Friday, April 20, 1979

President Jimmy Carter is attacked by a sw rabbit while fishing in his hometown of Plains, Georgia, USA.

Friday, April 20, 1973

An Indian Pacific train en route to Perth, derails near Broken Hill, New South Wales, destroying a quarter mile of track.

Saturday, April 20, 1963

In Quebec, Canada, members of the terrorist group Front de libération du Québec, bomb a Canadian Army recruitment center, killing night watchman Wilfred V. O'Neill.

Friday, April 20, 1962

May ndash The Hulk debuts with "The Incredible Hulk" #1 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
New Orleans Citizens Co gives free 1-way ride to blacks to move North.
Dayton Hudson Corporation opens the first of its Target discount stores in Roseville, Minnesota.
Norwich City wins the English League Cup, beating Rochdale in the final.

Thursday, April 20, 1961

Fidel Castro announces that the Bay of Pigs invasion has been defeated.

Sunday, April 20, 1958

Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley cup after a defeating the Boston Bruins in 6 games.

Wednesday, April 20, 1949

The Royal Navyfrigate\\'\\'Amethyst\\'\\' goes up the Yangtze River to evacuate British Commonwealth refugees escaping the advance of Mao's Communist forces. Under heavy fire, she grounds off Rose Island. After an abortive rescue attempt on April 26, she anchors 10 miles upstream. Negotiations with the Communists to let the ship leave drag on for weeks.
The Royal Navy frigate "Amethyst" goes up the Yangtze River to evacuate British Commonwealth refugees escaping the advance of Mao's Communist forces. Under heavy fire, she grounds off Rose Island. After an abortive rescue attempt on April 26, she anchors 10 miles upstream. Negotiations with the Communists to let the ship leave drag on for weeks.

Thursday, April 20, 1939

Billie Holiday records Strange Fruit, the first anti-lynching song.

Tuesday, April 20, 1937

A fire in an elementary school in Kilingi-Nõmme, Estonia, kills seventeen students and injures fifty.

Monday, April 20, 1925

Scopes Trial: Dayton, Tennessee, biology teacher John Scopes is arrested for teaching Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
The General Election Law is passed in Japan.
Iranian forces of Rezā Shāh occupy Ahwaz, and arrest Sheikh Khaz'al.

Thursday, April 20, 1916

The Chicago Cubs play their first game at Weeghman Park (currently Wrigley Field), defeating the Cincinnati Reds 7–6 in 11 innings.

Monday, April 20, 1914

Colorado coalfield Massacre or Ludlow Massacre: The Colorado National Guard attacks a tent colony of 1,200 striking coal miners in Ludlow, Colorado, killing 24 people.

Wednesday, April 20, 1910

Comet Halley is visible from Earth.

Wednesday, April 20, 1887

Occidental College is founded.

Saturday, April 20, 1878

The Stawell Gift is run for the first time.

Thursday, April 20, 1871

U.S President Ulysses S. Grant signs the Civil Rights Act.

Monday, April 20, 1863

American Civil War ndash The Battle of Washington ends inconclusively in Beaufort County, North Carolina.

Saturday, April 20, 1861

American Civil War: Robert E. Lee resigns his commission in the United States Army in order to command the forces of the state of Virginia.

Wednesday, April 20, 1859

"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens is published.

Sunday, April 20, 1851

Ramón Castilla loses power in Peru.

Sunday, April 20, 1845

Ramón Castilla becomes president of Peru.
May ndash Frederick Douglass's "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" written by himself is published by the Boston Anti-Slavery Society.

Wednesday, April 20, 1836

The Territory of Wisconsin is created.

Friday, April 20, 1792

France declares war against Austria.

Friday, April 20, 1770

Georgian king Erekle II defeats Persians in battle of Aspindza, though Russian General Totleben betrays him.

Tuesday, April 20, 1751

The future King George III of the United Kingdom succeeds his father as heir-apparent to the British throne (later that year, he's named Prince of Wales). His mother Augusta of Saxe-Gotha becomes DowagerPrincess of Wales.

Monday, April 20, 1744

Battle of Villafranca (1744): A joint French and Spanish force defeats Britain and Sardinia.

Sunday, April 20, 1653

Oliver Cromwell expels the Rump Parliament in England.

Friday, April 12, 1303 (Julianian calendar)

Sunday, April 13, 1298 (Julianian calendar)

beginning of the Rintfleisch-Pogrom, the Jews of Röttingen are burned en masse, other Jewish communities destroyed later in the year

Wednesday, April 16, 850 (Julianian calendar)

Saturday, April 19, 363 (Julianian calendar)

The Council of Laodicea, which deals with constricting the conduct of church members, is held. The major canon approved by this council is Canon 29, which prohibits resting on the Sabbath (Saturday), restricting Christians to honoring the Lord on Sunday.
Source: Wikipedia