Unix Timestamp: 1218758400
Friday, August 15. 2008, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Michael Phelps of the United States wins his sixth gold medal of the Beijing Olympics in the men’s 200 metres individual medley setting a new world record. //www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/olympics/article4536961.ece ("The Times")
Pushpa Kamal Dahal (known as Prachanda) is sworn in as the first Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, after the Nepalese monarchy was abolished in May.
The Nepalese Constituent Assembly elects former Maoist rebel Prachanda as the first first Prime Minister of Nepal as a republic. //www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/08/16/2337302.htm (BBC News via ABC Australia)
Source: Wikipedia