Unix Timestamp: 1228953600
Thursday, December 11. 2008, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Moon moves into its nearest point to Earth, called perigee, at the same time as its fullest phase of the Lunar Cycle. The Moon appears to be 14% bigger and 30% brighter than the year's other full moons. The next time these two events coincide will be in 2016.ref name=Bewerewolves: Fullest Moon in 15 Years Tonight
Bernard Madoff is arrested by U.S. federal authorities on charges of running a massive decades-long Ponzi scheme swindling thousands of investors - the largest financial fraud in history.
Switzerland becomes the 25th European country to join the Schengen Agreement, whereby cross-border passport checks will be abolished.ref name=Swiss accession
Source: Wikipedia