Unix Timestamp: 1217203200
Monday, July 28. 2008, 12:00:00 AM UTC

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Suicide bombers target Kurdish political protesters in Kirkuk and Shiite pilgrims in Baghdad killing at least 48 people and wounding 249. //www.nytimes.com/2008/07/29/world/middleeast/29iraq.html ("The New York Times")
Navanethem Pillay is appointed to succeed Louise Arbour as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. //afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5h3C0ikKsXshEwk-iFlaPizYmQCdg (AFP via Google News)
A total eclipse of the Sun is visible from Canada and extends across northern Greenland, the Arctic, central Russia, Mongolia, and China.
At least 48 are dead and over 287 injured after bombs explode in Baghdad and Kirkuk, Iraq.
George Tupou V is crowned as the new King of Tonga, an event that had been delayed for over two years following the 2006 Nuku'alofa riots.
Source: Wikipedia